Golden Eagle Award for Best Animation explained

Golden Eagle Award for Best Animated Feature Film
Awarded For:Best Animated Featured Film of the Year
Presenter:National Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences of Russia
Holder:Dmitry Geller for Mistress of the Copper Mountain (2020)
Website:Official site of the National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia

The Golden Eagle Award for Best Animated Feature Film (Russian: Золотой Орёл для лучший анимационный фильму) is one of twenty award categories presented annually by the National Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences of Russia. It is one of the Golden Eagle Awards, which were conceived by Nikita Mikhalkov as a counterweight to the Nika Award established in 1987 by the Russian Academy of Cinema Arts and Sciences.[1] [2]

Each year the members of the academy choose three (except in the year 2002) nominees to award the best animated film and the film as a perception. The first animator to be awarded was Alexey Demin for the film Cats Under Rain (Кошки под дождем). The most recent award was made to Dmitry Geller for Mistress of the Copper Mountain, an animation based on the tale of the eponymous character. The most successful animation director is Alexey Demin, Alexander Tatarsky, and Konstantin Bronzit with two wins each. Inna Evlannikova (who won one award), Anatoly Prokhorov, and Maria Muat (both have not won) were nominated thrice. Other people with multiple nominations include Elena Pitkevich (with two nominations but no wins) and Svetlana Andrianova (winning one from two nominations).

Nomineess and awardees

The international title is not known
BoldIndicates the winner
YearDirectorInternational titleNational titleTransliterated title
(per BGN/PCGN standard)
2002Cats Under RainКошки под дождемKoshka pod dozhdem[3]
2002Greetings from KislovodskПривет из КисловодскаPrivet iz Kislovodtska
2003One and a Half of the CatПолтора котаPoltora kota[4]
2003, The Red Gate RasemonКрасные ворота РасёмонKrasniye vorota Rasyomon
2004The NutcrackerЩелкунчикShchelkunchik[5]
2004How The Little Tiger Looked For The StripesКак тигренок искал полоскиKak tigrenok iskal poloski
2004About a Little MouseПро мышонкаPro myshonka
2005Mountain of Gems (film series)Гора самоцветовGora samotsvetov[6]
2006The Captain's DaughterКапитанская дочкаKapitanskaya dochka[7]
2006GoGoRiki (film series)СмешарикиSmeshariki
2006Sherlock Holmes and Doctor WatsonШерлок Холмс и Доктор ВатсонSherlok Kholms i Doktor Watson
2007Mountain of Gems (film series)Гора самоцветовGora samotsvetov[8]
2007GoGoRiki (film series)СмешарикиSmeshariki
2007Lavatory LovestoryУборная истроия – лиобовная историяUbornaya istoriya – liubovnaya istoriya
2008Lullabies of the World (film series)Колыбельные мираKolybel'nye mira[9]
2008Rain Down From AboveДождь сверху внизDozhd' sverkhu vniz
2008(unknown)Приключения Алёнушки и ЕрёмыPriklyucheniya Alyonushki i Eryomy
2009The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs! Правдивая история о трех поросятахPravdivaya istoriya o trekh prosyatakh[10]
2009GoGoRiki (film series)СмешарикиSmeshariki
2009, (unknown)Роберт Шуман (письма)Robert Shuman (pis'ma)
2010, Space DogsБелка и Стрелка. Звёздные собакиBelka i strelka. Zvyozdniye Sobaki[11]
2010(unknown)Непечальная историяNepechal'naya istoriya
2010,,, (unknown)Рассказы А.П. ЧеховаRasskazy A.P. Chekhova
2011(unknown)Три богатыря и Шамаханская царицаTri bogatyrya i Shamakhanskaya tsaritsa[12]
2011(unknown)Сергей ПрокофьевSergei Prokofyev
2012(unknown)Заснеженный всадникZasnezhennyi vsadnik
2012Out of PlayВне игрыVne igry
2013Hush, Grandma is SleepingТише, бабушка спитTishe, babushka spit
2013Long Bridge of Desired DirectionДлинный мост в нужную сторонуDlinnyy most v nuzhnuyu storonu
2014Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf 2Иван Царевич и Серый Волк 2Ivan Tsarevich i Seryy Volk 2
2014,, Space Dogs: Adventure to the MoonБелка и Стрелка. Лунные приключенияBelka i Strelka. Lunnyye priklyucheniya
2014ChopinФредерик ШопенFrederik Shopen
2015Three heroes. Horse CourseТри богатыря. Ход конёмTri bogatyrya. Khod konom
2015A Little StarЗвёздочкаZvozdochka
2015Serafima's Extraordinary TravelНеобыкновенное путешествие СерафимыNeobyknovennoye puteshestviye Serafimy
2016Cat and MouseКот и мышьKot i mysh
2016Sheep and WolvesВолки и овцы: Бе-е-е-зумное превращение Chernysheva
2017Two TramsДва трамваяDva tramvaya
2017, The Tale of Peter and FevroniaСказ о Петре и ФевронииSkaz o Petre i Fevronii
2017,, Fantastic Journey to OzУрфин Джюс и его деревянные солдатыUrfin Dzhyus i yego derevyannyye soldaty
2018(unknown)Матрос Пётр КошкаMatros Potr Koshka
2018Five Minutes To SeaПять минут до моряPyat' minut do morya
2019He Can't Live Without CosmosОн не может жить без космосаOn ne mozhet zhit' bez kosmosa
2019Lola the Living PotatoЛола живая картошкаLola zhivaya kartoshka
2020Mistress of the Copper MountainХозяйка Медной горыKhozyayka Mednoy gory
2020, Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf 4Иван Царевич и Серый Волк 4Ivan Tsarevich i Seryy Volk 4
2020, Белка и Стрелка. Карибская тайнаBelka i Strelka. Karibskaya tayna

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Nikita Mikhalkov . Russkiy Mir Foundation Information Service . 2011-02-08 . dead . . 2011-07-27 .
  2. Web site: Nika Awards (Russian Oscars®). Filmmovement. 2011-02-28. 2011-01-24. dead.
  3. Web site: ru:Золотой Орел 2002. Golden Eagle 2002. 2011-02-23. Russian.
  4. Web site: ru:Золотой Орел 2003. Golden Eagle 2003. 2011-02-23. Russian.
  5. Web site: ru:Золотой Орел 2004. Golden Eagle 2004. 2011-02-23. Russian.
  6. Web site: ru:Золотой Орел 2005. Golden Eagle 2005. 2011-02-23. Russian.
  7. Web site: ru:Золотой Орел 2006. Golden Eagle 2006. 2011-02-21. Russian.
  8. Web site: ru:Золотой Орел 2007. Golden Eagle 2007. 2011-02-23. Russian.
  9. Web site: ru:Золотой Орел 2008. Golden Eagle 2008. 2011-02-23. Russian. 2013-05-01. dead.
  10. Web site: ru:Золотой Орел 2009. Golden Eagle 2009. 2011-02-23. Russian.
  11. Web site: ru:Золотой Орел 2010. Golden Eagle 2010. 2011-02-23. Russian.
  12. Web site: ru:Золотой Орел 2011. Golden Eagle 2011. 2013-10-05. Russian.
  13. Web site: ru:Золотой Орел 2012. Golden Eagle 2012. 2013-10-05. Russian.