Golden Eagle Award for Best Actor (China) explained

Golden Eagle Award for Best Actor (Chinese name:中国电视金鹰奖最佳男主角,1983–1999;中国电视金鹰奖观众喜爱的男演员,2003-2018, 最佳男演员, 2020-now) is a main category of the China TV Golden Eagle Award. From 2003 to 2014, the title of Best Actor (视帝) was given to the winner who won both the Golden Eagle Award's Audience's Choice and the festival's Performing Arts awards. The top honour is voted in by a panel of judges, the China Television Artists Association and the national audience. This category was absent during 2000–2002. Since 2020, the award has been split from Audience's Choice for Actor, and is voted in by a panel of judges and the CTAA.

Winners and nominees


Year NumberActor Television Series
202231st[1] [2] Lei Jiayin 雷佳音A Lifelong Journey 人世间
Guo Jingfei 郭京飞Enemy 对手
Zhang Jiayi 张嘉益The Stage 装台
Yu Hewei 于和伟Awakening Age 觉醒年代
Huang Xuan 黄轩Minning Town 山海情
Ding Yongdai 丁勇岱Going Across the Yalu River 跨过鸭绿江
202030th[3] Simon Yam 任達華One Dream One Home 澳门人家
Chen Baoguo 陈宝国The Legendary Tavern 老酒馆
Wang Jinsong 王劲松The Thunder 破冰行动
Wang Kai 王凯Like a Flowing River 大江大河
Jackson Yee 易烊千玺The Longest Day in Chang'an 长安十二时辰
Zhao Bo 赵波The Communist Liu Shaoqi 共产党人刘少奇


Year NumberActor Television Series
2018[4] [5] 29thLi Yifeng 李易峰Sparrow 麻雀
Zhang Yi 张译Feather Flies To The Sky 鸡毛飞上天
Yu Hewei 于和伟The Advisors Alliance 大军师司马懿之军师联盟
Sun Weimin 孙维民My Uncle Zhou Enlai 海棠依旧
He Bing 何冰Love in a Courtyard 情满四合院
Zhang Jiayi 张嘉译White Deer Plain 白鹿原
Liu Yunlong 柳云龙The Kite 风筝
Hou Xiangling 侯祥玲Eastern Battlefield 东方战场
2016 28th[6] Hu Ge 胡歌Nirvana in Fire\琅琊榜
Wang Lei 王雷The Ordinary World\平凡的世界
Chen Baoguo 陈宝国 All Quiet in Peking\北平无战事
Gu Zhixin 谷智鑫 Legendary Shopkeeper\乞丐大掌柜
Li Xuejian 李雪健 Hey Daddy!\嘿,老头
The Young Marshal\少帅
Ni Dahong 倪大红 All Quiet in Peking\北平无战事
Wang Kai 王凯 All Quiet in Peking\北平无战事
Wu Xiubo 吴秀波 Ma Xiangyang Goes to the Countryside\马向阳下乡记
2014 27th[7] Wang Luoyong 王洛勇 Jiao Yulu\焦裕禄
Zhang Jiayi 张嘉译 Ying pan zhen jing shi\营盘镇警事
Lin Yongjian 林永健 Nie Rongzhen\聂荣臻
Chen Yiheng 陈逸恒 Chang bai shan xia wo de jia\长白山下我的家
2012 26th[8] Wu Xiubo 吴秀波 Before the Dawn\黎明之前
Wen Zhang 文章 Snow Leopard\雪豹
Lin Yongjian 林永健 My name is Wang Tudi\我叫王土地
Mickey He 何晟铭 Palace II\宫锁珠帘
2010 25th[9] Sun Honglei 孙红雷 Lurk\潜伏
Huang Haibo 黄海波 A Beautiful Daughter-in-law Era\媳妇的美好时代
Fan Wei 范伟 On Brother's Happiness\老大的幸福
Wang Yi 王霙 Red Cardle\红色摇篮
Zhang Jian 张鉴赏 The Summer\那年·夏天


