Official Cantonese translations of English names for British officials explained

The British Consulate General Hong Kong is the sole governmental agency currently tasked with offering professional formal English-to-Cantonese name translation services to British officials.[1] [2] No similar services are offered by UK diplomatic missions within the Greater China area. It is a long tradition for the UK government to provide such uniform translation for certain cabinet members and other officials.[3] [4] This practice has its origin in the distasteful translation of the name of the 16th Colonial Governor of Hong Kong,[5] and the UK government keeps this tradition alive. The translation process is very refined, and there is a set of principles that they observe to avoid taboo, undesirable, or embarrassing translations as well as making the translated names more relatable, approachable, and agreeable to local Hong Kongers.[6]

These translated names are widely adopted and used by Cantonese media outlets in Hong Kong and Macau as well as their foreign correspondents and bureaus, which spread these names to Cantonese-speaking expatriate communities including Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States.


It was not uncommon for British officials to be given translation of their names in history. Before getting a new translation, the name of the very first Hong Kong colonial governor, Henry Pottinger, was originally translated as {{linktext|煲|顛|茶 or Bōu Dīn Chàh in Cantonese[7] which phonetically rhymes with his family name Pottinger fairly well but literally means “to brew crazy tea” or implies “a nutter brews tea”.[8] Some of these degrading translations have survived into modern times. Both Lord William Napier and Sir Edward Belcher had their names translated into {{linktext|律|勞|卑 or Leuht Lòuh Bēi and {{linktext|卑|路|乍 or Bēi Louh Ja respectively. Both names have multiple demeaning literal meaning or rhyming elements to it, such as “to discipline the servant inferior” for {{linktext|律|勞|卑 (Leuht Lòuh Bēi) or “an inferior road for the cunning” for {{linktext|卑|路|乍 (Bēi Louh Ja).[9] Both names are still in use today.

The 16th Governor of Hong Kong, Sir Reginald Stubbs, was first given a particularly distasteful Cantonese translation for his name. {{linktext|史|塔|士 or Sí Taap Sí was the original Cantonese translation, literally meaning “history” for {{linktext|史 (sí), “a tower” for {{linktext|塔 (taap), and “a vassal” for {{linktext|士 (sí). However, the first and the third characters of 史 and 士 share the same archaic pronunciation of the character {{linktext|死 (sí), meaning “to die”, and more troublesomely, the same pronunciation of the character {{linktext|屎 (sí), meaning “shit”.[10] Also, Cantonese speakers sometimes call a toilet bowl {{linktext|屎塔 (sí taap), being homophones to the first two characters of his newly translated name.[5] Thus, Stubbs's first Cantonese name translation rendered a wide variety of somewhat unpalatable translations and interpretations, like “toilet bowl's shit”, “shit tower's death” etc.[11]

Stubbs, as a result, became the very first governor given a formal Cantonese name translation, {{linktext|司|徒|拔 or Sī Tòuh Baht. For native English speakers, {{linktext|司 (sī) may still sound very much the same as {{linktext|屎 (sí), but as the two different tone marks show, they are different. This difference in tones changes a lot in the meanings, given the fact that Cantonese is a tonal language. And at the same time, Stubbs believed having an authentically translated name would create an approachable image and help the colonial government build a closer relationship with ethnically Chinese Hong Kongers and indigenous villagers. A new governmental tradition of English-to-Cantonese name translation for British officials was thus born.

Translation service and methods

Prior to Hong Kong's sovereignty transfer in 1997, it was the joint effort of the Chinese Language Division of the colonial Chief Secretary's Office and the British Trade Commission in Hong Kong to come up with seemly name translations for British officials. It is now the responsibility of the Hong Kong British Consulate-General, and they usually supply the press with a list of translated names when there is a new cabinet.[12]

The early translation method mainly focused on phonetic or homophonic translation of an official's family name. As the system matured, the official's given names started having a role to play. The translation process has become very sophisticated in modern times. There is a considerable emphasis on localisation and domestication instead of phonetic imitation of the English pronunciation.[13] Furthermore, matters that are culturally only significant to local Hong Kongers, especially for the middle-to-upper class, but not so much to foreigners, like aesthetic values of different calligraphic styles of the characters on an East Asian seal or chop, divinatory feng-shui and suan-ming assessment of the character total stroke count, etc. are all part of the translation service.[14] The Consulate-General has revealed a summary of general guidelines that they now follow for the process:

GoalTake Cantonese as the target language, as most Hong Kongers speak Cantonese.
Make an official's translated name as indistinguishable from locals' names as possible so that ethnically Chinese Hong Kongers find it relatable.
Principle 1Take English pronunciation as the basis and then look for homophonic Cantonese characters.e.g.: {{linktext|文 or Màhn for the former Prime Minister Theresa May's family name.
Consider stressed syllables of the English name first.e.g.: {{linktext|翠|珊 or Cheui Sāan for the former Prime Minister Theresa May's first name.
Principle 2Use common Cantonese family names when possible.When the colonial government was trying to provide the former Governor Patten's wife Lavender with a Cantonese name, all the options were given divinatory suan-ming assessment of the character total stroke count. She ultimately settled on a common family name {{linktext|林 and given names {{linktext|穎|彤 or Làhm Wihng Tùhng in whole, meaning “a forest” for {{linktext|林, “intelligent” for {{linktext|穎, “scarlet” for {{linktext|彤, and in all denoting an outstanding, clever, and beautiful lady.
Make sure the translated given names are pleasant to the ear, divinatorily auspicious, and with decent meanings and metaphors.
Principle 3Match the order of the characters with the Cantonese family name corresponding to the English family name.The family name should come first.
Do the same for the given names.
Principle 4Aim to have a three-character name.
Ignore the official's English given names if that individual's English family name is enough to provide for a meaningful three-character Cantonese name.e.g.: The former Chancellor Philip Hammond's family name was enough to provide for {{linktext|夏|文|達 or Hah Màhn Daaht.

Cantonese and Mandarin translated names

This practice of providing comprehensive official name translation services has never been extended to Mandarin or to other UK diplomatic missions out of Hong Kong in the Greater China region.[3] As such, places where Mandarin is their official language usually have different Mandarin-translated names for British officials. The Mandarin-translated names do not only differ from their Cantonese counterparts but also among Mandarin-speaking regions, e.g. between Mainland China and Taiwan.[15] Also, these name translations are not used by Chinese state-owned media in Hong Kong, e.g. Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po. Instead, they use names following standards of Mainland state media.

