Hævi Mætal og Hass explained

Hævi Mætal og Hass
Artist:Red Warszawa
Cover:Hævi Mætal og Hass cover.jpg
Genre:Crossover thrash, hardcore punk, thrash metal, comedy rock
Length:74 minutes
Label:Gusten Fætter Records
Producer:Lars Schmidt
Next Title:Skal Vi Lege Doktor?
Next Year:1998

Hævi Mætal og Hass (English: Heavy Metal and Hash, in slang) is the Danish Heavy metal band Red Warszawa's first studio album. The album is under titled "Greatest Hits 1986–1996 Volume 1".


"Hævi Mætal og Hass" is not correct Danish spelling, but it is pronounced like that if you speak with Copenhagen accent. When you say "Heavy" in Danish the "ea" sounds like an "æ". In correct Danish the title would be "Heavy Metal og Hash".

Track listing

  1. "Sten og Trille" (rock and roll)
  2. "Hurra Skolen Brænder" (Hooray, The School's Burning)
  3. "Mosekonen Brygger" (The Bogwoman Brews)
  4. "Norsk Black Metal" (Norwegian Black Metal)
  5. "Heavy Metal og Hass"
  6. "Analfabet" (Illiterate)
  7. "Lugter af Fisk" (Smells like Fish)
  8. "Børn er Dumme og Grimme" (Kids are Stupid and Ugly)
  9. "Aldi"
  10. "Singelingeling"
  11. "Ticeman Control"
  12. "Dødshimlen" (Deathheaven)
  13. "Jeg Hader Alle Mennesker" (I Hate Everyone)
  14. "Har Du Nogen Venner" (Do You Have Any Friends)
  15. "Narkoøgle" (Druglizard)
  16. "Søren Autonom" (Søren Autonomic)
  17. "Den Sorte Sang" (The Black Song)
  18. "2 Slags Geddar " (Two Kinds of Guitar [mangled])
  19. "Den Dystra Staden " (The Gloomy Town)
  20. "Bagermester Jensen" (Baker Jensen)
  21. "Hestepik" (Horsedick)

Track info


Aldi is a German supermarket. The song is in German.

Ticeman Control

"Ticeman" is a word made up by the band members. It is a faux-Anglicization of the word "tissemand", a colloquial term for penis.

Den Dystra Staden

This song is not in Danish, but in Swedish.