Year NumberActor Television Series
2008 24th[10] Li Youbin 李幼斌 Pathfinding to the Northeast\闯关东
Lin Yongjian 林永健 The Story of Xi Gengtian\喜耕田的故事
Wang Baoqiang 王宝强 Soldiers Sortie\士兵突击
Wang Wufu 王伍福 Jinggang Mountain\井冈山
2006 23rd[11] Li Youbin 李幼斌 Drawing Sword\亮剑
Chen Jianbin 陈建斌 Qiao's Grand Courtyard\乔家大院
Wu Jingan 吴京安 Pedigree of Red Flag/ 红旗谱
Li Xuejian 李雪健 Papa Can You Hear Me Sing?\搭错车
2004 22nd[12] Hou Yong 侯勇 The Greatest Dyehouse\大染坊
Liu Jin 刘劲 The Song of Yan'an\延安颂
Chen Jianbin 陈建斌 Decade of Marriage\结婚十年
Tong Dawei 佟大为 Goddess of Mercy\玉观音
Hu Jun 胡军 Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils\天龙八部
2003 21st[13] Li Baotian 李保田 Dr. Xi Laile\神医喜来乐
Wei Zi 巍子 DA师
Gao Ming 高明 Quiet Promise/誓言无声
Chen Baoguo 陈宝国 The Emperor Han Wu\汉武大帝
Tang Guoqiang 唐国强 Quiet Promise\誓言无声
200220thSun Haiying 孙海英 The Years of Intense Emotion\激情燃烧的岁月
Tang Guoqiang 唐国强 The Long March\长征
Zhang Guoli 张国立 Loyalty\忠诚
200119thPu Cunxin 濮存昕 Glorious Journey\光荣之旅
Li Baotian 李保田 Police Li Jiuping\警察李酒瓶
Ren Chengwei 任程伟 Traceless Snow\大雪无痕
Li Youbin 李幼斌 Very Expensive\大雪无痕
Huang Hong 李幼斌 Communist Jin Zhu is a little busy\党员金柱有点忙
200018thLu Yi 陆毅 Never Close the Eye\永不瞑目
Li Baotian 李保田 Village Chief Li Siping\村主任李四平
Wang Zhiwen 李保田 Criminal Police\刑警本色


Year NumberActor Television Series
1999 17th[14] Tang Guoqiang 唐国强 Yongzheng Dynasty\雍正王朝
Wu Ruofu 吴若甫 To Lead by the Hand\牵手
Cheng Jianxu 程建勋 虎踞钟山
1997Zhang FengyiPeace Time
1996Li BaotianZixiang Liu Luoguo
1995Bao Guo'anRomance of the Three Kingdoms 三国演义
1994Jiang WenBeijinger in New York
1993Liu WeiTang Ming Huang
1992Ge YouStories in the Media Office
1991Li XuejianAspiration
1990Yan XiangThe Morning of Shanghai


1989Chen DaomingThe Last Emperor
1988Zhang JinlaiJourney to the West
1987Shi ZhaoqiTriumph in the Midnight
1986You BenchangJi Gong
1985Li ZhixingXu Beihong
1984Da ShichangWalking in the Storm
Zhou LijingWreaths at the Foot of the Mountain
1983Chen BaoguoColor of the Rainbow
Zhu YanpingOutlaws of the Marsh
Guo XuxinWasted Years

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: zh:金鹰奖提名名单曝光 周迅江疏影于和伟黄轩等入围. The list of nominations for the Golden Eagle Award exposed Zhou Xun, Jiang Shuying, Yu Hewei, Huangxuan and other finalists. November 6, 2022. Sina Ent.. zh. November 6, 2022. live.
  2. Web site: 第31届中国电视金鹰奖揭晓 《觉醒年代》获最佳电视剧. November 7, 2022. live. October 7, 2022. Xinhuanet News. zh.
  3. Web site: zh:第30届电视金鹰奖揭晓 任达华童瑶获最佳男女演员奖. The 30th China TV Golden Eagle Awards announced Ren Dahua and Tong Yao won the Best Actor - Actress Award. October 19, 2020. China News Network. zh.
  4. Web site: dead. October 11, 2018. zh:第29届中国电视金鹰奖提名演员名单出炉. October 9, 2018. Xinhua News Agency. zh.
  5. Web site: zh:李易峰迪丽热巴金鹰夺双奖 《鸡毛》揽三奖成赢家. October 14, 2018. Sina. zh.
  6. Winners of 28th Golden Eagle Awards 16 Oct 2016.
  7. Winners of 27th Golden Eagle Awards 12 Oct 2014.
  8. Winners of 26th Golden Eagle Awards 2012-09-09.
  9. Winners of 25th Golden Eagle Awards 21 Sept 2010.
  10. Winners of 24th Golden Eagle Awards 02 Sept 2010.
  11. Winners of 23rd Golden Eagle Awards 29 Oct 2006.
  12. Winners of 22nd Golden Eagle Awards 27 Sep 2004.
  13. Winners of 21st Golden Eagle Awards 17 Sep 2003.
  14. Winners of 17th Golden Eagle Awards 19 Aug 1999.