For instance, Hong Kong media observe the Cantonese name translated by the Consulate-General and call former Prime Minister Theresa May {{linktext|文|翠|珊 or Màhn Cheui Sāan, meaning “refined” for {{linktext|文, “jade” for {{linktext|翠, and “coral” for {{linktext|珊. And she is known as {{linktext|梅|伊 or Méi Yī in Mandarin in Taiwan, meaning “a Chinese plum” for {{linktext|梅 and “that (a pronoun)” for {{linktext|伊.[15] However, the Chinese Xinhua News Agency, being the official standard setter of name translation in China and known to have declined to accept the US government's suggested name translation for former President Obama,[16] calls Theresa May {{linktext|特|雷|莎{{linktext|梅 or Tè Léi Shā Méi, literally meaning “special” for {{linktext|特, “thunder” for {{linktext|雷, “sedge” for {{linktext|莎, and “a Chinese plum” for {{linktext|梅. This is a phonetic translation that preserves the English name structure.[15]

Reception and exceptions

L:Don't worry about being born with a bad fate;
(instead) worry most about having a bad name.
Y:m̀h pa sāang waaih mehng,
jeui pa gói waaih méng。
J:m4 paa3 saang1 waai6 meng6
zeoi3 paa3 goi2 waai6 meng2

As in many cultures, Hong Kongers are generally very concerned with having good names for both infants and adults. A local Cantonese saying captures this concern very well: "{{linktext|唔|怕|生|壞|命{{linktext|最|怕|改|壞|名”,[17] meaning “Don't worry about being born with a bad fate; (had better) most worry about having a wrong name", which shares some similarities with the more commonly known Latin phrase in the West, nomen est omen. It is, thus, not unusual to hear stories about adults in Hong Kong in their 30s or 40s changing their names after consulting with feng-shui and suan-ming practitioners in the hope of improving various aspects of their lives.[18] Hong Kong parents of newborns are just as concerned, if not more so.[17] Against this cultural backdrop, the Cantonese-translated names prepared by the Consulate-General are generally very well received and often praised by the Hong Kong public.[19] [20] [21] In fact, it is not just Hong Kongers who have high regard for these names. Some of them are so well translated that they have earned the admiration of some Mandarin-speaking commentators in Taiwan.[15]

On the other hand, although it is the usual practice that the Consulate-General provides a new cabinet with Cantonese-translated names,[20] individual officials may still turn down such suggestions and opt for Mandarin-translated names instead, and they occasionally do.[3] [12] When this happens, Hong Kong mainstream media usually adopt the Mandarin-translated names, but some members of the Hong Kong public may frown upon these names.[22] [23]

Former Prime Minister David Cameron provided one such example. When he entered 10 Downing Street for the first time as prime minister in 2010, the Consulate-General offered him {{linktext|甘|民|樂 or Gām Màhn Lohk as his Cantonese name, meaning "willingly" for {{linktext|甘, "people" for {{linktext|民, and "joy" for {{linktext|樂. This name as a whole was intended to signify that he had "the will to make the people happy", but he chose to forgo the offer. Instead, Cameron decided to stick to the Mandarin-translated name {{linktext|卡|梅|倫 as his official name, meaning "to get stuck" for {{linktext|卡, "a Chinese plum" for {{linktext|梅, and "ethics" for {{linktext|倫, which had already been in use by Chinese media and some Hong Kong media as well. It was later reported that he thought not taking up a new Cantonese name would save some hassle for the media in Hong Kong.[3]

However, quite a few of the Hong Kong public held negative views towards his Mandarin-translated name, especially when previous British officials, like Governor Patten, had adopted a new Cantonese-translated name despite having an existing Mandarin-translated name.[15] [19] Some in Hong Kong continued to find Cameron's Mandarin-translated name objectionable until his resignation in 2016.[23] He was even made fun of having probably been destined to have his premiership cut short because of "having a wrong name".[24]

Notable exceptions

Here are some British officials who have not taken up their Cantonese-translated names suggested by the Consulate-General:

Name! rowspan="2" width=120px
CharacterSuggested translationUltimate translationRemark
Traditional characterYale

DefinitionOverall connotationSimplified
Hanyu Pinyin
width=90pxDefinitionOverall connotation
David CameronFamily Name{{linktext|甘GāmwillinglyA leader with the will to make the people happy.{{linktext|卡to get stuckMostly homophonic translation with limited overall connotations.
1st Given Name{{linktext|民Màhnpeople{{linktext|梅Méia Chinese plum
2nd Given Name{{linktext|樂Lohkjoy{{linktext|伦Lúnethics
Nick CleggFamily Name{{linktext|紀GéiepochThe two given name characters together happen to be homophones of “résumé{{linktext|履|歷 or léih lihk, signifying a leader with years of management experience.{{linktext|克to defeatMostly homophonic translation with little overall connotations.The character {{linktext|克 is the simplified character of {{linktext|剋 which means "to defeat" with an ominous connotation in feng-shui in certain situations.
1st Given Name{{linktext|理Léihto manage{{linktext|莱Láigoosefoot
2nd Given Name{{linktext|歷Lihkhistory{{linktext|格a square
Boris JohnsonFamily Name{{linktext|莊JōngsolemnA solemn leader for growth and development.{{linktext|约Yuēan agreementMostly homophonic translation with little overall connotations.It was reported that he neither accepted nor rejected the Consulate-General's suggestion.
1st Given Name{{linktext|漢Hon man{{linktext|翰Hànhigh-flying
2nd Given Name{{linktext|生Sāng to grow;
to develop
{{linktext|逊Xùnto abdicate
As a result of the non-adoption of a Cantonese name for Boris Johnson, his brother Jo Johnson was named by the Consulate-General as "約翰森",[25] with the brothers sharing the first two characters "約翰" (John) to suggest their relationship.
Ultimate Translation
Simplified CharacterHanyu Pinyin (Mandarin)DefinitionOverall Connotation
Jo JohnsonFamily Name Character{{linktext|约Yuēan agreementMostly homophonic translation with limited overall connotations.
1st Given Name Character{{linktext|翰Hànhigh-flying
2nd Given Name Character{{linktext|森Sēnforest

