Dragoman of the Porte explained

The Dragoman of the Sublime Porte (Ottoman Turkish: ; Greek, Modern (1453-);: [μέγας] διερμηνέας της Υψηλής Πύλης), Dragoman of the Imperial Council (tercümân-ı dîvân-ı hümâyûn), or simply Grand or Chief Dragoman (tercümân başı), was the senior interpreter of the Ottoman government and de facto deputy foreign minister. From the position's inception in 1661 until the outbreak of the Greek Revolution in 1821, the office was occupied by Phanariotes, and was one of the main pillars of Phanariote power in the Ottoman Empire.


In the Ottoman Empire, the existence of official interpreters or dragomans (from the Italian rendering Italian: drog[o]man of Arabic, Ottoman) is attested from the early 16th century. They were part of the staff of the ('head secretary'), who was responsible for foreign affairs within the Imperial Council. As few Ottoman Turks ever learned European languages, from early times the majority of these men were of Christian origin—in the main Austrians, Hungarians, Poles, and Greeks.

In 1661, the Grand Vizier Ahmed Köprülü appointed the Greek Panagiotis Nikousios as Chief Dragoman to the Imperial Council. He was in turn succeeded in 1673 by another Greek, Alexander Mavrocordatos. These men began a tradition where almost all subsequent Grand Dragomans of the Porte were of Greek origin, or Hellenized Balkan Christians, and members of a small circle of Phanariote families, such as the Mavrocordatos, Ghica, Caradja or Callimachi clans. Many of the Phanariotes had previously served in the staffs of the European embassies in Constantinople. Nikousios, for instance, had previously (and for a time concurrently) served as translator for the Austrian embassy.

All dragomans had to be proficient in the 'three languages' of Arabic, Persian, and Turkish that were commonly used in the empire, as well as a number of foreign languages (usually French and Italian), but the responsibilities of Dragoman of the Porte went beyond that of a mere interpreter, and were rather those of a minister in charge of the day-to-day conduct of foreign affairs. As such the post was the highest public office available to non-Muslims in the Ottoman Empire.

Nikousios and his successors managed to attach to their office a number of great privileges, such as tax exemption for themselves, their sons, and 20 members of their retinue; exemption from all customs fees for items destined for their personal use; immunity from all courts except from that of the Grand Vizier; permission to dress in the same kaftans as the Ottoman officials, and use ermine fur; or the permission to ride a horse. These made the position highly coveted, and the object of the Phanariotes' aspirations and rivalries. The salary of the Dragoman of the Porte amounted to 47,000 annually.

The success of the post led to the creation of a similar post, that of Dragoman of the Fleet, in 1701. The latter often served as a stepping-stone to the office of Grand Dragoman. There were also junior dragomans for specific jurisdictions, for example for the Ottoman army, or for the Morea Eyalet, but these positions were never formalized in the same manner. From 1711, many former Grand Dragomans or Dragomans of the Fleet were appointed to the positions of princes (voivodes or hospodars) of the tributary Danubian Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia. These four offices formed the foundation of Phanariote prominence in the Ottoman Empire.

The Phanariotes maintained this privileged position until the outbreak of the Greek Revolution in 1821: the then Dragoman of the Porte, was beheaded, and his successor,, was dismissed and exiled in 1822. The position of Grand Dragoman was then replaced by a guild-like Translation Bureau, staffed initially by converts like Ishak Efendi, but quickly exclusively by Muslim Turks fluent in foreign languages.

