HD 165516 is a blue supergiant star in the constellation Sagittarius. It is part of the Sagittarius OB1 association and appears against a rich Milky Way starfield near the Triffid Nebula and Lagoon Nebula.
HD 165516 is close to a small reflection and emission nebula, and an associated loose open cluster. The nebula is catalogued as GN 18.05.6,[1] but was first listed as VdB 113.[2] That name has since been used for the cluster itself, which is likely more distant than HD 165516. The whole cluster is less than a quarter of a degree across, with dozens of members from 8th magnitude downwards. V4381 Sagittarii is listed as a probable member, while HD 165516 and the nearby Wolf-Rayet star WR 111 are considered unlikely to be members.[3]