A copy of the popular Phantom X1, the Mosquito was designed to comply with the US FAR 103 Ultralight Vehicles rules, including the category's maximum empty weight of 2540NaN0. The aircraft has a standard empty weight of 2520NaN0. It features a strut-braced or optionally cable-braced high-wing, a single-seat, open cockpit, tricycle landing gear and a single engine in tractor configuration.
The aircraft is made from aluminum tubing, with the flying surfaces covered in Dacron sailcloth. Its 291NaN1 span wing was available in a strut-braced or cable-braced configuration, the cable bracing giving better negative g performance. On the cable-braced version the ground wires are supported by an inverted "V" kingpost. The aircraft is rated for load limits of +10/-6 g. The pilot is accommodated on a seat within a semi-enclosed fiberglass pod that includes a windshield. The standard engine is a Kawasaki 440 snowmobile engine of 350NaN0, mounted at the front of the main fuselage keel tube, above the pilot. The cruciform tail is mounted at the aft end of the same keel tube.