List of translated names

British politicians

EnglishCantoneseYear sinceNotes
Prime Ministers
BLAIR, Tony貝理雅PM, 1997
BROWN, Gordon白高敦PM, 2007[26]
MAY, Theresa文翠珊PM, 2016[27]
MAJOR, John馬卓安PM, 1990
STARMER, Keir施紀賢PM, 2024[28] [29]
SUNAK, Rishi辛偉誠PM, 2022[30]
THATCHER, Margaret (Mrs.)戴卓爾夫人PM, 1979
TRUSS, Liz卓慧思PM, 2022[31]
Cabinet Ministers
ADONIS, Andrew艾德思Cabinet, 2009[32] [33]
ALEXANDER, Douglas艾力生Cabinet, 2003[34] [35]
ALEXANDER, Danny艾德禮Cabinet, 2010[36]
ARGAR, Edward晏嘉華Cabinet, 2022
ARMSTRONG, Hilary艾希妮Cabinet, 2001[37] [38]
ASHTON, Catherine艾嘉蓮Cabinet, 2007[39] [40]
BADENOCH, Kemi栢丹娜Cabinet, 2022or 柏丹娜.[41] [42]
BALLS, Ed博雅文Cabinet, 2007[43] [44]
BARCLAY, Steve柏建熙Cabinet, 2018[45] [46]
BECKETT, Margaret貝嘉晴Cabinet, 1997[47]
BENN, Hilary彭浩禮Cabinet, 2003[48] [49]
BERRY, Jake包澤君Cabinet, 2019[50] [51]
BLEARS, Hazel貝海珊Cabinet, 2006[52] [53]
BLUNKETT, David白文傑Cabinet, 1997[54] [55]
BRADLEY, Karen龐碧琳Cabinet, 2016[56]
BRADSHAW, Ben白德生Cabinet, 2009[57] [58]
BRAVERMAN, Suella柏斐文Cabinet, 2020[59]
BROKENSHIRE, James博敬誠Cabinet, 2016[60] [61]
BROWN, Nick白禮勤Cabinet, 1997[62]
BROWNE, Des彭德Cabinet, 2005[63] [64]
BUCKLAND, Robert白樂彬Cabinet, 2019[65] [66]
BURNHAM, Andy貝安德Cabinet, 2007[67] [68]
BYRNE, Liam白理安Cabinet, 2008[69] [70]
CABLE, Vince祈維信Cabinet, 2010[71] or 祁維信.[72]
CAIRNS, Alun祈啟思Cabinet, 2016[73] [74]
CAMPBELL, Alan簡柏邦Cabinet, 2024
CHALK, Alexander卓傲山Cabinet, 2021previously 卓艾歷.
CLARK, Greg祈國光Cabinet, 2015[75]
CLARKE, Charles祈卓禮Cabinet, 2001[76]
CLARKE, Kenneth祁淦禮Cabinet, 1987[77] [78]
CLARKE, Simon夏簡勤Cabinet, 2021[79] [80]
CLEVERLY, James祁湛明Cabinet, 2019[81] previously 祁維利.[82]
COFFEY, Thérèse高翠玲Cabinet, 2019[83]
COOK, Robin郭偉邦Cabinet, 1997[84]
COOPER, Yvette顧綺慧Cabinet, 2008[85] [86]
COUTINHO, Claire郭嘉兒Cabinet, 2023
COX, Geoffrey郝思賢Cabinet, 2018[87]
CRABB, Stephen郝智恆Cabinet, 2014[88] [89]
DARLING, Alistair戴理德Cabinet, 1997[90]
DAVEY, Ed戴宏Cabinet, 2012[91] [92]
DAVIES, David TC戴德瑋Cabinet, 2022
DAVIS, David戴德偉Cabinet, 2016[93] [94]
DENHAM, John鄧俊安Cabinet, 2007[95] [96]
DODDS, Anneliese杜迪詩Cabinet, 2024previously 杜安妮.
DORRIES, Nadine杜慧詩Cabinet, 2021[97]
DONELAN, Michelle唐萃蘭Cabinet, 2020
DOWDEN, Oliver杜永敦Cabinet, 2019[98]
ELLIS, Michael艾文浩Cabinet, 2021
EUSTICE, George尤俊仕Cabinet, 2020[99]
EVANS, Natalie歐樂怡Cabinet, 2016[100] [101]
FALCONER, Charles范克林Cabinet, 2003[102]
FALLON, Michael房應麟Cabinet, 2014[103]
FOX, Liam霍理林Cabinet, 2010[104]
FRAZER, Lucy方惠珊Cabinet, 2023
FROST, David霍禮思Cabinet, 2021[105] [106]
GAUKE, David郭達瑋Cabinet, 2016[107]
GILLAN, Cheryl紀卓琳Cabinet, 2010[108] [109]
GLEN, John簡俊恆Cabinet, 2022
GOLDSMITH, Peter高仕文Cabinet, 2001
GOVE, Michael高文浩Cabinet, 2010[110]
GRAYLING, Chris紀嘉林Cabinet, 2012[111]
GREEN, Damian祈達文Cabinet, 2016
GREENING, Justine簡意寧Cabinet, 2011[112]
GRIEVE, Dominic葛偉富Cabinet, 2010
HAGUE, William夏偉林Cabinet, 2010[113]
HAIGH, Louise賀樂怡Cabinet, 2024
HAIN, Peter韓培德Cabinet, 2002[114] [115]
HAMMOND, Philip夏文達Cabinet, 2010[116]
HANCOCK, Matthew夏國賢Cabinet, 2015[117]
HANDS, Greg夏漢士Cabinet, 2023
HARMAN, Harriet夏雅雯Cabinet, 2007[118]
HARPER, Mark夏萬恒Cabinet, 2015[119] [120]
HART, Simon夏世民Cabinet, 2019[121]
HEALEY, John賀理安Cabinet, 2024
HEAPPEY, James許澤明Cabinet, 2022
HEATON-HARRIS, Chris夏禮思Cabinet, 2022[122] [123]
HERMER, Richard何爾文Cabinet, 2024
HESELTINE, Michael夏舜霆Cabinet, 1983[124] [125]
HEWITT, Patricia賀韻芝Cabinet, 2001[126]
HINDS, Damian夏軒仕Cabinet, 2018[127]
HOON, Geoffrey禤智輝Cabinet, 2007[128]
HOWARD, Michael夏偉明Cabinet, 1990[129]
HOWE, Geoffrey賀維Cabinet, 1979
HUHNE, Chris禤傑思Cabinet, 2010[130] [131]
HUNT, Jeremy侯俊偉Cabinet, 2010[132]
HUTTON, John夏敦Cabinet, 2005[133] or 夏頓.[134]
HURD, Douglas韓達德Cabinet, 1984[135] [136]
IRVINE, Derry艾偉儀Cabinet, 1997
JACK, Alister張毅德Cabinet, 2019[137]
JAVID, Sajid賈偉德Cabinet, 2014[138]
JAYAWARDENA, Ranil蔣華達Cabinet, 2022
JENRICK, Robert鄭偉祺Cabinet, 2019[139]
JOHNSON, Alan莊翰生Cabinet, 2004[140]
JONES, Darren鍾德麟Cabinet, 2024
JONES, David鍾仕維Cabinet, 2012[141] [142]
JOWELL, Tessa蔣黛思Cabinet, 2001[143]
KEEGAN, Gillian喬芝蘭Cabinet, 2022[144] [145]
KELLY, Ruth簡樂芙Cabinet, 2002[146] [147]
KENDALL, Liz簡麗詩Cabinet, 2024
KWARTENG, Kwasi關浩霆Cabinet, 2021[148] [149]
KYLE, Peter靳秉德Cabinet, 2024
LAMMY, David林德偉Cabinet, 2024
LANSLEY, Andrew凌士禮Cabinet, 2010[150] [151]
LAWS, David羅德偉Cabinet, 2010
LEADSOM, Andrea利雅華Cabinet, 2016[152]
LETWIN, Oliver利凱輝Cabinet, 2014[153]
LEWIS, Brandon盧柏敦Cabinet, 2018
LIDDELL, Helen利凱琳Cabinet, 2001
