Griko language explained

Nativename:Greek, Modern (1453-);: Γκρίκο
Ethnicity:Griko people
Speakers2:40,000 to 50,000 L2 speakers
Fam4:AtticIonic (Disputed)
Doric (Disputed)
Fam5:Italiot Greek
Script:Greek alphabet, Latin alphabet
Glottoname:Apulian Greek
Mapcaption:Location map of the Italiot-speaking areas in Salento and Calabria

Griko (endonym: /Greek, Modern (1453-);: Γκρίκο), sometimes spelled Grico, is one of the two dialects of Italiot Greek (the other being Calabrian Greek or Italian: Grecanico), spoken by Griko people in Salento, province of Lecce, Italy.[2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Some Greek linguists consider it to be a Modern Greek dialect and often call it (Greek, Modern (1453-);: Κατωιταλιώτικα||Southern Italian) or (Greek, Modern (1453-);: Γραικάνικα). Griko and Standard Modern Greek are partially mutually intelligible.[7]


The most popular hypothesis on the origin of Griko is the one by Gerhard Rohlfs[8] and Georgios Hatzidakis, that Griko's roots go as far back in history as the time of the ancient Greek colonies in Southern Italy and Sicily in the eighth century BC. The Southern Italian dialect is thus considered to be the last living trace of the Greek elements that once formed Magna Graecia.

There are, however, competing hypotheses according to which Griko may have preserved some Doric elements, but its structure is otherwise mostly based on Koine Greek, like almost all other Modern Greek dialects.[9] Thus, Griko should rather be described as a Doric-influenced descendant of Medieval Greek spoken by those who fled the Byzantine Empire to Italy to escape the Turks. The idea of Southern Italy's Greek dialects being historically derived from Medieval Greek was proposed for the first time in the 19th century by Giuseppe Morosi.[10]

Geographic distribution

Two small Italiot Greek-speaking communities survive today in the Italian regions of Calabria (Metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria) and Apulia (Province of Lecce). The Italiot Greek-speaking area of Apulia comprises nine small towns in the Grecìa Salentina region (Calimera, Martano, Castrignano de' Greci, Corigliano d'Otranto, Melpignano, Soleto, Sternatia, Zollino, Martignano), with a total of 40,000 inhabitants. The Calabrian Greek region also consists of nine villages in Bovesia, (including Bova Superiore, Roghudi, Gallicianò, Chorìo di Roghudi and Bova Marina) and four districts in the city of Reggio Calabria, but its population is significantly smaller, with around only 2000 inhabitants.

Official status

By Law 482 of 1999, the Italian parliament recognized the Griko communities of Reggio Calabria and Salento as a Greek ethnic and linguistic minority. It states that the Republic protects the language and culture of its Albanian, Catalan, Germanic, Greek, Slovene and Croat populations and of those who speak French, Franco-Provençal, Friulian, Ladin, Occitan and Sardinian.[11] According to UNESCO data from 2011, the two dialects of Griko are classified as severely endangered languages.[12]


There is rich oral tradition and Griko folklore. Griko songs, music and poetry are particularly popular in Italy and Greece. Famous music groups from Salento include Ghetonia and Aramirè. Also, influential Greek artists such as Dionysis Savvopoulos and Maria Farantouri have performed in Griko. The Greek musical ensemble Encardia focuses on Griko songs as well as on the musical tradition of Southern Italy at large.[13] [14]


Sample text from Greek, Modern (1453-);: Καληνύφτα – Greek, Modern (1453-);: Kalinifta ("Good night") and Greek, Modern (1453-);: Andramu pai, popular Griko songs:

