Sarmiento Formation Explained

Sarmiento Formation
Prilithology:Sandstone, mudstone
Subunits:Colhué Huapí Member, Gran Barranca Member, Puesto Almendra Member, Rosado Member, Trelew Member, and Vera Member
Underlies:Chenque Formation
 Gaiman Formation
Overlies:Koluel Kaike Formation
(Río Chico Group)
Thickness:319 metres
Extent:Golfo San Jorge Basin
Map:Sarmiento Formation Map.jpg
Region Ts:Chubut Province
Country Ts:Argentina
Thickness Ts:319m (1,047feet) (tuffs)

The Sarmiento Formation (Spanish: Formación Sarmiento), in older literature described as the Casamayor Formation, is a geological formation in Chubut Province, Argentina, in central Patagonia, which spans around 30 million years from the mid-Eocene to the early Miocene. It predominantly consists of pyroclastic deposits,[1] which were deposited in a semi-arid environment.[2] It is divided up into a number of members. The diverse fauna of the Sarmiento Formation, including a variety of birds, crocodilians, turtles and snakes, also includes many mammals such as South American native ungulates (notoungulates, litopterns, astrapotheres) as well as armadillos, and caviomorph rodents.[3]



Anura indet.Currently undescribedUpper Puesto Almendra Member
Calyptocephalella[4] C. canqueliUpper Puesto Almendra MemberA calyptocephalellid frog
EupsophusE. sp.Upper Puesto Almendra MemberAn alsodid frog
NeoprocoelaN. edentatusUpper Puesto Almendra MemberA leptodactylid frog


Andrewsornis[5] A. abottiUpper Puesto Almendra MemberA phorusrhacid
LoxornisL. clivusUpper Puesto Almendra Member
PhysornisP. sp.Upper Puesto Almendra MemberA phorusrhacid
Telmabates[6] T. antiquusUpper Puesto Almendra Member



Eocaiman[7] E. cavernensisGran Barranca MemberA caiman
Sebecus[8] S. icaeorhinusGran Barranca Member Disarticulated skull, mandible, and some postcranial material.A sebecid notosuchian.


Chubutophis[9] C. grandisGran Barranca MemberA boa snake
Gaimanophis[10] G. tenuisTrelew MemberA boa snake
Iguanidae indet.[11] Currently undescribedUpper Puesto Almendra Member
Madtsoia[12] M. baiM. sp.Gran Barranca and Upper Puesto Almendra MembersA madtsoiid snake
Waincophis[13] W. australisGran Barranca MemberA boa snake


Chelonoidis[14] C. gringorumTrelew MemberA tortoise
Gaffneylania[15] G. auricularisA meiolaniid stem-turtle
NiolamiaN. argentinaGran Barranca Member
Testudininae indet.[16] Currently undescribedPuesto Almendra Member A tortoise



AcoelodusA proclivusGran Barranca MemberA notoungulate of uncertain affinities.
AcoelohyraxA. sigmaA. complicatissimusGran Barranca MemberA notohippid notoungulate
Adiantoides[18] A. magnusGran Barranca MemberAn indaleciid litoptern
AlbertogaudryaA. carahuasensisA. unicaGran Barranca MemberAn astrapothere
AmilnedwardsiaA. breviculaGran Barranca Member
Ancylocoelus[19] A. frequensPuesto Almendra MemberA leontiniid notoungulate
Anisolambda [20] A. amelA. fissidensGran Barranca MemberA proterotheriid litoptern
AnisotemnusA. distentusGran Barranca and Vera Members
Antepithecus[21] A. brachystephanusA. innexusGran Barranca and Rosado MembersA notopithecid notoungulate
ArchaeohyraxA. patagonicusGran Barranca and Puesto Almendra MembersA archaeohyracid notoungulate
Archaeophylus[22] A. patriusPuesto Almendra MemberA interatheriid notoungulate
ArchaeopithecusA. rogeriGran Barranca MemberA archaeopithecid notoungulate
ArchaeotypotheriumA. propheticusPuesto Almendra and Vera Members An archaeohyracid notoungulate
Argyrohippus[23] A. bouleiA. fraterculus