LIDINGTON, David李達德Cabinet, 2016[154] [155]
MAHMOOD, Shabana馬曼婷Cabinet, 2024
MALTHOUSE, Kit莫孝傑Cabinet, 2022[156]
MANDELSON, Peter文德森Cabinet, 1997[157] [158]
McCARTNEY, Ian麥家禮Cabinet, 2003[159] [160]
McFADDEN, Patrick麥法德Cabinet, 2024
McLOUGHLIN, Patrick麥樂賢Cabinet, 2010[161]
McVEY, Esther麥蔚宜Cabinet, 2018[162]
MERCER, Johnny麥忠義Cabinet, 2022
MILBURN, Alan苗易彬Cabinet, 1998[163]
MILIBAND, David文禮彬Cabinet, 2006[164]
MILIBAND, Edward文立彬Cabinet, 2007
MILLER, Maria麥瑪麗Cabinet, 2012[165] [166]
MILLING, Amanda繆敏婷Cabinet, 2020[167]
MITCHELL, Andrew麥俊高Cabinet, 2010[168] [169]
MORDAUNT, Penny莫佩琳Cabinet, 2017[170] [171]
MORGAN, Nicky莫麗琪Cabinet, 2014[172]
MORTON, Wendy莫韻婷Cabinet, 2022
MOWLAM, Mo毛美琳Cabinet, 1997[173] [174]
MUNDELL, David萬達偉Cabinet, 2015[175] [176]
MURPHY, Paul馬偉輝Cabinet, 1999[177] [178]
MURPHY, Jim麥偉俊Cabinet, 2008[179] [180]
MURRAY, Ian麥彥安Cabinet, 2024
NANDY, Lisa藍麗珊Cabinet, 2024[181]
NOKES, Caroline盧嘉蓮Cabinet, 2018[182] [183]
OSBORNE, George歐思邦Cabinet, 2010[184]
PATEL, Priti彭黛玲Cabinet, 2016[185]
PATERSON, Owen彭德森Cabinet, 2010[186] [187]
PATTEN, Chris彭定康Cabinet, 1989[188]
PERRY, Claire彭麗雅Cabinet, 2017[189] [190]
PHILIP, Chris范翹思Cabinet, 2022[191]
PHILLIPSON, Bridget方佩芝Cabinet, 2024
PICKLES, Eric白高志Cabinet, 2010[192]
POWELL, Enoch鮑威賢Cabinet, 1962[193] [194]
POWELL, Lucy布樂詩Cabinet, 2024
PRENTIS, Victoria彭雅婷Cabinet, 2022
PRESCOTT, John彭仕國Cabinet, 1997
PURNELL, James貝禮高Cabinet, 2007[195]
QUIN, Jeremy祁澤明Cabinet, 2022[196] [197]
RAAB, Dominic藍韜文Cabinet, 2018
RAYNER, Angela韋雅蘭Cabinet, 2024[198] [199]
REED, Steve李世勳Cabinet, 2024
REES-MOOG, Jacob李思銘Cabinet, 2019[200]
REEVES, Rachel李韻晴Cabinet, 2024
REID, John韋俊安Cabinet, 2003[201] [202]
REYNOLDS, Jonathan韋諾韜Cabinet, 2024
RIFKIND, Malcolm聶偉敬Cabinet, 1986[203] [204]
ROBERTSON, George羅沛誠Cabinet, 1997[205] [206]
RUDD, Amber盧綺婷Cabinet, 2015[207]
SCOTLAND, Patricia施佩雅Cabinet, 2007[208] [209]
SHAPPS, Grant夏博思Cabinet, 2019
SHARMA, Alok岑浩文Cabinet, 2019[210]
SHORT, Clare商麗雅Cabinet, 1997[211] [212]
SMITH, Angela沈安琪Cabinet, 2024previously 施安琳.
SMITH, Chloe施皓兒Cabinet, 2022
SMITH, Chris冼敏治Cabinet, 1997[213] [214]
SMITH, Iain Duncan施志安Cabinet, 2010[215] [216]
SMITH, Jacqui施卓琪Cabinet, 2006
SMITH, Julian施俊安Cabinet, 2017
SPELMAN, Caroline施珮文Cabinet, 2010[217] [218]
SPENCER, Mark施炳森Cabinet, 2019[219]
STEVENS, Joanna施頌雅Cabinet, 2024
STEWART, Rory施達偉Cabinet, 2019
STOWELL, Tina司徒慧兒Cabinet, 2014[220] [221]
STRAW, Jack施仲宏Cabinet, 1997[222]
STRATHCLYDE (Lord)施瑞德勳爵Cabinet, 2010[223] [224]
STREETING, Wesley施卓添Cabinet, 2024
STRIDE, Mel施榮達Cabinet, 2019
STUART, Graham施敬恆Cabinet, 2022[225] [226]
TEBBIT, Norman譚百德Cabinet, 1981[227]
TIMMS, Stephen唐士勳Cabinet, 2006[228] [229]
TREVELYAN, Anne-Marie卓雅敏Cabinet, 2020[230]
TRUE, Nicholas杜立勤Cabinet, 2022
TUGENDHAT, Tom董勤達Cabinet, 2022[231]
VILLIERS, Theresa韋莉雅Cabinet, 2012[232]
WALLACE, Ben華禮仕Cabinet, 2019[233] [234]
WARSI, Sayeeda韋倩婷Cabinet, 2010[235] [236]
WHITTINGDALE, John韋廷毅Cabinet, 2015[237]
WILLIAMS, Gareth韋廉思Cabinet, 1999[238]
WILLIAMSON, Gavin韋廉信Cabinet, 2016
WRIGHT, Jeremy衛俊明Cabinet, 2014[239]
YOUNG, George楊佐義Cabinet, 1995[240] [241]
ZAHAWI, Nadhim查學禮Cabinet, 2021[242]
Speakers of the House of Commons
BERCOW, John柏爾勤Speaker, 2009[243] previously 白高漢.[244]
HOYLE, Lindsay賀立紳Speaker, 2019
First Ministers
DRAKEFORD, Mark翟景輝FM, 2018[245] [246] previously 查克佛.[247] [248]
FOSTER, Arlene范愛玲FM, 2016[249]
STURGEON, Nicola施雅晴FM, 2014[250]
ABBOTT, Diane艾德雅MP[251] [252]
AMESS, David顏敏時MP
ALLIN-KHAN, Rosena艾露珊MP[253] [254]
BATTLE, John貝德禮MP[255]
BEBB, Guto貝嘉濤MP[256] [257]
BLACKFORD, Ian柏家輝MP[258] [259]
BROWNE, Jeremy白偉明MP[260]
CABORN, Richard簡邦安MP[261]
CORBYN, Jeremy郝爾彬MP[262]
EAGLE, Angela葉安琪MP[263] [264]
EVANS, Nigel艾文思MP[265]
FATCHETT, Derek范卓德MP[266]
FIELD, Mark田銘祺MP[267]
GAPES, Mike祈沛思MP
GIBB, Nick祈禮勤MP[268]
KHAN, Sadiq簡世德MP
LAING, Eleanor黎恩MP
LAWRENCE, Ivan羅禮善MP[269]
LONG-BAILEY, Rebecca呂碧嘉MP[270]
MacSHANE, Denis麥守謙MP[271]
MAUDE, Francis麥浩德MP[272] [273]
McDONNELL, John麥祖恩MP[274] [275]
MILL, John Stuart苗莊雪MP
PEARSON, Ian裴毅生MP[276]
RAMMELL, Bill韋明浩MP[277]
SMITH, Owen施安偉MP
SOURBY, Anna蘇碧玲MP[278] also 蘇愛琳.[279] [280]
SWINSON, Jo施詠淳MP[281]
SWIRE, Hugo施維爾MP[282]
THORNBERRY, Emily方璧琳MP[283] [284]
WILLETTS, David韋力生MP[285]
ANCRAM, Michael艾敬文Lord, MP[286]
BOSWELL, Tim布思域Lord
DAVIDSON, Ruth戴慧沁Lord, MSP[287]
MAIR, Robert馬賢雅Lord
WARNER, Norman華樂民Lord, MP
WILLOUGHBYDE BROKE (Lord)韋朗布勳爵Lord[288]

