German railway wagon classes explained

The system of German railway wagon classes (Wagengattungen) was introduced in Germany in 1902 and 1905 by the Prussian state railways based on their system of norms, and was soon taken up by the other state railways (Länderbahnen). On the formation of the Deutsche Reichsbahn, the system became mandatory across the whole of Germany. In the course of the years more and more adjustments to it were made. It was finally replaced between 1964 and 1968 when the two German railway administrations - the Deutsche Bundesbahn and the Deutsche Reichsbahn (East Germany) - adopted the internationally standard UIC classifications for passenger coaches and goods wagons. Today, the system is still regularly being used for narrow gauge goods wagons, because these were not generally given UIC designations, as well as on many historical vehicles.

The wagon class comprises one or more main class letters (Hauptgattungszeichen) (in capitals, sometimes with lower case letters in between) and possibly several secondary class letters (Nebengattungszeichen) (always in lower case). Combinations of several main class letters are possible, e.g. on passenger coaches with different accommodation classes.

Main class letters

In order to distinguish bogie wagons, the last letter of the main class was doubled to begin with, e.g. BCBCC, GGG (exceptions were the Post, Salon, Schlaf und Speise where there was no difference). From 1928 the system was changed on passenger coaches. Instead of doubling the letters, the number of axles was indicated where it was greater than two. So an eight-wheeled BC coach was no longer classified as a BCC but as a BC4. That now made it possible to distinguish passenger coaches with three axles or more. For goods wagons, the doubling of letters was retained. Only on Dgw and ZM wagons was the differentiation dropped, whilst the BT, H, Pwg, V and VO wagons had no bogie variants anyway.

Period When Valid
(if limited)
APassenger coach 1st class
BPassenger coach 2nd class
BB1928 to 1938Former BC. 3rd class (C) compartments subsequently upholstered for 2nd class
BTfrom ?Groß Behälter-Tragwagen. Large container-carrying flat wagon.
Cto 1956Passenger coach 3rd class
CC1928 to 1938Former CD. 4th class (D) compartments subsequently fitted with benches for 3rd class.
Dto 1928Passenger coach 4th class
Dienstfrom ?Dienstwagen. Departmental wagon.
D...from 1952 (DR)Doppelstockwagen. Double-decker coach (only in combination with B, C, Pw)
DGBfrom 1957 (DR)Doppelstock-Gliederzug, 2nd class. Double-decker articulated train, 2nd class
DGRfrom 1958 (DR)Buffet car for the double-decker articulated train
Dgwfrom ? (DB)Dienstgüterwagen. Departmental wagon.
GGedeckter Güterwagen. Covered van.
HHto 1923Langholzwagenpaar. Log wagon pair.
Hfrom 1924Cradle wagon. Type of Langholzwagen or log wagon.
KKlappdeckelwagen. Lidded wagon.
K…from ?Narrow gauge passenger coach (only in combination with A, B, C, D, Pw, Post)
...Kfrom 1954 (DR)Passenger coach with Küche (kitchen). (not in combination mit WL, WR)
...L1933 to 1956Lokalbahnwagen. Branch line coach. (only in combination with B, C, Pw, Post)
L...from 1957 (DB)Lokalbahnwagen. Branch line coach. (only in combination with B, C, Pw, Post)
...Lfrom 1956 (DB)Liegewagen. Couchette coach.
...L(Z)from 1954 (DR)Coach with Lautsprechern für Zugfunk (loudspeakers for train communication).
M…from 1943
(DR only to 1954)
Provisional wartime coach (only in combination with B, C, Pw)
Mfrom 1954 (DR)Passenger coach of goods van design
Mfrom about 1957 (DR)Militärwagen? Military van - a covered van with special equipment for carrying troops
N1911 to 1921Covered van or combination van with air brakes or pipes for use in fast trains
OOffener Güterwagen. Open wagons.
Pto 1927Packwagen. Luggage van (not used for passenger coaches with a luggage compartment which had secondary letter p instead, see below).
Pfrom 1928Privatwagen. Private wagon.
PostPostwagen. Post van (to 1927 not used for passenger and goods wagons with a post compartment, which had secondary letters post instead, see below).
Pwfrom 1928Gepäckwagen (Packwagen). Luggage van.
Pwgfrom 1933Gepäckwagen für Güterzüge. Luggage van for goods trains. Guards van.
Rfrom 1914Rungenwagen. Stake wagon.
…Rfrom 1956 (DB)Wagon with restaurant section (not in combination with WR)
SSchienenwagen. Flat wagon (e.g. for carrying rails).
S...from 1928
(DR only to 1945)
Sonderreisezugwagen (special passenger coach) for FD trains (only in combination with A, B, C, Post, Pw, WR).
...Sfrom 1954 (DR)Sonderwagen. Special wagon.
Sdrfrom 1945 (DR)Sonderreisezugwagen. Special passenger coach.
SalonSalonwagen. Saloon car.
Schlafto 1927Schlafwagen. Sleeper.
Speiseto 1927Speisewagen. Dining or restaurant car. (not used for passenger coaches with dining section, which used secondary letters speise instead, see below).
Tfrom 1943Thermoswagen. Kühlwagen. Refrigerator van.
VVerschlagwagen. Livestock van for small livestock e.g. sheep and poultry.
VOto 1921Offener Viehwagen. Open livestock wagon for large livestock, e.g. cattle and horses.
WGfrom ? (DB)Gesellschaftwagen. Company coach.
WL…from 1928Schlafwagen − "wagon-lit". Sleeper. (only in combination with A, B, C)
WRfrom 1928Speisewagen − "wagon-restaurant". Dining or restaurant car.
XDepartmental open wagon.
Zfrom 1928Zellenwagen. Prison van?
Zfrom 1951 (DR)Zisternenwagen. Tank wagon.
ZM1945 to 1950Tank wagon for the transportation of crude oil.

