Gregory Louis Possehl (July 21, 1941 - October 8, 2011) was a professor emeritus of anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania, United States, and curator of the Asian Collections at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.[1] He was involved in excavations of the Indus Valley civilization in India and Pakistan since 1964, and was an author of many books and articles on the Indus Civilization and related topics. He received his BA in anthropology from the University of Washington in 1964, his MA in anthropology from the University of Washington in 1967, and his PhD in anthropology from the University of Chicago in 1974. He conducted major excavations in Gujarat (Rojdi, Babar Kot and Oriyo Timbo), Rajasthan (Gilund), and in January 2007, began an excavation at the UNESCO World Heritage site of Bat in the Sultanate of Oman.[2]
He was an exponent of the view that the culture of the Vedic period is a direct successor of the Indus Valley Civilization. In his book Ancient Cities of the Indus he wrote that "the first point to be emphasized is that the problem seems not to be best stated as the "end" of a civilization, at least in the sense of a tradition, since there are abundant signs of cultural continuity in Sindh, Gujarat, the Punjab and adjacent areas of the North India."
His works include:
Indian Archaeological Society.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1986. African millets in South Asian prehistory. pp.237–256 in: Jerome Jacobson (ed.), Studies in the archaeology of India andPakistan. New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. and AmericanInstitute of Indian Studies.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1987–1988. Indian Archaeology, A Review: Guide toexcavated sites 1953–54 through 1983–84. Puratattva (Bulletin of the IndianArchaeological Society) 18: 113–172.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1989. RADIOCARBON DATES FOR SOUTH ASIAN ARCHAEOLOGY.(Occasional publication of the Asian Section.) Philadelphia: University Museum,University of Pennsylvania. 28 cm. 60 pp.
Possehl, Gregory L., and M. H. Raval, 1989. HARAPPAN CIVILIZATION AND ROJDI.With contributions from Y. M. Chitalwala et al. Leiden and New York: E. J.Brill; New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. and American Instituteof Indian Studies. 29 cm, xv, 197 pp., 46 pl., 80 ill., 5 maps. & 81-204-0404-1.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1990. Revolution in the urban revolution: The emergence ofIndus urbanization. Annual Review of Anthropology 19: 261–282.
Possehl. Gregory L., 1990. An archaeological adventurer in Afghanistan: CharlesMasson. South Asian Studies 6: 111–124.
Possehl, Gregory L., and Charles Frank Herman, 1990. The Sorath Harappan: A newregional manifestation of the Indus urban phase. pp. 295–319 in: Taddei,Maurizio, with P. Callieri (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1987, vol. I. (SerieOrientale Roma 66: I.) Roma: Istituto per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente.
Rissman, Paul C., and Y. M. Chitalwala, 1990. Harappan Civilization and OriyoTimbo. With contributions from Gregory L. Possehl et al. New Delhi: Oxford &IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. and American Institute of Indian Studies. 25 cm,xi, 155 pp., ill. .
Possehl, Gregory L., and Kenneth A. R. Kennedy, 1990. Hasmukh DhirajlalSankalia (1908–1989). American Anthropologist 92: 1006–1010.
Possehl, Gregory L., and M.H. Raval, 1991. A report on the excavations at BabarKot: 1990–91. S.l. 16 p. Submitted to the ASI.
Possehl, Gregory L., and Paul C. Rissman, 1992. The chronology of prehistoricIndia: From earliest times to the Iron Age. pp. 465–490 in vol. I and pp.447–474 (Fig. 1–13, tables 1–14 and References) in vol. II of: Ehrich, RobertW. (ed.), Chronologies in Old World archaeology, 3rd ed. Chicago: TheUniversity of Chicago Press.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1992. The Harappan cultural mosaic: Ecology revisited. pp.237–244 in vol. I of: Jarrige, Catherine (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1989.(Monographs in World Archaeology, 14.) Madison WI: Prehistory Press.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1992. The Harappan Civilization in Gujarat: The Sorath andSindhi Harappans. The Eastern Anthropologist 45 (1–2): 117–154.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1992. A short history of archaeological discovery atHarappa. In: Meadow 1992a: 5–11.