British judges

Cantonese names are assigned to British judges serving in Hong Kong judiciary as non-permanent judges in the Court of Final Appeal.

CLARKE, Tony簡嘉麒
COLLINS, Lawrence郝廉思
COOKE, Robin顧安國
HALE, Brenda何熙怡
HODGE, Patrick賀知義
HOFFMANN, Lennie賀輔明
REED, Robert韋彥德
SCOTT, Richard施廣智
WOOLF, Harry伍爾夫

British Consuls General to Hong Kong

BRADLEY, Stephen柏聖文[289]
CORNISH, Francis鄺富劭
DAVIDSON, Brian戴偉紳[290]
HEATH, Tamsin 何思婷
HEYN, Andrew 賀恩德
HODGE, James何進
SEATON, Andrew 奚安竹

British Deputy Consuls General to Hong Kong

BLYTHE, Esther彭雅慧
BROWN, Stuart鮑旭
LINDSAY, Iain黎思安
LYNCH, Paul林博儒
RAYNER, Bob韋諾文
ROBINSON, Sarah Elizabeth樂秀慧
WOODWARD, Christopher Peter胡德偉

Governors of Hong Kong

(Note: Governors denoted with (*) had no official translated Cantonese names; Governors denoted with (#) referred to acting governors after Japanese occupation)

般咸(*) or 文咸
寶靈(*) or 包令
爹核士 (*) or 戴維斯 or 德庇時
盧吉(*) or 盧嘉
砵甸乍(*) or 璞鼎查
ROBINSON, Hercules

later Lord Rosmead
羅士敏勳爵(*) or 樂善美勳爵; 勳爵 refers to Lord;
previously 羅便臣 before receiving peerage

