Gloucester dory explained

The Gloucester dory is a variant of the Banks dory, a type of narrow-bottomed, slab-sided boat, common in the North Eastern United States. It is characteristically smaller and lighter, with less overhang, both bow and stern, and less freeboard.[1] It retains the Banks dory's slab sides. Gloucester dories were designed to be launched through the surf behind a breakwater for daily fishing and lobstering off the Massachusetts shore.

Because of its simple lines, a Gloucester dory is relatively easy to build. With the straight sides and flat bottom, stitch and glue techniques work well with this boat.[2]

See also



Notes and References

  1. Web site: The Gloucester Light Dory . Tom . Jackson . 21 October 2020 . 20 January 2021.
  2. Web site: Old Wharf Dory, Row Boats . 20 January 2021.