Possehl, Gregory L. (ed.) 1992. SOUTH ASIAN ARCHAEOLOGY STUDIES. New Delhi:Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. and American Institute of Indian Studies;New York: International Science Publisher (1993). 24 cm, x, 266 pp., ill., map.Hb & 1881570177.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1992. Walter Ashlin Fairservis, Jr. pp. 1–12 in: Possehl,Gregory L. (ed.), South Asian archaeology studies.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1992. Toymakers and trade: A notice of early twentiethcentury commerce between Philadelphia and India. pp. 261–266 in: Possehl,Gregory L. (ed.), South Asian archaeology studies.
Possehl, Gregory L. (ed.) 1993. HARAPPAN CIVILIZATION: A RECENT PERSPECTIVE.2nd revised ed. New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. an AmericanInstitute of Indian Studies. 28 cm, xv, 595 pp., 120 pl., maps, index. Hb ISBN81-204-0779-2.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1993. The date of Indus urbanization: A proposedchronology for the Pre-Urban and Urban Harappan phases. pp. 231–249 in: Gail,Adalbert J., and G. R. Mevissen (eds.), South Asian Archaeology 1991.Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
Possehl, Gregory L., and Maurizio Tosi (eds.) 1993. HARAPPAN STUDIES, Vol. 1.New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. 71 pp. Pb INR 395. ISBN81-204-0819-5.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1994. The Indus Civilisation. Man and Environment 19(1–2): 103–113.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1994. Of men. pp. 179–186 in: Kenoyer, Jonathan Mark(ed.), From Sumer to Meluhha: Contributions to the archaeology of South andWest Asia in memory of George F. Dales, Jr. (Wisconsin Archaeological Reports,3.) Madison, WI: Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin atMadison.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1994. RADIOMETRIC DATES FOR SOUTH ASIAN ARCHAEOLOGY. (Anoccasional publication of the Asia Section.) Philadelphia: The University ofPennsylvania Museum. 122 pp.
Possehl, Gregory L., and Dinker P. Mehta, 1994. Excavations at Rojdi, 1992–93.pp. 603–614 in: Parpola, Asko, and Petteri Koskikallio (eds.), South AsianArchaeology 1993, vol. II. (Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae B 271: II.)Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1996. Meluhha. pp. 133–208 in: Reade, Julian (ed.), TheIndian Ocean in antiquity. London: Kegan Paul International in associationwith the British Museum.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1996. Climate and the eclipse of the ancient cities of theIndus. pp. 193–244 in: Dalfes, H. Nüzhet, George Kukla and Harvey Weiss (eds.),Third millennium BC climate change and Old World collapse. (NATO ASI, Series 1:Global Environment Change, vol. 49.) Berlin & New York: Springer.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1996. INDUS AGE: THE WRITING SYSTEM. Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania Press; New Delhi: Oxford IBH Publishing Co. Pvt.Ltd. 29 cm, xiv, 244 pp., 16 pl. Hb & 81-204-1083-1.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1997. The transformation of the Indus Civilization.Journal of World Prehistory 11 (4): 425–472. Reprinted in Man and Environment24 (2), 1999: 1–33.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1997. The date of the Surkotada cemetery: A reassessmentin light of recent archaeological work in Gujarat. pp. 81–87 in: Joshi, JagatPati (ed.), Facets of Indian Civilization: Recent perspectives. Essays inhonour of Professor B. B. Lal. New Delhi: Aryan Books International.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1997. Seafaring merchants of Meluhha. pp. 87–100 in:Allchin, Bridget (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1995. Cambridge: Ancient Indiaand Iran Trust; New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1997–1998. An Harappan outpost on the Amu Darya:Shortughai, Why was it there? Indologica Taurinensia 23–24: 57–70, 1 fig.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1998. Sociocultural complexity without the state: TheIndus Civilization. pp. 261–291 in: Feinman, Gary M., and Joyce Marcus (eds.),The archaic states. Santa Fe, NM: School of American Research.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1998. Did the Sarasvati ever flow to the sea? pp. 339–354in: Philips, C. S., D. T. Potts and S. Searight (eds.), Arabia and itsneighbours: Essays on prehistorical and historical developments presented inhonour of Beatric de Cardi. Brussels: Brepols.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1998. Introduction of African millets to the Indiansubcontinent. pp. 107–121 in: Pendergast, H. D. V., N. L., Etkin, D. R. Harrisand P. J. Houghton (eds.), Plants for food and medicine. Kew: The Royal BotanicGardens.
