Gregor GR-1 explained

The Gregor GR-1, also called the GR-1 Continental and the GR-1 Sportplane was a biplane with a tail-wheel undercarriage developed by Michael Gregor[1]


The Gregor GR-1 was intended to be a light, low cost, training aircraft for depression-era customers. Gregor was based at Hangar B at Roosevelt Field in New York.[2] The aircraft was a conventional geared biplane with two open cockpits in tandem with oversize interplane struts.[3]


Gregor GR-2[4]

Notes and References

  1. Book: Long Island Aircraft Manufacturers. Joshua Stoff. 67.
  2. Web site: Gregor's Geldings. 6 December 2011. dead. 26 April 2012.
  3. Skyways. July 2000. 49.
  4. Skyways. July 2000. 49.