Green–Left Front Explained

Green–Left Front
Native Name:Зелено–леви фронт
Zeleno–levi front
Native Name Lang:sr
Logo Alt:Logo of the Green–Left Front
Leader1 Title:Co-presidents
Leader2 Name:Radomir Lazović
Founded:14 July 2023
Registered:10 August 2023
Predecessor:Do not let Belgrade drown
Youth Wing:Green Youth of Serbia
Womens Wing:Autonomous Women's Front
Affiliation1 Title:Parliamentary group
Affiliation1:Green–Left Front
European:European Greens (candidate)
International:Progressive International
Slogan:"Ne damo Srbiju"
("We are not giving up Serbia")
Seats1 Title:National Assembly
Seats2 Title:Assembly of Vojvodina
Seats3 Title:City Assembly of Belgrade

Green–Left Front (Serbian: Зелено–леви фронт|Zeleno–levi front, abbr. ZLF) is a green political party in Serbia. It is the successor of Do not let Belgrade drown association and four local citizens' groups. Radomir Lazović and Biljana Đorđević serve as the co-presidents of ZLF.

Formed in July 2023, and registered as a political party a month later, ZLF was one of the organisers of the 2023 Serbian protests. It later became part of the Serbia Against Violence coalition which contested the parliamentary, Vojvodina provincial, and Belgrade City Assembly elections in December 2023. A left-wing party, ZLF declares itself to be supportive of solidarity, social justice, and environmental protection. It is a member of the Progressive International and is a candidate to join the European Greens.



At the sixth congress of Do not let Belgrade drown (NDB) in June 2022, it was announced that NDB would transform itself into a political party that would be active on national level, as opposed to only being active in Belgrade.[1] NDB also announced that several local organisations would take part in the foundation of the political party and that it would continue its actions within the We Must coalition.[2] In early February 2023, it was announced that the political party would be named the Green–Left Front (ZLF) and that it would also utilise its slogan "we would not give up on Serbia".[3] [4] Radomir Lazović also announced that it would open local branches in Niš, Sombor, and Užice, while ZLF would also sign several cooperation agreements with local organisations in Serbia.[5] [6]

On 10 February 2023, NDB signed an agreement on joint participation with the Choice for our Municipality citizens' group.[7] Four days later, it signed another agreement with the Critical Mass citizens' group.[8] In late February 2023, it signed an agreement with the "Initiative for Požega", while in early June, it signed an agreement with the Local Front from Valjevo and the Initiative for Lajkovac.[9] [10] [11] ZLF held its founding assembly on 14 July, during which the party adopted its statute and programme.[12] [13] Lazović announced that the leadership election will be held in autumn. Biljana Đorđević has said that ZLF would take part in the upcoming local elections.[14]


After the Belgrade school shooting and Mladenovac and Smederevo shootings in May 2023, ZLF has taken part in the 2023 protests as one of its organisers.[15] [16] ZLF became part of the Serbia Against Violence (SPN) coalition in October 2023, a coalition of political parties organising the 2023 protests.[17] The SPN coalition announced that it would take part in the parliamentary, Vojvodina provincial, and Belgrade City Assembly elections, all scheduled for 17 December 2023.[18] [19] Lazović was placed first on its electoral list for the parliamentary elections.[20] In the parliamentary election, SPN won 65 seats, 9 of which went to ZLF.[21]

Political positions

ZLF is a green and progressive party,[22] [23] [24] while it declares itself to be supportive of solidarity, social justice, environmental protection, rights to public goods, and broad participation of citizens in decision-making. Lazović stated that it would be a left-wing political party, and that its ideology would be orientated towards principles of the "green left".[25] He also noted that ZLF would be supportive of decentralisation, civic and human rights, and anti-fascism.[26] At the sixth congress of NDB, it was announced that ZLF would be ideologically and programmatically similar to NDB itself. Political scientist Filip Balunović has described ZLF as a left-wing party.[27]

ZLF has criticised the establishment of the cooperation between the Ministry of Health and the Mozzart Foundation, a gambling company.[28] It has pledged to stop exploitation and the destruction of the environment.[29] In September 2023, ZLF introduced a law to legalise same-sex civil unions to the National Assembly.[30] ZLF opposed the erection of a monument and the establishment of a museum dedicated to World War II Axis collaborator, Draža Mihailović, which were unveiled in October 2023.[31]


ZLF is led by two co-presidents, Lazović and Biljana Đorđević.[32] Its headquarters is located at Patrijarha Gavrila 6/III, Belgrade.[33] According to ZLF, it has 5,000 members as of February 2023, a thousand of whom live outside of Belgrade. Lazović had also announced that ZLF will form youth, women, LGBT+, and elderly party wings; in June 2023, the Green Youth of Serbia formally joined ZLF as its youth wing, while in October 2023, the Autonomous Women's Front was formed as its women's wing.[34] [35] [36] Lazović is the parliamentary leader of ZLF in the National Assembly.[37]

ZLF began collecting signatures to become a registered party on 18 May and on 19 June it was announced that they have collected 11,000 signatures.[38] [39] Regarding the finance costs for the registration of the party, Lazović said that NDB has mostly used membership donations but also public funds allocated for the functioning of the organisation. ZLF was registered on 10 August 2023.