A. praecox

Colhué Huapí and Puesto Almendra Members
Argyrohyrax[24] [25] A. proavusPuesto Almendra Member
AsmodeusA. osborniPuesto Almendra Member
AstraponotusA. assymmetrusA. dicksoni

A. dilatatus

A. holdichi

A. thompsoni

Gran Barranca Member
Astrapotherium[26] A. ruderariumColhué Huapí member
Astrapotheriidae indet.Currently undescribedColhué Huapí Member
BryanpattersoniaB. sulcidensPuesto Almendra and Vera MembersGenus probably a synonym of Archaeotypotherium
CochiliusC. brevirostrisC. fumensis

C. volvens

Colhué Huapí and Puesto Almendra Members
ColpodonC. distinctusC. propinquus

C. sp.

Colhué Huapí MemberA leontiniid.
ConiopterniumC. andinumPuesto Almendra MemberA macraucheniid litoptern
Cramauchenia[27] C. normalisColhué Huapí and Puesto Almendra MembersNearly complete skull and humerusA macraucheniid litoptern
Cramaucheniinae indet.Currently undescribedPuesto Almendra Member
Deuterotherium[28] D. distichumPuesto Almendra Member
Didolodus[29] D. multicuspsisD. magnusD. minorD. latigonusGran Barranca and Rosado MembersAll species mostly known from dental remainsA didolodontid.
EdvardotrouessartiaE. solaGran Barranca Member
EohyraxE. isotemnoidesE. platyodus

E. praerusticus

Gran Barranca and Rosado Members
EolicaphriumE. primariumGran Barranca MemberA litoptern
EomorphippusE. bondiE. neilopdykei

E. obscurus

Rosado and Lower Puesto Almendra members
EopachyrucosE. pliciformisE. pliciferusRosado and Puesto Almendra MembersMandibular and skull remainsAn interatheriid.
ErnestohaeckeliaE. aculeata E. acutidensGran Barranca MemberA litoptern
ErnestokokeniaE. nitidaE. patagonicaGran Barranca MemberMostly known from dental remainsA didolodontid.
Eurygenium[30] E. latirostrisPuesto Almendra Member
GuilielmofloweriaG. plicataGran Barranca MemberA proterotheriid.
GuilielmoscottiaG. pliciferaRosado and Vera MembersA interatheriid notoungulate
Hegetotheriopsis[31] H. sulcatusTrelew Member
HegetotheriumH. novumTrelew Member
HomalostylopsH. atavusH. parvusGran Barranca and Rosado MembersA notostylopid notoungulate
HenricofilholiaH. lustrataH. cingulata

H. circumdata

H. intercincta

H. vucetichia

Upper Puesto Almendra MemberAn astrapothere
HenricosborniaH. ampla H. lophodonta

H. minuta

Gran Barranca Member
Interatherium[32] I. sp.Colhué Huapí MemberAn interatheriid
IsotemnusIsotemnus ctalego Isotemnus haugi

Isotemnus latidens

Isotemnus primitivus

Gran Barranca Member
Isotemnidae indet.Currently undescribedPuesto Almendra Member
LambdaconusL. lacerumColhué Huapí Member
LeontiniaL. gaudryiL. sp.Puesto Almendra Member
Maddenia[33] M. lapidariaPuesto Almendra Member
MaxschlosseriaM. consumata M. expansa

M. minima

M. minuta

M. praeterita

M. rusticula

M. septa

Gran Barranca MemberAn oldfieldthomasiid notoungulata
Medistylus[34] M. dorsatusPuesto Almendra Member
MorphippusM. complicatus M. fraternus

M. hypselodus

M. imbricatus

M. quadrilobus

Puesto Almendra Member
Notopithecus[35] N. adapinusGran Barranca and Rosado Members
NotostylopsN. murinus N. appressus

N. pendens

N. pigafettai

N. sp.

Gran Barranca and Rosado Members
OldfieldthomasiaO. anfractuosaO. debilitata

O. parvidens

O. transversa

Gran Barranca Member
OthnielmarshiaO. curviristra O. lacunifera

O. reflexa

Gran Barranca Member
PachyrukhosP. sp.Colhué Huapí Member
PaginulaP. parcaGran Barranca Member
Paramacrauchenia[36] P. scamnataP. inexspectataColhué Huapí Member
ParastrapotheriumP. cingulatum P. ephebicum P. holmbergi

