Guzmán Explained


Guzmán or de Guzmán (pronounced as /es/ or pronounced as /es/) is a Spanish surname. The Portuguese language equivalent is Gusmão.


The surname is of toponymic origin, de Guzmán ("of Guzmán"), deriving from the village of Guzmán (es) in the region of Burgos. The earliest individual documented using this surname was Rodrigo Muñoz de Guzmán, who first appears in a document from 1134 and was the founder of the noble House of Guzmán.[1]

In the Philippines, Canada and the United States the name usually becomes Guzman (without acute accent), while the Portuguese form of the name is Gusmão.

People with the surname

People with this surname include:





People with the given name

Guzmán has also rarely been used as a given name. Notable people with the given name Guzmán include:

Notes and References

  1. Gonzalo Martínez Díez "Orígenes familiares de Santo Domingo, los linajes de Aza y Guzmán", in Luis Vicente Díez Martín and Cándido Aniz Iriarte, eds., Santo Domingo de Caleruega en sus contexto socio-político, 1170-1221. (Monumenta Histórica Iberoamericana de la Orden de Predicadores, 5) Jornadas de estudios medievales, Salamanca, 1994, p 173-228. Page 197 "No tenemos elementos para identificar con seguridad al Munio o Nuño, que fue el padre de nuestro don Rodrigo Muñoz o Núñez de Guzmán, primer caballero que usa el apelativo Guzmán."