International cooperation

From NDB, it has retained its candidate status to become a member of the European Greens.[40] [41] Jelena Jerinić, a ZLF member of the National Assembly, said that she expects ZLF to become a member of the European Greens at the next congress. ZLF representatives took part in the 37 European Greens congress in 2023.[42] As the successor of NDB, it is also affiliated with the Progressive International.[43]

List of presidents

Co-presidentsBirth–DeathTerm startTerm end
11980– 5 November 2023 Incumbent

Electoral performance

Parliamentary elections

National Assembly of Serbia! Year! Leader! Popular vote! % of popular vote! ! # of seats! Seat change! Coalition! Status!
2023Radomir Lazović903,45024.32% 2nd 5SPN[44]

Provincial elections

Assembly of Vojvodina! Year! Leader! Popular vote! % of popular vote! ! # of seats! Seat change! Coalition! Status!
2023Tamara Maksić215,19722.55% 2nd 3SPN[45]

Belgrade City Assembly elections

City Assembly of Belgrade! Year! Leader! Popular vote! % of popular vote! ! # of seats! Seat change! Coalition! Status!
2023Dobrica Veselinović325,42935.39% 2nd 4SPN[46]
202489,43012.42% 3rd 9BB[47]


Primary sources

In the text these references are preceded by a double dagger (‡):