P. lemoinei

P. trouessarti

P. sp.

Colhué Huapí and Puesto Almendra Members
PatagonhippusP. canterensisP. dukeiPuesto Almendra MemberA notohippid notoungulate
PaulogervaisiaP. inustaGran Barranca and Rosado Members
PeripantostylopsP. minutusGran Barranca Member
PeriphragnisP. exauctusP. sp.Rosado Member
PleurostylodonP. complanatus P. crassiramis

P. modicus

P. recticrista

P. similis

Gran Barranca, Rosado, and Vera Members
Polymorphis[37] P. lecheiGran Barranca MemberA macraucheniid litoptern
Proadiantus[38] P. excavatusPuesto Almendra Member
ProadinotheriumP. leptognathusPuesto Almendra Member
Proargyrohyrax[39] P. curanderensisP. sp.Vera MemberAn interatheriid notoungulate
ProectocionP. argentinusP. precisusGran Barranca MemberAn adianthid litoptern
ProgaleopithecusP. fissurellatusP. tournoueri

P. sp.

Puesto Almendra MemberA interatheriid notoungulate
ProhegetotheriumP. sculptumP. sp.Puesto Almendra Member
Proheptaconus[40] P. patagonicusColhué Huapí and Trelew MembersAn adianthid litoptern
Prolicaphrium[41] [42] P. spectabileP. specillatumColhué Huapí MemberA proterotheriid litoptern
Propachyrucos[43] P. smithwoodwardiPuesto Almendra Member
Propyrotherium[44] [45] P. saxeumGran Barranca Member
ProsotheriumP. garzoniPuesto Almendra Member
ProtarchaeohyraxP. minorPuesto Almendra MemberA archaeohyracid notoungulate
Proterotheriidae indet.Currently undescribedPuesto Almendra Member
ProtheosodonP. coniferusPuesto Almendra Member
Protypotherium[46] P. sp.Colhué Huapí Member
PseudhyraxP. eutrachytheroidesPuesto Almendra Member
Pternoconius[47] [48] [49] P. polymorphoidesP. tournoueri

P. bondi

Colhué Huapí and Puesto Almendra Members
PueliaP. sigmaP. coarctatusGran Barranca, Rosado, and Vera MembersA notohippid notoungulate
Pyrotherium[50] P. romeroiPuesto Almendra Member
Rhynchippus[51] [52] R. pumilusR. equinus

R. sp.

Puesto Almendra Member
Rosendo[53] R. pascualiVera MemberA notohippid notoungulate
Rutimeyeria[54] R. conuliferaGran Barranca MemberA litoptern
SantiagorothiaS. chiliensisVera Member
ScagliaS. kraglievichorumGran Barranca Member
ScarrittiaS. canquelensisS. barranquensisPuesto Almendra Member
SparnotheriodonS. epsilonoidesGran Barranca Member
Teratopithecus[55] T. elpidophorosGran Barranca Member
Tetragonostylops[56] T. apthomasiGran Barranca Member
TetramerorhinusT. sp.Colhué Huapí Member
Teushentherium[57] T. camaronensisPuesto Almendra Member
Theosodon[58] T.? frenguelliiColhué Huapí Member
ThomashuxleyaT. rostrata T. externaGran Barranca Member
Trachytherus[59] T. spegazzinianusT. sp.Puesto Almendra Member
TranspithecusT. obtentusT. sp.Gran Barranca and Rosado Members
TricoelodusT. bicuspidatusPuesto Almendra MemberAn adianthid litoptern
Trigonolophodon[60] T. elegansT. inflatusGran Barranca MemberA homalodotheriid notoungulate
TrigonostylopsT. wortmaniT. sp.Gran Barranca MemberAn astrapothere
UltrapithecusU. rutilansGran Barranca and Rosado Members
VictorlemoineaV. labyrinthicaV. emarginata

