List of stars in Aries explained

This is the list of notable stars in the constellation Aries, sorted by decreasing brightness.

Dist. (ly)Sp. classNotes
α 13 12929 9884 2.01 0.48 66 K2III Hamal, Hemal, Hamul, Ras Hammel, El Nath; suspected, ; has a planet
β 6 11636 8903 2.64 1.33 60 A5V... Sheratan, Sharatan, Al Sharatain; suspected variable,
c 41 17573 13209 3.61 0.16 159 B8Vn Bharani; suspected variable,
δ 57 19787 14838 4.35 0.79 168 K2IIIvar Botein, Nir al Botain, Lucida Ventris,[1] part of Al Buṭain;[2] [3] suspected variable,
20644 15549 4.47 −2.00 640 K2II-III
39 17361 13061 4.52 0.80 181 K1III Lilii Borea
γ2 5 11503 4.62 1.11 164.0 kA0hA3(IV)SiSr Mesarthim, Mesartim; ;,
35 16908 12719 4.65 −0.62 370 B3V
γ1 5 11502 8832 4.70 1.19 164.0 B9.5IV component of the γ Ari system
λ 9 11973 9153 4.79 1.73 133 F0V binary star
ζ 58 20150 15110 4.87 −0.22 340 A1V part of Al Buṭain
14 13174 10053 4.98 0.02 320 F2III
κ 12 12869 9836 5.03 1.23 187 A2m
ι 8 11909 9110 5.09 −1.44 659 K1p... spectroscopic binary
τ2 63 20893 15737 5.10 0.15 319 K3III
38 UV 17093 12832 5.18 2.26 125 A7III-IV ,
A ε 48 18519 5.2 0.16 332 A2Vs part of Al Buṭain; binary star
η 17 13555 10306 5.23 2.84 98 F5V
π 42 17543 13165 5.26 −1.07 603 B6V part of Al Buṭain; spectroscopic binary
τ1 61 20756 15627 5.27 −0.49 462 B5IV triple star system;
33 16628 12489 5.30 1.03 233 A3V
ν 32 16432 12332 5.45 0.32 346 A7V
52 19134 14376 5.45 0.00 402 B7Vn binary star
ξ 24 14951 11249 5.48 −0.85 603 B7IV variable star,
B ε 48 18519 13914 5.5 0.46 332 A2Vs component of the ε Ari system
64 21017 15861 5.50 1.26 230 K4III
σ 43 17769 13327 5.52 −0.32 479 B7V
62 20825 15696 5.55 −1.82 973 G5III
21 13872 10535 5.57 2.16 157 F6V
θ 22 14191 10732 5.58 0.21 387 A1Vn
ρ3 46 18256 13702 5.58 2.83 115 F6V part of Al Buṭain; suspected
20149 15154 5.61 −0.01 434 A1Vs
10 12558 9621 5.64 2.02 172 F8IV
31 16234 12153 5.64 2.91 115 F7V
19270 14439 5.64 0.69 319 K3III
15 AV 13325 10155 5.68 −0.87 665 M3III ,
19 13596 10328 5.72 −0.38 541 M0III suspected variable,
μ 34 16811 12640 5.74 0.66 338 A0V
55 19548 14677 5.74 −1.96 1128 B8III
7 RR 11763 8993 5.76 −0.26 522 K1III not variable
ρ2 45 RZ 18191 13654 5.76 0.30 403 M6IIIvar semiregular variable,
ο 37 17036 12803 5.78 −0.07 482 B9Vn
56 SX 19832 14893 5.78 0.50 371 B9p Si prototype,
20 13871 10540 5.79 2.77 131 F6IV-V
47 18404 13834 5.80 3.29 104 F5IV suspected variable
1 11154 8544 5.83 −0.40 574 K1III+... binary star
40 17459 13108 5.83 −0.11 502 K1III
4 10982 8387 5.86 1.14 287 B9.5V
15524 11670 5.88 2.34 166 F6IV
12139 9307 5.89 0.45 399 K0III-IV
(16) VZ 17471 13121 5.89 0.14 460 A0V 16 Trianguli;,
1 11155 5.90 component of the 1 Ari system
49 18769 14109 5.91 1.82 214 A3m suspected variable,
59 20618 15514 5.91 1.91 205 G8IV
(54) 11257 8588 5.93 2.77 139 F2Vw suspected variable,
18700 14036 5.93 0.27 441 K6
13522 10296 5.96 −0.23 565 K0
12479 9533 5.97 −1.10 845 M2III suspected variable
19698 14764 5.97 −0.05 522 B8V
29 15814 11843 6.00 3.71 94 F8V
11 12885 9859 6.01 −1.75 1160 B9IV-Vn
16 13363 10203 6.01 −0.94 801 K4III
19637 14748 6.02 0.54 406 K3III
