First premiership of Mir-Hossein Mousavi explained

Cabinet Name:First Cabinet of Mousavi
Cabinet Number:3rd
Jurisdiction:the Islamic Republic of Iran
Flag Border:true
Date Formed:2 November 1981
Date Dissolved:28 October 1985
Government Head:Mir-Hossein Mousavi
State Head:Ruhollah Khomeini
Current Number:-->
Political Parties:
Legislature Status:Majority
Advice And Consent5:-->
Successor:Mousavi II


See also: Confirmations of Mir-Hossein Mousavi's Cabinet.


Before 1989, the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran provided that head of government was the Prime Minister, nominated by the President and approved by the Parliament. The Islamic Republican Party (IRP) which together with its Khomeinist allies had seized power and ousted all opponents, held an uncontested and single-party presidential election in October 1981 and got its candidate Ali Khamenei elected. The party also held the majority in the parliament.


President Ali Khamenei who belonged to the right-wing faction of the IRP, was willing to nominate his like-minded as the head of government.


In Summer 1983 two pro-market ministers, Asgaroladi and Tavakoli, left the cabinet following months of disagreements behind the scenes.On 5 August 1984, Mousavi got a vote of confidence again and proposes a list of ministers to the parliament. Ten days later they were vetted, resulting to rejection of five.