Griko Modern Greek English Translation
Greek, Modern (1453-);: Καληνύφτα - Greek, Modern (1453-);: kali'nifta Greek, Modern (1453-);: Καληνύχτα - Good night
Greek, Modern (1453-);: Εβώ πάντα σε σένα πενσέω,<br/>γιατί σένα φσυχή μου 'γαπώ,<br/>τσαι που πάω, που σύρνω, που στέω<br/>στην καρδία,<ref name="Synizesis">Often, in actual performances of the song, [[synizesis]] takes place on the two final syllables of καρδία ({{ipa|/kar.'di.a/ Greek, Modern (1453-);: Εγώ πάντα εσένα σκέφτομαι,<br/>γιατί εσένα ψυχή μου αγαπώ,<br/>και όπου πάω, όπου σέρνομαι, όπου στέκομαι,<ref name="Passive/active verb forms"> The verbs "{{lang|el|σέρνομαιI always think of you
because I love you, my soul,
and wherever I go, wherever I drag myself to, wherever I stand,
inside my heart I always hold you.
pronounced as /[eˈvo ˈpanta se ˈsena penˈseo<br />jaˈti ˈsena fsiˈhi mu ɣaˈpo<br />tɕe pu ˈpao pu ˈsirno pu ˈsteo<br />stin karˈdia<ref name="Synizesis" /> mu ˈpanta ˈsena vasˈto]/pronounced as /[eˈɣo ˈpanda eˈsena ˈsceftome<br />ʝaˈti eˈsena psiˈçi mu aɣaˈpo<br />ce ˈopu ˈpao ˈopu ˈserno[me] ˈopu ˈsteko[me]
stin ɡarˈðʝa mu ˈpanda eˈsena vaˈsto]/
Griko Modern Greek English Translation
Greek, Modern (1453-);: Ἄνδρα μοῦ πάει - Greek, Modern (1453-);: Andramu pai Greek, Modern (1453-);: Ὁ ἄνδρας μοῦ πάει - My husband is gone
Greek, Modern (1453-);: Στὲ κούω τὴ μπάντα τσαὶ στὲ κούω ἦττο σόνο<br/>Στέω ἐττοῦ μα 'σα τσαὶ στὲ πένσεω στὸ τρένο <br/> Πένσεω στὸ σκοτεινό τσαὶ ἤττη μινιέρα <br/> ποῦ πολεμώντα ἐτσεί πεσαίνει ὁ γένο! Greek, Modern (1453-);: Ἀκούω τὴν μπάντα, ἀκούω τὴ μουσική<br/>Εἶμαι ἐδὼ μαζί σας μὰ σκέφτομαι τὸ τρένο<br/>Σκέφτομαι τὸ σκοτάδι καὶ τὸ ὀρυχεῖο<br/>ὅπου δουλεύοντας πεθαίνει ὁ κόσμος!I hear the band, I hear the music
I'm here with you but I think of the train
I think of darkness and the mine
where people work and die!
Greek, Modern (1453-);: Ste 'kuo ti 'baⁿda ce ste kuo itto sono,<br/>steo et'tu ma sa ce ste 'penseo sto 'treno,<br/>penseo sto skotinò citti miniera<br/>pu polemònta ecì peseni o jeno!...


Stoppronounced as /ink/ pronounced as /ink/pronounced as /ink/ pronounced as /ink/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /ink/ pronounced as /ink/
Affricatepronounced as /ink/ pronounced as /ink/pronounced as /ink/ pronounced as /ink/
Fricativepronounced as /ink/ pronounced as /ink/pronounced as /ink/ (pronounced as /ink/)pronounced as /ink/pronounced as /ink/
Nasalpronounced as /ink/pronounced as /ink/pronounced as /ink/
Trillpronounced as /ink/
Approximantpronounced as /ink/pronounced as /ink/
Highpronounced as /ink/pronounced as /ink/
Midpronounced as /ink/pronounced as /ink/
Lowpronounced as /ink/


In many aspects, its grammar is similar to that of Modern Greek. The language has three genders, masculine, feminine, and neuter. All nouns and adjectives are declined according to number and case. There are four cases, just like in Modern Greek: nominative, genitive, accusative, and vocative. Verbs are conjugated according to person, number, tense, mood, and aspect. The table below shows the personal pronouns of the Griko language:

Personal pronouns! colspan="2"
1st person2nd person3rd person
Nominativeevòemìesùesì(e)cino, (e)cini, (e)cino(e)cini, (e)cine, (e)cina
Genitivemuma, massuesà(s), sa(e)cinù, (e)cinì, (e)cinù(e)cinò
Accusativeme, emenama, masesea, seaesà(s), sa(e)cino, (e)cini, (e)cino(e)cinu, (e)cine, (e)cina

See also

Further reading

External links

Notes and References

  1. Book: Vincent, N. . Italian . B. . Comrie . The world's major languages . London . Croom Helm . 1981 . 279–302.
  2. F. Violi, Lessico Grecanico-Italiano-Grecanico, Apodiafàzzi, Reggio Calabria, 1997.
  3. Paolo Martino, L'isola grecanica dell'Aspromonte. Aspetti sociolinguistici, 1980. Risultati di un'inchiesta del 1977
  4. Filippo Violi, Storia degli studi e della letteratura popolare grecanica, C.S.E. Bova (RC), 1992
  5. Filippo Condemi, Grammatica Grecanica, Coop. Contezza, Reggio Calabria, 1987;
  6. In Salento e Calabria le voci della minoranza linguistica greca | Treccani, il portale del sapere
  7. Book: Hammarström, Harald. Harald Hammarström. 2015. Ethnologue 16/17/18th editions: a comprehensive review: online appendices.
  8. G. Rohlfs, Griechen und Romanen in Unteritalien, 1924.
  9. G. Horrocks, Greek: A history of the language and its speakers, London: Longman. 1997. Ch. 4.4.3 and 14.2.3.
  10. G. Morosi, Studi sui dialetti greci della terra d'Otranto, Lecce, 1870.
  11. Law no. 482 of 1999
  12. News: Evans . Lisa . 2011-04-15 . . Endangered languages: the full list . . 2013-08-01 . live .
  13. Web site: Website of Encardia . 2016-02-17 . 2016-01-20 . . dead .
  14. News: Tsatsou. Marianna. Charity Concert Collects Medicine and Milk Instead of Selling Tickets. 31 December 2016. Greek Reporter. April 22, 2012.
  15. Book: Romano, Antonio . Acoustic data about the Griko vowel system . University of Turin, Italy . 2011.