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: 21 June 2022 . Pokret "Ne davimo Beograd" prerasta u partiju . The "Do not let Belgrade drown" movement is growing into a party . 10 February 2023 . Radio Television of Serbia . sr.
  2. Web site: 21 June 2022 . Ne davimo Beograd usvojio "Deklaraciju o prerastanju pokreta u partiju" . Do not let Belgrade drown adopted the "Declaration on the Transition of the Movement into a Party" . 10 February 2023 . N1 . sr.
  3. Web site: Spalović . Dejan . 6 February 2023 . Ne davimo Beograd menja ime u zeleno-levi front . Do not let Belgrade drown to change its name to Green-Left Front . 10 February 2023 . Politika . sr.
  4. Web site: Radovanović . Vojin . 9 February 2023 . Lazović: NDMBGD od sada pod sloganom "Ne damo Srbiju", osnivamo kancelarije i van Beograda . Lazović: From now on NDMBGD under the slogan "We will not give Serbia", we are establishing offices outside of Belgrade as well . 10 February 2023 . Danas . sr.
  5. Web site: 9 February 2023 . Radomir Lazović: Pokret "Ne davimo Beograd" postaje stranka "Zeleno-levi front - Ne damo Srbiju" . Radomir Lazović: The movement "Do not let Belgrade drown" will become the party "Green-Left Front - We will not give Serbia" . 10 February 2023 . Tanjug . sr.
  6. Web site: Čolić . Leposava . 9 February 2023 . Partija umesto pokreta . A party instead of a movement . 10 February 2023 . FoNet . sr.
  7. Web site: 10 February 2023 . Ne davimo Beograd i GG Naš izbor formiraju političku partiju . Do not let Belgrade drown and CG Our Choice are forming a political party . 10 February 2023 . Novinska agencija Beta . sr.
  8. Web site: 14 February 2023 . Kritična masa iz Kule se udružuje sa Ne davimo Beograd u partiju Zeleno-levi front . Critical Mass from Kula joins forces with Do not let Belgrade drown to form the Green-Left Front party . 24 February 2023 . Novinska agencija Beta . sr.
  9. Web site: 27 February 2023 . Ne davimo Beograd i Inicijativa za Požegu nastavljaju zajedničku borbu kroz partiju Zeleno-levi front . Do not let Belgrade drown and the Initiative for Požega continue their joint struggle through the Green-Left Front party . 6 March 2023 . Danas . sr.
  10. Web site: 31 May 2023 . Valjevski Lokalni front učestvuje u formiranju partije Zeleno-levi front . Valjevo Local Front to participate in the formation of the Green-Left Front party . 1 June 2023 . Danas . sr.
  11. Web site: 2 June 2023 . Inicijativa za Lajkovac pridružuje se NDBGD u Zeleno-levom frontu . The Initiative for Lajkovac joins NDBGD in the Green-Left Front . 3 June 2023 . N1 . sr.
  12. Web site: 13 July 2023 . Veselinović (Ne davimo Beograd): Opozicija spremna za izbore u Beogradu . Veselinović (Do not let Belgrade drown): The opposition is ready for elections in Belgrade . 14 July 2023 . Insajder . sr.
  13. Web site: 14 July 2023 . Pokret Ne davimo Beograd danas je zvanično postao stranka Zeleno-levi front . The Do not let Belgrade drown movement officially became the Green-Left Front party today . 14 July 2023 . Novinska agencija Beta . sr.
  14. Web site: 14 July 2023 . Biljana Đorđević: Na predstojećim lokalnim izborima može se očekivati učešće Zeleno-levog fronta . Biljana Đorđević: The Green-Left Front can be expected to participate in the upcoming local elections . 14 July 2023 . Danas . sr.
  15. News: Gajić . Iva . 24 June 2023 . Ne odustajemo: Protesti 'Srbija protiv nasilja' u više gradova . sr . We are not giving up: 'Serbia Against Violence' protests in several cities . Radio Free Europe . 15 July 2023.
  16. Web site: 15 July 2023 . Formiran Zeleno-levi front: Opozicija kakvu Srbija treba da ima . The Green-Left Front has been formed: The kind of opposition Serbia should have . 15 July 2023 . Vreme . sr.
  17. News: Dragojlo . Saša . 27 October 2023 . Serbia's Pro-European Opposition Makes Unity Pact for Elections . Balkan Insight . 27 October 2023.
  18. Web site: Milovančević . Vojislav . 27 October 2023 . Opozicija postigla dogovor o nastupu na izborima: Saopšteno ko su kandidati i nosioci lista . The opposition reached an agreement on participation in the elections: It was announced who the candidates and representatives of the list are . 27 October 2023 . NOVA portal . sr.
  19. Web site: Milovančević . Vojislav . Latković . Nataša . 3 November 2023 . Šta piše u koalicionom sporazumu liste "Srbija protiv nasilja" . What is written in the coalition agreement of the list "Serbia against violence" . 3 November 2023 . NOVA portal . sr.
  20. Web site: 27 October 2023 . Opozicija okupljena oko Srbije protiv nasilja na jednoj listi, nosioci Aleksić i Tepić . The opposition gathered around Serbia Against Violence on one list, with Aleksić and Tepić as its leaders . 27 October 2023 . Novinska agencija Beta . sr.
  21. Web site: 2023-12-18 . CeSID i IPSOS obradili 99,8 odsto uzorka: SNS-u 128 mandata, SPN-u 65 . CeSID and IPSOS processed 99.8 percent of the sample: SNS 128 mandates, SPN 65 . 2023-12-19 . N1 . sr.
  22. News: Didanović . Vera . 28 July 2023 . Nasilje dolazi od SNS . sr . Violence comes from SNS . Nin . subscription . 30 July 2023.
  23. News: Mirosavljević . Igor . 2 December 2023 . Evolution of the party scene since 2012: Who are the members of the "Serbia Against Violence" coalition? . European Western Balkans . 4 December 2023.
  24. Web site: Didanović . Vera . 11 December 2023 . Serbien vor den Wahlen: Veränderungen in Sicht? . Serbia before the elections: changes in sight? . 14 December 2023 . Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung . de.