V. longidens

V. sp.

Gran Barranca Member


Archaeutatus[61] A. malaspinensisA. sp.Upper Puesto Almendra Member
AstegotheriumA. dichotomumGran Barranca Member
BarrancatatusB. rigidusB. maddeni

B. sp.

Vera and Upper Puesto Almendra Members
ClypeotheriumC. magnumUpper Puesto Almendra Members
CochlopsC. sp.Colhué Huapí Member
Glyptodontinae indet.Currently undescribedColhué Huapí and Upper Puesto Almendra Members
Hapaloides[62] H. ignavus H. laeviusculus

H. ponderosus

H. sp.

Colhué Huapí Member
HolomegalonyxH. menendeziColhué Huapí Member
MachlydotheriumM. aterM. sparsum

M. sp.

Gran Barranca, Rosado, Upper Puesto Almendra, and Vera Members
MazzoniphractusM. ingensRosado Member
Megalonychidae indet.Currently undescribedColhué Huapí Member
MeteutatusM. anthinusM. ascendens

M. concavus

M. confluens

M. lagenaformis

M. lucidus

M. minutus

M. nepotulus

M. percarinatus

M. tortuosus

M. sp.

Gran Barranca, Rosado, Upper Puesto Almendra, and Vera Members
NematheriumN. sp.Colhué Huapí Member
OctodontotheriumO. grandeO. crassidensUpper Puesto Almendra Member
PalaeopeltisP. inornatusUpper Puesto Almendra Member
Parutaetus[63] P. chicoensisP. chilensis

P. clusus

P. signatus

Gran Barranca, Rosado, Upper Puesto Almendra, and Vera Members
PeltephilusP. pumilusP. undulatus

P. sp.

Colhué Huapí and Upper Puesto Almendra Members
Peltephilidae indet.Currently undescribedColhué Huapí, Rosado, Upper Puesto Almendra, and Vera Members
ProeuphractusP. setigerUpper Puesto Almendra Member
ProeutatusP. oenophorumProeutatus robustus

P. sp.

Colhué Huapí Member
PropalaehoplophorusP sp.Colhué Huapí Member
ProplatyarthrusP longipesVera Member
ProschismotheriumP. oppositumP. sp.Colhué Huapí Member
ProstegotheriumP. astriferP. notostylopianum

P. sp.

Gran Barranca Member
ProzaedyusP. humilisP. impressus

P. planus

P. sp.

Colhué Huapí and Upper Puesto Almendra Members
Pseudoglyptodon[64] P. chilensisGran Barranca and Upper Puesto Almendra Members
StegosimpsoniaS. chubutanumColhué Huapí, Gran Barranca, and Rosado Members
Stegotherium[65] S. caroloameghinoiS. pascuali

S. tessellatum

S. variegatum

Colhué Huapí Member
Stegotheriini indet.Currently undescribedColhué Huapí, Rosado, Upper Puesto Almendra, and Vera Members
StenotatusS. centralisS. patagonicus

S. ornatus

S sp.

Colhué Huapí, Upper Puesto Almendra, and Vera Members
UtaetusU. buccatusU. deustus

U. laevus

U. lenis

Gran Barranca and Rosado Members


AbderitesA. meridionalisColhué Huapí Member
Abderitidae indet.Currently undescribedColhué Huapí Member
AcdestodonA. bonaparteiUpper Puesto Almendra Member
AcdestoidesA. praecursorUpper Puesto Almendra Member
AcrocyonA. riggsiColhué Huapí Member
Acyon[66] A. tricuspidatusColhué Huapí Member
AmphidolopsA. serrulaGran Barranca Member
Anargyrolagus[67] A. primusTrelew Member
Angelocabrerus[68] A. daptesGran Barranca Member
ArctodictisA. sinclairiColhué Huapí Member
ArminiheringiaA aucetaGran Barranca Member
Australohyaena[69] A. antiquaUpper Puesto Almendra Member
BorhyaenaB. macrodontaColhué Huapí Member
Caenolestoides[70] C. miocaenicusColhué Huapí Member
CanchadelphysC. cristataVera Member
CarlothentesC. chubutensisUpper Puesto Almendra Member
CaroloameghiniaC. materC. tenuisGran Barranca Member
CladosictisC. centralisC sp.Colhué Huapí Member
CleniaC. minusculaC. brevisColhué Huapí and Vera Members
Coona[71] C. gaudryiC. gutierrezi