Notes and References

  1. Web site: FCO Ref: 0661-08 Your Freedom Of Information Request . . 2008-09-03 . . 2019-06-15 . 2010-05-22 . 2 .
  2. Web site: 13 May 2020 . How to Make a Good Cantonese Name (The British Way) . . 18 January 2021 . 2021-03-17 . How to Study Cantonese . en.
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  11. 1312641926064009217 . simonshen_glos . 1919年,司徒拔(Reginald Stubbs)就任第16任香港總督,在當時起,香港政府便開始為英國官員制定港式譯名,試圖以親民形象拉近與華人之間距離,讓這佔社會大多數人口,卻不諳英語的華人社群有更大機會願意接受管治,同時亦希望有助紓緩新界原居民問題... ⏺全文見Patreon . 4 October 2020 . 15 March 2021 . zh . . 5 October 2020 . zh:香港化的港督譯名 . 沈旭暉 .
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  34. News: 2015-05-09 . 文立彬克萊格辭黨魁 政壇老手滑鐵盧 . A20 . Ming Pao Daily News . 除了影子外相艾力生(Douglas Alexander) 、影子財相博雅文(Ed Balls)和前蘇格蘭事務大臣墨菲(Jim Murphy)都未能連任。……自民黨原有6 名內閣成員,結果只有克萊格本人和蘇格蘭事務大臣甘文康(Alistair Carmichael)倖存,其餘商業、創新及技能大臣祈維信(Vince Cable)、能源及氣候變化大臣戴維(Ed Davey)、財政部首席秘書艾德禮(Danny Alexander)、國務大臣兼學校事務國務大臣羅德偉(David Lewis)等都輸掉議席。.
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  95. News: 2009-01-12 . 金融海嘯下的日子…… 英「緊縮世代」就業艱難大學生變失業生 . A22 . Apple Daily . 創新、大學及技能大臣鄧俊安(John Denham)說.
  96. News: 2008-01-29 . 英國出招解決非技術勞工失業 麥當勞證書等同高考程度 . A30 . Sing Tao Daily . 英國創新、大學及技能大臣鄧俊安 (John Denham) 表示.
  97. Web site: 【新冠肺炎】英國衛生部官員確診 (09:38) - 20200311 - 國際. 2021-12-04. 明報新聞網 - 即時新聞 instant news. zh-hant.
  98. Web site: 英國保守黨主席為當局應對疫情表現道歉. 2021-12-04. Now 新聞. 14 October 2021 . zh-hk.
  99. Web site: 尤俊仕稱若法國堅持採取威脅措施英方保留作出回應權利 . 2022-10-27 . . 29 October 2021 . zh-Hant-HK.
  100. Web site: 2021-10-23 . 國會休會期檢查西敏宮 揭數千處待修 . 2022-11-17 . on.cc東網 . zh-hk.
  101. Web site: Pao . Ming . 英大選謊言氾濫 民主制度堪憂 外交官請辭稱難忍「兜售片面真相」 . 2022-11-17 . . en.
  102. Web site: 律政司司長訪問倫敦. 2021-11-04.
  103. Web site: 馮翠山. 2017-11-03. 言語性騷擾內閣同僚遭告狀 才是房應麟慌忙下台主因?. 2021-10-30. 香港01. zh-HK.
  104. Web site: 行政長官繼續訪問英國(附圖/短片). 2021-11-04.
  105. Web site: 2021-10-11. 北愛協定談判僵持 英愛官員網上交火. 2021-10-30. Oriental Daily. zh-hk.
  106. Web site: 梁凱怡. 2021-10-15. 英國脫歐|分手逾一年仍然爭拗不斷 英歐為何提出修訂北愛議定書. 2021-10-30. HK01. zh-HK.
  107. Web site: 成依華. 2019-12-06. 【英國大選】馬卓安「倒戈」籲選民支持3名保守黨對手. 2021-10-30. HK01. zh-HK.
  108. News: 2012-09-05 . 英首相改組內閣挽民望 民眾不滿削支財相仍留任 . A23 . Hong Kong Economic Journal . 威爾斯事務大臣紀卓琳(Cheryl Gillan)在其Twitter上表示她已被撤職,但不會退出國會.
  109. News: 2010-12-19 . 英建高鐵方案議員群起反對 . A25 . The Sun . 據稱四名內閣成員亦持反對立場,其中威爾斯事務大臣紀卓琳揚言會退出內閣。.
  110. Web site: 教育局局長結束訪英行程(附圖). 2021-11-04.
  111. Web site: 香港法律制度在維持其全球金融地位上擔當重要角色(附圖). 2021-11-03.
  112. Web site: 歐敬洛. 2018-01-09. 文翠珊重組內閣欠管治威信 簡意寧不願調職劈炮如摑一巴. 2021-12-02. 香港01. zh-HK.
  113. Web site: 行政長官哀悼戴卓爾夫人逝世. 2021-11-04.
  114. News: 2003-06-14 . 英廢千四年大法官制 . A14 . Oriental Daily News . ....原威爾斯事務大臣韓培德現改任下議院首席議員,但他仍會在下議院為威爾斯事務發言。原出任蘇格蘭事務大臣的利凱琳亦宣布退休.....
  115. News: 2003-06-09 . 英揆本周改組內閣 支持入歐元彭仕國削權 . A19 . The Sun . 蘇格蘭事務大臣利凱琳和威爾斯事務大臣韓培德.
  116. Web site: 行政長官在達沃斯世界經濟論壇年會的活動(附圖/短片). 2021-11-04.
  117. Web site: 政務司司長繼續英國訪問行程(附圖). 2021-11-04.
  118. Web site: 工黨文立彬下台另兩大黨魁亦請辭. 2021-11-03.
  119. Web site: 2019-06-11 . 保守黨黨魁提名期結束 10人參選周四首輪投票 . 2021-11-01 . on.cc東網 . zh-hk.
  120. Web site: 約翰遜為「派對門」致歉 黨員促下台 - 香港經濟日報 - 報章 - 國際 . 2022-10-27 .
  121. Web site: 英國威爾士事務大臣夏世民辭職 - RTHK . 2022-10-27 . . zh-tw.
  122. Web site: 辛偉誠宣布競逐保守黨黨魁 . 2022-10-27 . Now 新聞 . 23 October 2022 . zh-hk.
  123. Web site: 房伊媚 . 2022-10-06 . 英國與愛爾蘭同意就《北愛爾蘭議定書》 舉行談判 . 2022-10-27 . 香港01 . zh-HK.