Possehl, Gregory L., 1999. INDUS AGE: THE BEGINNINGS. Philadelphia: Universityof Pennsylvania Press; New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. 29 cm,xxxvi, 1063 pp., 580 b/w ill. Hb .Reviewed: Asko Parpola, The Times Higher Education Supplement, 3 Dec 1999, p.24.
Possehl, Gregory L., and Praveena Gullapalli, 1999. The Early Iron Age in SouthAsia. pp. 153–175 in: Pigott, Vincent C. (ed.), The archaeometallurgy of theAsian Old World. (MASCA Research Papers in Science and Archaeology, UniversityMuseum Monograph, volume 16.) Philadelphia: The University Museum, Universityof Pennsylvania.
Possehl, Gregory L., 2000. Harappan beginnings. pp. 99–112 in:Lamberg-Karlovsky, Martha (ed.), The breakout: The origins of civilization.(Peabody Museum Monographs, 9.) Cambridge, MA: Peabody Museum, HarvardUniversity.
Possehl, Gregory L., 2000–2001. The Early Harapopan phase. Bulletin of theDeccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute 60–61: 227–241, 10 figs.
Possehl, Gregory L., 2000–2001. The Mature Harapopan phase. Bulletin of theDeccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute 60–61: 243–251, 2 figs.
Possehl, Gregory L., 2002. THE INDUS CIVILIZATION: A CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVE.Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press. 29 cm, xi, 276 pp., ill., maps. Pb ISBN0-7591-0172-8. Hb .
Possehl, Gregory L., 2002. Fifty years of Harappan archaeology: The study ofthe Indus Civilization since Indian independence. pp. 1–46 in: Settar, S., andRavi Korisettar (eds.), Protohistory: Archaeology of the Harappan Civilization.(Indian archaeology in retrospect, vol. II.) New Delhi: Indian Council ofHistorical Research & Manohar.
Possehl, Gregory L., 2002. Archaeology of the Harappan Civilization: Anannotated list of excavations and surveys. pp. 421–482 in: Settar, S., and RaviKorisettar (eds.) Protohistory: Archaeology of the Harappan Civilization.(Indian archaeology in retrospect, vol. II.) New Delhi: Indian Council ofHistorical Research & Manohar.
Possehl, Gregory L., 2002. Indus-Mesopotamian trade: The record in the Indus.Iranica Antiqua 37: 322–340.
Possehl, Gregory L., 2003. The Indus Civilization: An introduction toenvironment, subsistence, and cultural history. pp. 1–20 in: Weber, Steven A.,and William R. Belcher (eds.), Indus ethnobiology: New perspectives from thefield. Lanham MD: Lexington Books.
Possehl, G. and M. Witzel. Vedic. In: P.N. Peregrine and M. Ember, eds.,Encyclopedia of Prehistory, Volume 8: South and Southwest Asia.Published in conjunction with the Human Relations Area Files at YaleUniversity. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York,391–396.
Shinde, V., G. L. Possehl and M. Ameri, 2005. Excavations at Gilund 2001–2003:The seal impressions and other finds. pp. 159–169 in: Franke-Vogt, Ute, &Hans-Joachim Weisshaar (eds.), South Asian Archaeology 2003. (Forschungen zurArchäologie aussereuropäischer Kulturen, 1.) Aachen: Linden Soft Verlag e. K.
Possehl, Gregory L., 2007. The Indus Civilization. Chapter 9 in: Hinnells, JohnR. (ed.), Handbook of ancient religions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Joshi, Jagat Pati, 2008. Harappan architecture and civil engineering. Forewordby Gregory L. Possehl. (Infinity Foundation series.) New Delhi: Rupa & Co., inassociation with Infinity Foundation. .
Possehl, Gregory L., 2010. Review of: Parpola, Asko, B. M. Pande and PetteriKoskikallio (eds.), 2010. Corpus of Indus Seals and Inscriptions, Volume 3: Newmaterial, untraced objects, and collections outside India and Pakistan. Part 1:Mohenjo-daro and Harappa, in collaboration with Richard H. Meadow and J. MarkKenoyer. (Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Humaniora 359; Memoirs of theArchaeological Survey of India, No. 96.) Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia.Journal of the American Oriental Society 130 (2).
Possehl, Gregory L., 2012. "Indus River". In Berkshire encyclopedia of sustainability: Afro-Eurasia: Assessing sustainability. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing Group.