  25. Web site: 20 October 2022 . Ne davimo Beograd postaje partija, koje ime je "u igri" i koji su im ciljevi . Do not let Belgrade drown to become a political party, which name is "in the game" and what are their goals . 10 February 2023 . N1 . sr.
  26. Web site: Čongradin . Snežana . 11 February 2023 . Ne davimo Beograd, Ne damo Srbiju, a šta je sa Kosovom: Radomir Lazović za Danas o novom imenu ovog pokreta . Do not let Belgrade drown, We will not give Serbia, and what about Kosovo: Radomir Lazović for Danas on the new name of this movement . 11 February 2023 . Danas . sr.
  27. News: Komarčević . Dušan . 27 November 2023 . 'Nacionalne' teme dominiraju predizbornom kampanjom u Srbiji . sr . 'National' themes are dominating the pre-election campaign in Serbia . Radio Free Europe . 29 November 2023.
  28. Web site: 2 March 2023 . Zeleno-levi front: Kockarnicama i kladionicama nije mesto u zdravstvenom sistemu Srbije . Green-Left Front: Casinos and betting shops have no place in the Serbian healthcare system . 6 March 2023 . Novinska agencija Beta . sr . 6 March 2023 . . dead .
  29. Web site: 21 April 2023 . Zeleno-levi front u Nišu: Zaustavićemo eksploataciju i uništavanje prirodnih dobara . Green-Left Front in Niš: We will stop the exploitation and destruction of natural resources . 28 April 2023 . Novinska agencija Beta . sr .
  30. Web site: 8 September 2023 . Zeleno-levi front predstavio predlog Zakona o građanskom partnerstvu . Green-Left Front presents the proposed law on civil unions . 8 September 2023 . Danas . sr.
  31. Web site: 16 October 2023 . Zeleno-levi front protiv podizanja spomenika i osnivanja muzeja Dragoljubu Mihailoviću . The Green–Left Front opposes the erection of a monument and the establishment of a museum to Dragoljub Mihailović . 18 October 2023 . Novinska agencija Beta . sr.
  32. Web site: Savić . Danilo . 5 November 2023 . Lazović i Đorđević kopredsednici Zeleno-levog fronta, Dobrica Veselinović u Predsedništvu . Lazović and Đorđević, co-presidents of the Green-Left Front, Dobrica Veselinović in the Presidency . 5 November 2023 . NOVA portal . sr.
  33. Web site: 21 August 2023 . Izvod iz registra političkih stranaka . Extract from the register of political parties . 22 August 2023 . Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government . 19 . sr.
  34. Web site: Čongradin . Snežana . 27 March 2023 . Kako će NDB obezbediti novac za registraciju stranke Zeleno-levi front? . How will the NDB provide money for the registration of the Green-Left Front party? . 8 April 2023 . Danas . sr.
  35. Web site: 16 October 2023 . U okviru stranke Zeleno-levi front osnovan Autonomni ženski front . Inside the Green–Left Front the Autonomous Women's Front has been formed . 16 October 2023 . Novinska agencija Beta . sr.
  36. Web site: 5 June 2023 . Zelena omladina Srbije se pridružila Zeleno-levom frontu kao omladinsko telo . The Green Youth of Serbia joined the Green–Left Front as its youth wing . 16 October 2023 . Green–Left Front . sr.
  37. Web site: Poslanička grupa Zeleno-levi klub, Ne davimo Beograd, Moramo . Parliamentary group Green-Left Club, Do not let Belgrade drown, We Must . 1 September 2023 . National Assembly of Serbia . sr.
  38. Web site: 23 May 2023 . Pavićević: Počelo prikupljanje potpisa za formiranje partije Zeleno-levi front . Pavićević: The collection of signatures for the formation of the Green-Left Front party has begun . 23 May 2023 . N1 . sr.
  39. Web site: 19 June 2023 . Pokret Ne davimo Beograd postaje stranka Zeleno-levi front . Do not let Belgrade drown movement is becoming the Green-Left Front party . 20 June 2023 . Novinska agencija Beta . sr.
  40. Web site: Radovanović . Vojin . 19 January 2022 . Zelenović nosilac parlamentarne liste, Veselinović beogradske . Zelenović is the representative of the parliamentary list, Veselinović is for Belgrade . 6 March 2023 . Danas . sr.
  41. Web site: 22 June 2023 . Jelena Jerinić: Evropski Zeleni podržali proteste i evropski put Srbije . Jelena Jerinić: The European Greens support the protests and Serbia's European path . 22 June 2023 . Novinska agencija Beta . sr.
  42. Web site: 3 June 2023 . Zeleno-levi front na 37. kongresu Evropske zelene partije . Green-Left Front at the 37th Congress of the European Green Party . 22 June 2023 . Ne davimo Beograd . sr.
  43. Web site: 28 May 2020 . Inicijativa "Ne davimo Beograd" se pridružila Progresivnoj internacionali . The "Do not let Belgrade drown" initiative joined the Progressive International . 6 March 2023 . Danas . sr.
  44. Book: Kovačević . Miladin . Izbori za narodne poslanike Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije . 2024 . Republički zavod za statistiku . Belgrade . 978-86-6161-252-7 . 8–9 . 22 June 2024 . sr .
  45. Web site: Izveštaj o sprovedenim izborima za poslanike Skupštine Autonomne pokrajine Vojvodine održanim 17. i 30. decembra 2023. godine . Report on the conducted elections for deputies to the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina held on December 17 and 30, 2023 . Provincial Electoral Commission . 15 February 2024 . sr . January 30, 2024.
  46. Web site: Izveštaj o rezultatima izbora za odbornike Skupštine Grada Beograda . Report on the results of the elections for councillors of the City of Belgrade Assembly . 2024-03-16 . City of Belgrade . 3 January 2024.
  47. Web site: Izveštaj o rezultatima izbora za odbornike Skupštine Grada Beograda . Report on the results of the elections for councillors of the City of Belgrade Assembly . 2024-07-01 . City of Belgrade . 14 June 2024.