66 21467 16181 6.03 1.83 226 K0IV
65 21050 15870 6.07 1.23 303 A1V
12140 9295 6.09 1.51 269 A6V
19789 14821 6.11 0.99 344 K0IIIp
53 UW 19374 14514 6.13 −0.69 755 B1.5V not variable;
15152 11415 6.14 0.37 464 K5III suspected variable
26 UU 15550 11678 6.14 1.94 226 A9V δ Sct variable,
60 20663 15557 6.14 1.40 289 K3III:
15385 11578 6.20 1.65 264 A5m
27 15596 11698 6.21 1.30 313 G5III-IV
12594 9627 6.24 −1.83 1342 K4III
54 19460 14586 6.25 0.03 570 M0III ,
17918 13448 6.30 1.14 352 F5III
(85) 16861 12647 6.32 0.74 426 A2V suspected variable,
16955 12744 6.35 1.19 352 A3V
19080 14318 6.37 −0.06 631 K3III
18928 14232 6.38 2.89 163 F0V
13201 10050 6.40 3.43 128 F5V
20367 15323 6.40 4.23 88 G0V has a
19549 14649 6.41 0.45 506 K2
19600 14719 6.42 0.09 601 A0V
14262 10795 6.45 1.34 343 A7V
36 17017 12784 6.46 0.89 413 K2III suspected variable,
UX 21242 16042 6.47 2.97 164 G5IV ,
30 16246 12189 6.48 3.46 131 F6III binary star
14067 10657 6.51 0.44 533 G9 III has a planet
51 18803 14150 6.62 4.99 69 G8V
VW 15165 11390 6.69 1.16 416 F0IV δ Sct variable,
AF 14595 11035 6.71 0.50 615 G3III Algol type variable,
VY 17433 13118 6.76 3.65 136.5 K0 RS CVn variable,
50 Ari 50 18654 14021 6.80 A0V [4] [5]
23 Ari 23 14305 10810 6.83 F8V
52 19135 7.00 component of the 52 Ari system
ρ1 44 18091 13579 7.01 2.10 313 A3
30 16232 12184 7.09 4.11 129 F6V component of the 30 Ari system; has a planet
R 13913 10576 7.40 -2.99 3900 M3-6e ,
12661 9683 7.44 4.59 121 K0V has two planets (&)
17674 13291 7.56 145 G0V has two planets
14787 11130 7.63 390 G5 has a planet
14810 8.52 4.90 172 G5V has three planets (&)
8920 9.01 4.19 300 G0V has a
X 19510 14601 9.04 -1.23 3700 F0.5 ,
RX 9.41 F2V ,
10.6 874 has a
SS 10.15 3.52 692 G0 ,
TT 10.2 Bep: VY Scl star,
RV 11.61 A0 double-mode δ Sct variable,
11.89 6.41 408 K3V style=text-align:left; has a transiting planet (b)
12.16 995 has a transiting planet (b)
TZ 12.26 13.99 14.5 M4.5 flare star and BY Dra variable
WY 12.46 K5/6e T Tau star,
RW 12.51 B8 RR Lyr variable,
13.19 5.83 969 G5 has a transiting planet (b)
14.07 6.14 1256 has a transiting planet (b)
WX 15.3 CV VY Scl star and eclipsing binary,
15.40 17.47 12.6 M7.5
XY WD+M0V DQ Her variable and eclipsing binary

See also


Notes and References

  1. 1895MNRAS..55..429K Page 432. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 10.1093/mnras/55.8.429 . 1895MNRAS..55..429K . Knobel . E. B. . 1895 . 55 . 429 . free .
  2. Consisting with δ Ari (Botein), ε Ari, ζ Ari, π Ari, and ρ3 Ari, were Al Buṭain, the dual of Al Baṭn, the Belly. See Star Name – R.H.Allen p. 83
  3. as Nir al Botain or Lucida Ventris (the brightest of the belly).,,, and was not designated by Al Achsasi Al Mouakket. Jack W. Rhoads was designated these stars of Al Buṭain were Al Buṭain I (π Ari), Al Buṭain II3 Ari), Al Buṭain III (ε Ari) and Al Buṭain IV (ζ Ari)
  4. SIMBAD, 50 Arietis (Retrieved 27 July 2012)
  5. 2008ApJS..176..216A. Visual Multiples. IX. MK Spectral Types. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 176. 216–217. Abt. Helmut A.. 2008. 1. 10.1086/525529. free.