Grand Prince Danyang Explained

Grand Prince Danyang
Birth Name:Wang Hu
Birth Place:Kingdom of Goryeo
Issue:Prince Yangwon
Regnal Name:Grand Prince Danyang (단양부원대군, 丹陽府院大君; given in 1310 by King Chungseon)[1]
Royal House:Wang
Father:Wang Cha, Duke Gangyang
Rr:Danyang Daegun
Mr:Tan'yang Tae'kun
Rrborn:Wang Hu
Mrborn:Wang Hu

Grand Prince Danyang (shortly as 단양대군, 丹陽大君; ; born Wang Hu), was a Goryeo Royal family member as the second son of Duke Gangyang and grandson of King Chungnyeol.[2] He was promoted repeatedly and later reached the position as Three Grand Masters (삼중대광, 三重大匡).[3] Though his niece, he would eventually become the maternal granduncle of King Gongyang.


In 1320, Wang Hu went to Yuan dynasty and appointed as Deunggeuksa (등극사, 登極使) and sent to Daidu.[4] In the following year, he went to Yuan again for celebrate the opening of Gaewon (개원, 改元) and their Empress Dowager's coronation.[5]

In 1333, when King Chungsuk, his older half first cousin, stayed in Yuan, Wang Hu became Gwonseohaengseongsa (권서행성사, 權署行省事) while temporarily take charge of its affairs.[6] After Chungsuk went to Eoyong Hall (어용전, 御容殿) in Pyeongyang, he then brought the National Seal (국인, 國印) along with Chanseongsa (찬성사, 贊成事), Jojeok (조적, 曺頔), Miljiksa (밀직사, 密直使), Jeonggi (정기, 鄭頎), etc for the King.[7]

His grandmother, Princess Jeonghwa's older brother was a monk at Donghwa Temple (동화사, 桐華寺), made several thousand and hundred men as slaves, which Wang Hu benefited a lot. However, when civilians (양인, 良人) returned as a slaves (노비, 奴婢), Hu tried to inform the Yuan dynasty with cross the Yalu River, but failed after captured by the shackles sent by the Goryeo prime ministers, then returned to Gaegyeong.[8]

In 1352, when Cho Il-sin (조일신, 趙日新) rebellion broke out, he invited King Gongmin to his house for a while.[9] One year later, while Gongmin went to Chimwon (침원, 寢園; royal tomb) for did the Chunhyang (춘향, 春享; Ritual in Spring), Wang Hu attended as Aheongwan (아헌관).[10]

In 1361, when the northwest was devastated by the invasion of the Red Turbans and Gaeseong was captured, Wang Hu surrendered along with Jeollipanseo Yi An (전리판서 이안, 典理判書 印安), General Kim Sŏ-gwang (대호군 김서광, 大護軍 金瑞光).[11] Then, he gave them important military bases, where the land was fertile, where they could live and where there was grain in Gi County (기현, 畿縣). As a result, after Hong resigned became a problem, he and others were impeached by the inspectorate, their land and slaves were confiscated, also his descendants were also sentenced to imprisonment in 1362.[12]

Based on


Notes and References

  1. Web site: 왕후 등을 관작에 임명하다. Goryeosa. November 17, 2021. ko.
  2. Book: 2001. 高麗史. Goryeosa. ko. 19. University of Michigan. Shinseowon. 9788979400991.
  3. Book: 1991. 고려사, Volume 3. Goryeosa, Volume 3. ko. 427. University of California. Yeogang Publishing House.
  4. Book: 2000. Koryŏ wangjosa. ko. 331. University of California. Hangmunsa. 9788946790827.
  5. Web site: 원에 사신을 보내 연호 개정과 태후 책봉을 하례하다. Goryeosa. November 17, 2021. ko.
  6. Book: 1999. 韓國人物大辭典. Dictionary of Korean Characters. ko. 589. University of Michigan. Joongang News, Joongang M&b. 9788983752222.
  7. Web site: 왕이 평양에 이르자 정동행성의 왕후 등이 국인을 가지고 오다. Goryeosa. November 17, 2021. ko.
  8. Book: Kang, Bongnyong. 2002. 뿌리 깊은 한국사 샘 이 깊은 이야기, Volume 3. Deep-rooted Korean History Story, Volume 3. ko. 190. University of Michigan. Sol. 9788981335380.
  9. Web site: 왕이 조일신과 그 당여를 숙청하다. Goryeosa. November 17, 2021. ko.
  10. Book: 2000. 고려 시대 연구, Volume 12. Goryeo Dynasty Research, Volume 12. ko. 175. University of Michigan. Korea Institute of Historical Culture. 9788971056608.
  11. Book: 2006. 국역 "고려사".: 열전. 20-28. National "History of Goryeo".: Biographies. 20-28. ko. 328. University of Michigan. National Culture. 9788982080951.
  12. 《고려시대 군사전략》, 정해은 外, (국방부군사편찬연구소, 2006년 8월).