  124. Web site: 利物浦海上商城世界遺產地位瀕危. 2021-12-04. Now 新聞. 20 June 2021 . zh-hk.
  125. Web site: 2021-06-20. 傳利物浦海上商城將失世遺地位 各界促保留. 2021-12-04. on.cc東網. zh-hk.
  126. Web site: 2001-11-20. 政務司司長:中國加入世貿組織對香港商界有利. 2021-10-30.
  127. Web site: 教育局局長在英國出席世界教育論壇(附圖). 2021-11-04.
  128. Web site: 美英聯軍設紅牌制度. 2021-11-03. 果靈聞庫. 26 February 2003 .
  129. Web site: 立法局CB(2)1161/96-97(01)號文件. 2021-11-03.
  130. Web site: 英前大臣超速頂包囚8個月. 2021-11-03. AM730.
  131. Web site: 英大臣為新歡棄妻. 2021-12-02. 明報教育網. zh-tw.
  132. Web site: 民政事務局局長在倫敦為殘奧會香港運動員打氣(附圖). 2021-11-04.
  133. Web site: NewsFlash. 2021-11-02. 果靈聞庫. 20 March 2008 .
  134. Web site: 衞生福利及食物局局長出訪英國就衞生事宜交流意見. 2021-11-04.
  135. Web site: 英前外相韓達德媳婦紐約跳樓亡. 2021-11-03. 23 May 2011 . zh-HK.
  136. Web site: 香港立法局會議過程正式紀錄(一九九二年十一月十一日星期三). Legislative Council of Hong Kong. 517. 相信大家都記得,韓達德先生及麥浩德先生在過往訪港時說過英國是承諾讓香港有民主的.
  137. Web site: 意大利西班牙單日急增死亡個案 全球突破60萬人確診. 2021-11-02. Yahoo. 28 March 2020 . RTHK. zh-HK.
  138. Web site: 財政司司長結束訪問倫敦(附圖). 2021-11-04.
  139. Web site: 歐敬洛. 2021-09-16. 英國改組內閣 約翰遜目的為「疫後重建」. 2021-10-30. 香港01. zh-HK.
  140. Web site: 申請入英籍必須愛國 - 東方日報. 2021-11-02.
  141. News: 2013-04-15 . 英保守黨擬建鐵娘子圖書館 . A31 . Apple Daily . 地區及地方政府大臣白高志(Eric Pickles)形容此舉「有價值」;運輸大臣麥樂賢(Patrick McLoughlin)稱讚是「非凡建議」;威爾斯事務大臣鍾仕維(David Jones)更指:「我想不到有何方法,能比興建圖書館更好表揚戴卓爾夫人。」.
  142. News: 2017-02-09 . 英脫歐協議 國會掌生殺大權 . A20 . Hong Kong Economic Times . 但負責脫歐事務的官員鍾仕維(David Jones)於國會承諾.
  143. Web site: 民政事務局局長在倫敦與英國官員會面. 2021-11-02.
  144. Web site: 房伊媚 . 許懿安 . 2023-01-09 . 英國罷工潮:辛偉誠稱願商護士今年加薪 救護車職員將如期行動 . 2023-02-07 . 香港01 . zh-HK.
  145. Web site: 英50萬人罷工10年最多 工會料30萬教師參與 - 20230202 - 國際 . 2023-02-07 . 明報新聞網 - 每日明報 daily news . zh-hant.
  146. News: 2009-06-08 . 「貝理雅寶貝」今開會密謀造反 . A20 . Apple Daily . 包括上周五辭職的歐洲事務大臣費嘉琳(Caroline Flint)並不罷休……去年10月辭職的前運輸大臣簡樂芙(Ruth Kelly)也會加入.
  147. News: 2006-12-21 . 英設安全房間防家庭暴力 . A37 . Oriental Daily News . 社區及地方政府大臣簡樂芙(Ruth Kelly)認為.
  148. Web site: 英國出動後備車隊協助運送燃油. 2021-11-01. Now 新聞. 30 September 2021 . zh-hk.
  149. Web site: 2021-10-03. 英明派200士兵助運油至油站. 2021-11-01. Ming Pao. zh-hant.
  150. News: 2010-05-14 . 卡梅倫克萊格 破例不改中文名 . A18 . Ming Pao Daily News . 如衛生大臣Andrew Lansley 譯作凌士禮.
  151. News: 2011-03-13 . 引入第三者基因避遺傳病 一個寶寶三名「父母」 . A20 . Apple Daily . 衞生大臣凌士禮(Andrew Lansley)已要求「人類受精與胚胎學管理局」調查療法的安全性.
  152. Web site: 2019-06-11. 保守黨黨魁提名期結束 10人參選周四首輪投票. 2021-11-01. on.cc東網. zh-hk.
  153. Web site: 2019-10-19. 英下議院議長同意先表決議員利凱輝提出的脫歐修訂動議|國際|商業電台 881903. 2021-12-02. 商業電台 881903. zh-hant.
  154. Web site: 麥曉彤. 鄭悅. 2019-06-19. 英國首相之爭現黑馬 施達偉可成第二個「約翰遜」?. 2021-11-01. 香港01. zh-HK.
  155. Web site: 促再公投百萬英人大示威. 2021-11-02. 東方日報. zh-hk.
  156. Web site: 2022-07-18 . 極端高溫預警「史無前例」 英官員呼籲避免乘列車 . 2022-10-27 .
  157. Web site: 2009-06-10 . 歷來最好演說 黨員歡呼支持白高敦認低威保相位 . 2021-11-04 . Apple Daily.
  158. Web site: 2022-10-20 . 英內政大臣辭職 卓慧思內閣動盪 柏斐文認違規用電郵 衛報:侯俊偉下令離任 . 2023-02-07 . Ming Pao Canada . zh . 卓慧思回應時引用工黨前閣員文德森(Peter Mandelson)名句:「我是鬥士,不是半途而廢的人。」.
  159. News: 2006-07-15 . 《倫敦時報》:貝理雅將被問話 . 07 . Hong Kong Economic Journal . 曾任工黨主席的麥家禮的發言人亦證實.
  160. News: 2004-09-08 . 貝理雅周內改組內閣 . A13 . Wen Wei Po . 同屬「白系」的工黨主席麥家禮,相信亦快將步施安澤的後塵.
  161. Web site: 行政長官訪問以色列及英國. 2021-11-04.
  162. Web site: 2018-11-15. 文翠珊脫歐協議引發兩閣員請辭 國會圍攻黨員逼宮. 2021-10-30. Oriental Daily. zh-hk.
  163. Web site: Pao. Ming. 千禧世代四成擁物業 中國「靠父幹」置業率高. 2021-12-04. en.
  164. Web site: 行政長官結束英國訪問前往秘魯(附圖). 2021-11-04.
  165. News: 2014-04-10 . 醜聞鬧大 英文化大臣請辭 . A35 . 英國文化大臣麥瑪麗(Maria Miller)上周被揭超額領房屋津貼後.