C. pattersoni

Gran Barranca Member
Didelphimorphia indet.Currently undescribedColhué Huapí Member
EomicrobiotheriumE. matutinumE. mykerumColhué Huapí, Trelew, Upper Puesto Almendra, and Vera Members
EpikhloniaE. verticalisVera Member
Eudolops[72] E. tetragonusGran Barranca Member
EvolestesE. sp.Upper Puesto Almendra Member
GaimanlestesG. pascualiTrelew Member
Hathliacynidae indet.Currently undescribedColhué Huapí and Vera Members
Hondonadia[73] H. fierroensisH. parca

H. praecipitia

H. pumila

Upper Puesto Almendra and Vera Members
KramadolopsK. fissuratusK. hernandezi

K. maximus

K. mayoi

Gran Barranca, Upper Puesto Almendra, and Vera Members
MicrobiotheriumM. praecursorM. sp.Colhué Huapí and Vera Members
Microbiotheriidae indet.Currently undescribedColhué Huapí Member
NemolestesN. spalacotherinusGran Barranca Member
NotogaleN. mitisUpper Puesto Almendra Member
OligobiotheriumO. divisumColhué Huapí Member
PatagoniaP. peregrinaTrelew MemberA metatherian of uncertain placement
PachybiotheriumP. acclinumColhué Huapí Member
Palaeothentes[74] P. marshalliP. migueli

P. minutus

Colhué Huapí and Upper Puesto Almendra Members
Palaeothentidae indet.Currently undescribedColhué Huapí and Upper Puesto Almendra Members
ParabderitesP. bicrispatusP. minisculusColhué Huapí and Upper Puesto Almendra Members
PeriakrosP. ambiguusVera Member
PharsophorusP. laceransP. tenax Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Pichiplidae indet.Currently undescribedUpper Puesto Almendra and Vera Members
PilcheniaP. antiquaP. intermedia P. lobata

P. lucina

Upper Puesto Almendra and Vera Members
PolydolopsP. crassus P. serra

P. tetragonus

P. thomasi

P. unicus

Gran Barranca Member
PraedensP. aberransVera Member
ProargyrolagusP. argentinusColhué Huapí Member
Proborhyaena[75] P. giganteaUpper Puesto Almendra Member
ProcladosictisP. erectaGran Barranca Member
ProgarzoniaP. notostylopenseGran Barranca Member
PseudothylacynusP. rectusColhué Huapí Member
Rosendolops[76] R. ebaiosR. primigeniumGran Barranca, Upper Puesto Almendra, and Vera Members
Rosendolopidae indet.Currently undescribedUpper Puesto Almendra and Vera Members
SipalocyonS. externusS. sp.Colhué Huapí Member
StilotheriumS. parvumColhué Huapí Member
Thylacosmilidae indet.Currently undescribedColhué Huapí Member
TrelewthentesT. rothiUpper Puesto Almendra Member


Acarechimys[77] [78] A. leucotheaeA. minutissimus

A sp.

Colhué Huapí, Puesto Almendra, and Trelew Members
Acaremys[79] [80] A. preminutusA. murinus

