Green List (2017) Explained

Green List
Native Name:Zelena lista
Leader:Nenad Matić[1]
Ideology:Green politics
Christian democracy

The Green List (Croatian: Zelena lista or ZL) is a green political party in Croatia. It was founded in 2017 prior to 2017 local elections in which they run in coalition with Bandić Milan 365 – Labour and Solidarity Party. In addition to their green politics, the party is Christian Democratic compared to other green parties in the world.


Green List was founded in 2017 by graduate engineer in agronomy Nenad Matić, ex member of Croatian Peasant Party. The party shares name with defunct liberal Green List (2005-2014), but the membership is ideologically different.[2] [3]

In 2017 party first time appeared on the ballot together with the current mayor of Zagreb Milan Bandić and two more parties, winning one seat.Four years later party entered in coalition with Homeland Movement and supporting Miroslav Škoro as candidate for mayor. Party won one seat again.[4]

In 2019 Green List participated in European elections solo but failed to pass threshold.[5]

During 2019-20 presidential election they supported Miroslav Škoro as a candidate.[6]

In 2020 parliamentary Green List entered coalition of several conservative and right wing parties led by Homeland Movement, but did not won any seats.[7]


Zagreb Assembly

ElectionIn coalition withVotes wonPercentageSeats wonChange
(Coalition totals)(ZL only)
2017BM365 - SMSH - NS R74,46723.03%1


ElectionIn coalition withVotes wonPercentageSeats wonChangeGovernment
(Coalition totals)(ZL only)
2020DPHSHKSHRASTBzH - SU181,49310.89%New
2024DPPiPBzH202,7149.56% 0

President of Croatia

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Vodstvo . Leadership . 29 December 2022 . . hr.
  2. Web site: 7 March 2017 . ORaH optužio Nenada Matića za krađu imena Zelena lista . ORaH accused Nenad Matić of stealing the name the Green List . 29 December 2022 . . hr.
  3. Web site: 5 March 2017 . Matić osnovao novu stranku nakon što je zbog Beljaka napustio HSS - želi u koaliciju s Bandićem . Matić founded a new party after he left HSS because of the Whites - he wants to form a coalition with Bandić . 29 December 2022 . . hr.
  4. Web site: 30 May 2021 . Škoro čestitao Tomaševiću: Zaplješćimo novom gradonačelniku Grada Zagreba! Neće mu biti lako . Škoro congratulated Tomašević: Let's celebrate the new mayor of the City of Zagreb! It won't be easy for him . 29 December 2022 . . hr.
  5. Web site: 24 April 2019 . Zelena lista na izbore za EU parlament izlazi samostalno, uz podršku stranke Zeleni forum . The Green List for the EU Parliament elections comes out independently, with the support of the Green Forum party . 29 December 2022 . . hr.
  6. Web site: Luzar . Ivan . 4 October 2019 . Škoru je podržala Zelena lista; ako vam zvuči nelogično, krasno su to objasnili Biblijom i kršćanstvom . Škoro was supported by Green List; if it sounds illogical to you, they explained it beautifully with the Bible and Christianity . 29 December 2022 . Telegram . hr.
  7. Web site: 19 May 2020 . Zelena lista će na izbore sa Škorom . The Green List will go to the elections with Škoro . 29 December 2022 . Glas Slavonija . hr.