  166. Web site: 涉騙房津 英文化大臣請辭 . 2023-03-09 . Ming Pao . zh-hk . 英國文化、媒體和體育大臣麥瑪麗(Maria Miller,圖)因違規報銷議員開支醜聞,周三宣布辭職.
  167. Web site: 早報:美英將向澳洲分享核動力潛艇等先進技術,威懾印太地區. 2021-12-04. 16 September 2021 .
  168. Web site: 倫敦警隊失威信. 2021-12-06. Oriental Daily.
  169. Web site: 英民眾批官員不知民間疾苦. 2021-12-06. Now 新聞. 21 October 2012 . zh-hk.
  170. Web site: 海軍出身 莫佩琳對華溫和. 2021-12-04. 東方日報. zh-hk.
  171. Web site: 【英國內閣】首位女國防大臣莫佩琳 具軍人背景眾望所歸. 2021-12-04. HKET.
  172. Web site: 2019-11-02. 是否准華為參與5G建設 押後至下屆政府決定. 2021-12-02. on.cc東網. zh-hk.
  173. Web site: 北愛和平功臣毛美琳病逝. 2021-12-06.
  174. News: 2005-08-20. 北愛和約功臣貝理雅首任幕僚 毛美琳跌傷頭逝世. A18. The Sun.
  175. Web site: 凌俊賢 . 許懿安 . 2018-11-15 . 【英國脫歐】文翠珊迫宮危機 1天兩閣員辭職 脫歐事務大臣跳船 . 2022-10-27 . 香港01 . zh-HK.
  176. Web site: 蘇格蘭議會通過再舉行獨立公投 . 2022-10-27 . Now 新聞 . 29 March 2017 . zh-hk.
  177. News: 2005-05-08 . 貝理雅新閣重臣留任 . A10 . Oriental Daily News . 前下議院首席議員韓培德代替馬偉輝出任北愛爾蘭事務大臣.
  178. News: 2004-12-26 . 北愛偵查最大銀行劫案 警搜共和軍寓所捱轟 . A19 . The Sun . 新芬黨主席阿當斯向北愛爾蘭事務大臣馬偉輝抗議警方搜查行動.
  179. News: 2010-01-08 . 白高敦頂住逼宮威信受打擊 . 20 . Hong Kong Economic Journal . 國防大臣艾思和(Bob Ainsworth) 、施仲宏和蘇格蘭事務大臣麥偉俊(Jim Murphy).
  180. News: 2012-01-16 . 英600億買F-35C無法降落航母 . A3 . Oriental Daily News . 不過影子國防大臣麥偉俊(Jim Murphy)稱.
  181. Web site: 2020-11-16 . 港區國安法:影子外相促藍韜文對滙豐渣打採強硬立場 . 2021-10-30 . on.cc東網 . zh-hk.
  182. Web site: 英保守黨再爆醜聞 女議員控約翰遜父性騷擾 . 2021-12-04 .
  183. Web site: 2018-12-31 . 難民危機加劇 內政大臣提早結束休假處理 . 2021-12-04 . on.cc東網 . zh-hk.
  184. Web site: 行政長官與英國財政大臣會面(附圖). 2021-11-04.
  185. Web site: 英國首相約翰遜確診 衞生大臣亦中招. 2021-12-04. on.cc東網. 27 March 2020 . zh-hk.
  186. Web site: 【特寫】英揆約翰遜民望插水的 2 宗大醜聞和許多小醜聞. 2021-12-06. 立場新聞 Stand News.
  187. News: 環球薈報:英雞爪豬蹄出口中國尋商機. 2021-12-06. Now 新聞. 16 September 2013 . zh-hk.
  188. Web site: 2016-02-24. 教育局回應彭定康文章. 2021-10-30.
  189. Web site: 文翠珊轉口風提延期 脫歐控制權交國會 . 2021-12-06 . . 26 February 2019 . zh-Hant-HK.
  190. Web site: 聯國氣候峰會落幕 成果欠奉 . 2021-12-06 . mingpaocanada . en.
  191. Web site: 迷你預算闖禍 卓慧思炒財相救亡 侯俊偉接替關浩霆 維持加企業稅二度轉軚 - 20221015 - 國際 . 2022-10-27 . 明報新聞網 - 每日明報 daily news . zh-hant.
  192. News: 2011-08-18 . 英揆明令重罰 議員:刑法非為報復 . A21 . Ming Pao Daily News . 來自保守黨的社區及地方政府大臣白高志(Eric Pickles)則堅持應採取強硬手段對付騷亂者.
  193. Web site: 口袋中的救生艇:居英權的前世今生 大學線. 2021-12-06. 眾新聞. zh.
  194. Web site: 香港立法局會議過程正式紀錄(一九九四年十月十二日星期三). Legislative Council of Hong Kong. 214. 每當英國政客被問及國籍問題時,除了少數政客外,他們都會像鮑威賢 (Enoch POWELL) 一樣,作出歇斯底里的反應.
  195. Web site: 閣員落井下石 英揆四面楚歌 - 東方日報. 2021-11-04.
  196. News: BBC主席理查德·夏普接受調查 疑助約翰遜獲80萬英鎊貸款後獲任命 . zh-hant . BBC News . 2023-02-07 . 內閣辦公室部長祁澤明(Jeremy Quin)也形容有關任命為「極其健全的過程」.
  197. Web site: 張子傑 . 2023-01-12 . 英國大約10萬名公務員2月1日罷工 涉及124個政府部門 . 2023-02-07 . 香港01 . zh-HK.
  198. Web site: 【英國地方選舉】簡世德擊敗保守黨對手連任倫敦市長 工黨整體選情失利將重組 . 2021-12-06 . 立場新聞 Stand News.
  199. Web site: 2021-05-10 . 疫苗反彈利保守黨 地選失利工黨內訌 簡世德連任倫敦市長 成績遜預期 . 2021-12-06 . Ming Pao . zh-hant.
  200. News: 2019-08-29. 英國首相約翰遜議會休閉之舉引眾怒 脫歐再增變數. zh-hant. BBC News 中文. 2021-10-30.
  201. Web site: 記者攜「炸彈」潛哈利軍校. 2021-12-06.
  202. Web site: 液態炸藥冒飲品 擬空中引爆. 2021-12-06.
  203. Web site: 洪怡霖. 2021-06-04. G7峰會|英國6前外相聯署 促約翰遜確保七國集團商香港問題. 2021-10-30. HK01. zh-HK.
  204. Web site: 2021-01-16. 8.18 維園集會案 律政司聘英御用大狀 David Perry 任主控 前英國外相:應憑良心拒受聘. 2021-10-30. Stand News.
  205. Web site: 協防土耳其北約達共識. 2021-12-06.
  206. Web site: 北約秘書長羅沛誠離任. 2021-12-06. 22 January 2003 . Apple Daily.
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