Gul Aqa Explained

Major-General Gul Aqa was Afghan communist minister from People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan.

He belonged to the Parcham faction. He was minister of frontier areas in 1974.[1] He was sent as ambassador to Bulgaria in 1974.

He was army political chief until 1982.[2] He was later appointed to the Revolutionary Council. He was one of the vice chairmen of the Revolutionary Council under Babrak Karmal[3] from 1983[4] to November 1986, when he was removed from the position.[5]

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Szajkowski . B. . Documents in Communist Affairs . Springer . en . 18 June 1981.
  2. Web site: Yunas . S. Fida . Afghanistan: Barak Karmal . en . 2008.
  3. Web site: Yunas . S. Fida . Afghanistan: Organization of the Peoples Democratic Party of Afghanistan/Watan Party, Governments and Biographical Sketches 1982-1998 . en . 1998.
  4. Web site: Afghanistan seit dem Sturz der Monarchie: Dokumentation zur Politik, Wirtschaft und Bevölkerung . Deutsches Orient-Institut im Verbund der Stiftung Deutsches Übersee-Institut, Dokumentations-Leitstelle Moderner Orient . en . 1981.
  5. Web site: Asian Bulletin . APACL Publications . en . 1987.