List of Dragomans of the Porte

Panagiotis Nikousios1661–1673
Alexander Mavrocordatos1673–1709
Nicholas Mavrocordatos1689–1709Son of Alexander. Subsequently Prince of Moldavia (1711–1715) and Prince of Wallachia (1715–1716, 1719–1730)
John Mavrocordatos1709–1717Son of Alexander. Subsequently Caimacam of Moldavia (1711) and Prince of Wallachia (1716–1719)
Grigore (II) Ghica1717–1727Subsequently Prince of Moldavia (1726–1733, 1735–1739, 1739–1741, 1747–1748) and of Wallachia (1733–1735, 1748–1752)
Alexander Ghica1727–17401st term
John Theodore Callimachi1741–17501st term
Matei Ghica1751–1752Son of Grigore. Subsequently Prince of Wallachia (1752–1753) and of Moldavia (1753–1756)
John Theodore Callimachi1752–17582nd term. Subsequently Prince of Moldavia (1758–1761)
Grigore (III) Ghica1758–1764Son of Alexander. Subsequently Prince of Moldavia (1764–1767, 1774–1782) and of Wallachia (1768–1769)
Skarlatos Caradja1765–1768Son of George. 1st term.
Mihai Racoviță1769–1770Subsequently Prince of Moldavia (1703–1705, 1707–1709, 1716–1726) and of Wallachia (1730–1731, 1741–1744)
Skarlatos Caradja1770–1774 2nd term
Alexander Ypsilantis1774Subsequently Prince of Wallachia (1774–1782, 1796–1797) and of Moldavia (1786–1788)
Constantine Mourouzis1774–1777Previously Dragoman of the Fleet (1764–1765). Subsequently Prince of Moldavia (1777–1782)
Nicholas Caradja1777–1782Son of Skarlatos. Subsequently Prince of Wallachia (1782–1783)
Michael (I) Drakos Soutzos1782–1783Subsequently Prince of Wallachia (1783–1786, 1791–1793, 1801–1802) and of Moldavia (1793–1795)
Alexander Mavrocordatos Firaris1782–1783Subsequently Prince of Moldavia (1785–1786)
Alexandru Callimachi1785–17881st term.
Manuel Caradja1788–1790
Alexander Mourouzis1790–1792Son of Constantine. Subsequently Prince of Moldavia (1792, 1802–1806, 1806–1807) and of Wallachia (1793–1796, 1799–1801).
George Mourouzis1792–1794Son of Constantine. 1st term.
Alexandru Callimachi1794–17952nd term. Subsequently Prince of Moldavia (1795–1799)
George Mourouzis1795–17962nd term.
Constantine Ypsilantis1796–1799Son of Alexander. Subsequently Prince of Moldavia (1799–1801) and of Wallachia (1802–1806).
Alexandros Soutzos1799–1801Son of Nicholas. Previously Dragoman of the Fleet (1797–1799). Subsequently Prince of Moldavia (1801–1802) and of Wallachia (1819–1821).
Scarlat Callimachi1801–1806Subsequently Prince of Moldavia (1806, 1812–1819).
Alexander Hangerli1806–1807Subsequently Prince of Moldavia (1807).
John Caradja1807–18081st term.
1808Previously Dragoman of the Fleet (1799–1800).
1808–1812Elder brother of Panagiotis. In 1812 he took part in the negotiations which ended the war with Russia. The Ottomans became dissatisfied with the peace settlement after Napoleon began his invasion of Russia in June, and Mourouzis fell under suspicion of having furthered the Russian interest. He was summarily executed at the Topkapi Palace.[1]
Panagiotis Mourouzis1809–1812Younger brother of Demetrios. Previously Dragoman of the Fleet (1803–1806).
John Caradja18122nd term. Subsequently Prince of Wallachia (1812–1819).
1812–1817Previously Dragoman of the Fleet (1809)
Michael Soutzos1817–1819Subsequently Prince of Moldavia (1819–1821)


. Charles Eliot (diplomat) . Turkey in Europe . 1900 . Edward Arnold . London .

. Apostolos Vakalopoulos . el:Ιστορία του νέου ελληνισμού, Τόμος Δ′: Τουρκοκρατία 1669–1812 – Η οικονομική άνοδος και ο φωτισμός του γένους (Έκδοση Β′) . History of modern Hellenism, Volume IV: Turkish rule 1669–1812 – Economic upturn and enlightenment of the nation (2nd Edition) . Thessaloniki . 1973 . Emm. Sfakianakis & Sons . Greek .

Notes and References

  1. Hart, Patrick; Kennedy, Valerie; and Petherbridge, Dora (Eds.) (2020), Henrietta Liston's Travels: The Turkish Journals, 1812 - 1820, Edinburgh University Press, pp. 140 - 141