A. sp.

Colhué Huapí and Trelew Members
AsteromysA. punctusA. sp.Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Australoprocta[81] A. fleagleiTrelew Member
Banderomys[82] B. leanzaiColhué Huapí Member
Branisamyopsis[83] B. australisColhué Huapí Member
Caviocricetus[84] C. lucasiColhué Huapí and Trelew Members
Caviomorpha indet.Currently undescribedUpper Puesto Almendra Member
Cephalomyidae indet.Currently undescribedUpper Puesto Almendra Member
Cephalomyopsis[85] C. hipselodontusPuesto Almendra and Trelew Members
Cephalomys[86] [87] C. arcidensUpper Puesto Almendra Member
Changquin[88] C. woodiUpper Puesto Almendra Member
Chinchilloidea indet.Currently undescribedColhué Huapí Member
Chubutomys[89] [90] C. simpsoniC. leucoreiosTrelew and Upper Puesto Almendra Member
DeseadomysD. arambourgiPuesto Almendra Member
Dudumus[91] D. ruigomeziTrelew Member
DraconomysD. veraiPuesto Almendra Member
EobranisamysE sp.Puesto Almendra Member
Eocardiidae indet.Currently undescribedPuesto Almendra Member
EosteiromysE. homogenidensE. segregatusE. sp.Colhué Huapí and Trelew Members
Eoviscaccia[92] E. australisColhué Huapí, Puesto Almendra, and Trelew Members
EthelomysE. loomisiUpper Puesto Almendra Member
Hypsosteiromys[93] H. nectusH. axiculusColhué Huapí Member
Incamys[94] [95] I. bolivianusI. menniorumPuesto Almendra Member
LeucokephalosL. zeffiaeUpper Puesto Almendra Member
LitodontomysL chubtensisUpper Puesto Almendra Member
LlitunL. notucaUpper Puesto Almendra Member
LoncolicuL. tretosUpper Puesto Almendra Member
LuantusL. initialisL. minorL. propheticusL. sp.Colhué Huapí and Trelew Members
Neoepiblemidae indet.Currently undescribedColhué Huapí Member
NeoreomysN. pinturensisColhué Huapí Member
Paradelphomys[96] P. fissusColhué Huapí Member
ParasteiromysP. friantaeP. uniformisColhué Huapí Member
PerimysP. incavatusP. transversus

P. dissimilis

P. sp.

Colhué Huapí and Trelew Members
Platypittamys[97] P. brachyodonUpper Puesto Almendra Member
Prospaniomys[98] [99] P. priscusP. sp.Colhué Huapí and Trelew Members
ProstichomysP. bowniColhué Huapí Member
ProtacaremysP. adilosP. avunculus

P. prior

P. pulchellus

P. sp.

Colhué Huapí and Upper Puesto Almendra Members
ProtadelphomysP. latusP. sp.Colhué Huapí and Trelew Members
Saremmys[100] S. ligcuraColhué Huapí and Trelew Member
ScotamysS. antiquusUpper Puesto Almendra Member
SoriamysS. gaimanensisS. ganganensisS. sp.Colhué Huapí and Trelew Members
Willidewu[101] W. estapariusTrelew Member
VallehermosomysV mazzoniiUpper Puesto Almendra Member
XylechimysX. obliquusUpper Puesto Almendra Member


Dolichocebus[102] D. gaimanensisTrelew Member
HomunculusH. sp.Colhué Huapí Member
Mazzonicebus[103] [104] M. almendraeColhué Huapí Member
Tremacebus[105] T. harringtoniColhué Huapí Member


MormopterusM. barrancaeM. sp.Colhué Huapí Member
Phyllostominae indet.Currently undescribedColhué Huapí Member

Notes and References

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  2. Book: Madden, Richard H. . The paleontology of Gran Barranca : evolution and environmental change through the middle Cenozoic of Patagonia . 2010 . Cambridge University Press . 978-0-521-87241-6 . Loessic and fluvial sedimentation in Sarmiento Formation pyroclastics, middle Cenozoic of central Patagonia . 499130096.
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  8. Pol . Diego . Leardi . Juan M. . Lecuona . Agustina . Krause . Marcelo . 2012-03-01 . Postcranial anatomy of Sebecus icaeorhinus (Crocodyliformes, Sebecidae) from the Eocene of Patagonia . Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology . 32 . 2 . 328–354 . 10.1080/02724634.2012.646833 . 2012JVPal..32..328P . 86565764 . 0272-4634.
  9. Albino . Adriana Maria . 1993-07-01 . Snakes from the Paleocene and Eocene of Patagonia (Argentina): Paleoecology and coevolution with mammals . Historical Biology . 7 . 1 . 51–69 . 10.1080/10292389309380443 . 1993HBio....7...51A . 0891-2963.
  10. Albino . Adriana M. . 1996-04-24 . Snakes from the Miocene of Patagonia (Argentina) Part I: The Booidea . Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen . en . 199 . 3 . 417–434 . 10.1127/njgpa/199/1996/417 . 0077-7749.
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