Højskolesangbogen Explained

Højskolesangbogen of the Danish adult Folk High Schools is a songbook established by Heinrich von Nutzhorn in 1894 and substantially revised into a 1922 standard edition.[1]

Twelve of the songs were selected as part of the Danish Culture Canon and freshly recorded under the auspices of Det Kongelige Bibliotek in 2006 by soprano Signe Asmussen, tenor David Danholt[2] and pianist Ulrich Stærk, released as Fra Højskolesangbogen on the government-funded Dacapo Records label.[3]


Morning (Morgen)

Faith (Tro)

Life (Liv)

Sorrow and spiritual(Sprog og ånd)

Freedam and Community (Frihed og fællesskab)

Seasonal; Advent (Året - Advent)

Seasonal: Christmas (Året - Jul)

Seasonal: New Year (Året - Nytår)

Seasonal: Winter (Året - Vinter)

Seasonal - Early Spring (Året - Tidligt forår)

Seasonal: Easter (Året - Påske)

Seasonal: Late Spring (Året - Sent forår)

Seasonal: Pentacost (Året - Pinse)

Seasonal: Early Summer (Året - Tidlig sommer)

Seasonal: Midsymmer (Året - Midsommer)

Seasonal: High Summer (Året - Højsommer)

Seasonal: Late Summer (Året - Sensommer)

Seasonal: Early Autumn (Året - Tidligt efterår)

Seasonal: All Saints' (Året - Allehelgen)

Seasonal; Late Autumn (Året - Sent efterår)

Denmark (Danmark)

The Nordic Countries (Norden)

Nordic : Greenland (Norden - Grønland)

Nordic: The Faroe Islands (Norden - Færøerne)

Nordic: Iceland (Norden - Island)

Nordic: Norway (Norden - Norge)

Nordic: Sweden (Norden - Sverige)

Nordic Åland (Norden - Åland)

Nordic Finland (Norden - Finland)

Love (Kærlighed)

Folk songs and ballads (Folkeviser og ballader)

History (Historien)

Biblical History (elhistorien)

Evening (Aften)

Notes and References

  1. Nordisk museologi 1998 "NOTER 1 Højskolesangbogen udkom første gang i 1894, siden i 17 udgaver ... The author starts with an example drawn from the song book used in Danish folk high schools, where the texts of the songs illustrate the great esteem in which cultural traditions are held. There are however considerable inherent ambiguities."
  2. http://www.dkdm.dk/Nyheder/Nyheder/Arkiv/2008/Kvt%202/Debut%20David%20Danholt.aspx David Danholt (f. 1976)
  3. http://www.dacapo-records.dk/en/recording-fra-h%C3%B8jskolesangbogen.aspx Fra Højskolesangbogen Dacapo Records (Danish texts and notes only)