Germinius of Sirmium explained

Germinius, born in Cyzicus,[1] was bishop of Sirmium, (today the town Sremska Mitrovica, in the territory of Srem in Serbia)[2] and a supporter of Homoian theology, which is often labelled as a form of Arianism.


Along with Valens of Mursa and Ursacius of Singidunum he was responsible for drafting the theological statement known as the Blasphemy of Sirmium in 357.[3] [4] He also appears in the Altercatio Heracliani laici cum Germinio episcopo Sirmiensi, which purports to be the minutes of a public disputation between Germinius and a Nicene layman called Heraclianus in January 366.[5] He is believed to have died in 375 or 376.

Notes and References

  1. Book: Ivanović, Aleksandar . Spisak episkopa Sirmija uz kratke beleške . 5 . ru . List of bishops of Sirmium with short notes.
  2. Book: Ненад Лемајић, Хронотакса црквених достојанственика у Срему . Srem Museum, Sremska Mitrovica . 1997 . Proceedings of the Srem Museum . 60 . ru . The Chronotaxis of Church Dignitaries in Srem.
  3. Book: Socrates Scholasticus . Socrates Scholasticus . Church History . 2 . 30. 16 October 2019 . . 978-0-359-86527-7 .
  4. Book: Socrates Scholasticus . Socrates Scholasticus . Church History . 2 . 37. 16 October 2019 . . 978-0-359-86527-7 .
  5. This document mention one more heresiarch among the bishops of Sirmium (metropolitan bishops of Pannonia Secunda), Photinus. For Photinus of Sirmium and his teachings about nature of Jesus, see: Book: Ivanović, Aleksandar . Fotin Sirmijumski i njegov nauk- novi pokušaj rekonstrukcije fotinističke Hristologije . 1 . ru . Photinus of Sirmium and his Doctrine- New Attempt of Reconstruction of Photinian Christology.