Grgur Golubić Explained

CaesarCaesar Gregory
ГргурCaesar Gregory

ГргурGrgur Golubić - Caesar Gregory
Noble Family:Branković
House-Type:Noble family
Father:Branko Mladenović
Birth Date:before 1327
Death Date:before 16 July 1398
Occupation:Governor of Polog
Religion:Orthodox Christianity

Grgur Golubić (Serbian: Гргур Голубић, кесар Гргур; 1347–61) was a Serbian nobleman who served Emperors Stefan Dušan (r. 1331–55) and Stefan Uroš V as kesar (caesar). He was the son of sevastokrator Branko Mladenović.

Grgur was the second son of sevastokrator Branko Mladenović, the governor of Ohrid under Emperor Dušan (fl. 1346). His older brother was Nikola Radonja (d. 1399) and his younger brother was Vuk Branković (1345–1397). His cousin was magnate Nikola Altomanović (fl. 1348–76), whose mother Ratoslava was Grgur's paternal aunt. His grandfather was vojvoda Mladen (fl. 1323–26), who served kings Stefan Milutin (r. 1282–1321) and Stefan Dečanski (r. 1321–31), and was mentioned as having governed Trebinje and Dračevica in 1323. Grgur was first mentioned in March 1347, as a kesar, in a letter from Pope Innocentius VI to Emperor Dušan.[2] [3] Grgur is mentioned in charters authored by Dušan dating to 1348–54 of the Monastery of the Holy Archangels in Prizren, which point to that Grgur held a region around Prizren.[4] Grgur and bishop Grigorije of Devol founded the Zaum monastery (Church of the Holy Virgin Zaumska, Bogorodica Zahumska) on Lake Ohrid near Zaum, to which he brought the cult of the Virgin of Zahumlje (hence its name).[5] A Grgur ruled the oblast (province) of Polog, in what is today northwestern North Macedonia, but it is uncertain whether this is the same Grgur or some otherwise unknown noble.[6]


Notes and References

  1. Petrovski, pp. 11-12: "Во двата случаја-било да се работи за Волкашиновиот непознат благородник Гргур или пак за Гргур Бранковик, во изворите е зачувано изворно известие, според кое, сопругата на Гргур се викала Тодора." - "In both cases, whether it is unknown noble man Grgur or Grgur Branković, there are authentic sources for name of Grgur's wife, whose name was Todora."
  2. Sima Ćirković i Božidar Ferjančić, Pisma pape Inočentija VI: "Marta 1347. godine papa Kliment VI uputio je pismo srpskom caru, ali i nekim uglednim ljudima na njegovom dvoru - protovestijaru Nikoli Bući iz Kotora, kesaru Grguru Golubiću,"
  3. Book: Karl Krumbacher. Byzantinische Zeitschrift. 64. 1971. C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. 207. Die Cäsaren wären: Grgur Golubic (vor 1347).
  4. Sima Ćirković i Božidar Ferjančić, Gosti Gore Atoske: "U carstvu Stefana Dušana nalazimo i ugledne velikaše koji su imali visoku vizantijsku titulu kesara. Krenućemo od Grgura Golubića, koji se s tim činom (Grgur Golubić, kesar kraljevine Raške) pominje u pismu pape Inoćentija VI iz marta 1347. godine. U osnivačkoj povelji cara Stefana Dušana za manastir Sveti arhanđeli kod Prizrena (između 1348. i 1354) zabeležen je i dar kesara Grgura (čovek Damjan kamatnik koji godišnje treba da daje 18 lisičjih koža), na osnovu čega bi se moglo pretpostaviti da su se posedi pomenutog kesara nalazili oko Prizrena."
  5. Book: Воjислав Ђурић. Dečani i vizantijska umetnost sredinom 14 veka: Medjunarodni naučni skup povodom 650 godina manastira Dečana septembar 1985. Primljeno na 9 skupu Odeljenja istorijskich nauka, održanom 25. novembra 1987; Ured. Vojislav J. Djuric. 1989. Српска академиj наука и уметности. 57. 9788670250338.
  6. Mihaljčić p 79