Secondary letters for passenger coaches

Period valid
(if limited)
bfrom 1957 (DB)With additional brake pipes (Bremsleitung) and electrical control wiring (omitted on railbus classes and with f)
cfrom 1954 (DR)Passenger coach of goods van design (only as Mci, previously MCi)
d1928 to 1937Former 4th class D, now used unchanged as a higher travel class
eto 1927Passenger coach with 2 decks (Etagen)
efrom 1954 (DR)
from 1957 (DB)
Electric train heating (elektrischer Zugheizung) (DB: omitted with m)
(e)from 1957 (DB) Electric heating (elektrischer Heizleitung)
ffrom 1957 (DB)Driver's cab (Führerstand) on shuttle trains
gto 1927Luggage van only suitable for use in goods trains (Güterzüge) (only in combination with P)
g1928 to 1956Former covered van (gedeckter Güterwagen) form passenger transport (only as Dgi or Cgi)
gfrom 1957 (DB)Rubber communication walls (Gummiwülste) instead of bellows (only in combination with ü or y)
from 1962 (DR)Rubber communication gangways (Gummiwulstübergängen)
k1928 to 1953 (DR)
1928 to 1956 (DB)
Kitchen (Küche) (omitted on WL, WR)
krfrom 1928Sick bay (Krankenabteil) or with compartment which can be converted into a sick bay
iThrough coach with open gangways
lfrom 1957 (DB)Light (leichte), eight-wheeled fast-stopping or passenger train coach of standard design with less than 30 t dead weight
mfrom 1957 (DB)Length over 24 m, upholstered 2nd class and electric heating or heating pipes
ofrom 1954 (DR)Stove heating (Ofenheizung)
pto 1927Passenger coach with luggage compartment (Gepäckraum)
postto 1927Passenger coach or luggage van with post (Post) compartment
rfrom 1967 (DR)Passenger coach with buffet facility
sfrom 1957 (DB)Closed side entrance (Seitengang) in 1st class or luggage van
on WL: Sleeper with individual compartments, in combination with i or y:
speiseto 1927Passenger coach with dining area (Speiseraum)
trfrom 1928suitable for heavy hand luggage (Traglasten) or equipped with a heavy hand luggage section
u1933 to 1937Converted (umgerüstete) former 3rd class (C), now upholstered and operated as 2nd class (B) and
former 4th class (D), now fitted with benches and operated as 3rd class (C)
üBogie coach with corridor and bellows gangways (Faltenbalgübergängen) (for express train coaches)
üpfrom 1939
(DB only to 1956)
Bogie coach with corridor and bellows gangways (Faltenbalgübergängen) (for passenger and fast-stopping train coaches
yfrom 1957 (DB)Bogie coach with corridor and bellows gangways (Faltenbalgübergängen) (for passenger and fast-stopping train coaches
v1939 to ?from 1962 (DB)Passenger coach with temporary wooden benchesPriority compartments (Vorzugsabteile) (more legroom)
zfrom 1962 (DB)air conditioning

Secondary letters for goods wagons

Description of the maximum load

Four- and six-wheeled wagons

for ClassesPeriod validMeaning
mallto 1910At least (mindestens) 15 ton maximum load
1911 to 1923At least 15 ton but less than 20 ton maximum load
mmallAt least 20 ton maximum load
mG, H, K, O, R, S, V, Xfrom 1924At least (from 1937 exactly) 20 ton maximum load
mmG, K, O, R, Xfrom 1937more than 20 ton maximum load
wallto 1923Less than (weniger) 10 ton maximum load
G, H, O, S, T, V, Xfrom 1924Less than 15 ton maximum load and not tippable

Wagons with eight wheels or more (including HH wagons)

for ClassesPeriod validMeaning
mGG, HH, OO, SSto 1910At least (mindestens) 20 ton maximum load
1911 to 1923At least 30 ton maximum load
SS1933 to 1950At least 50 ton maximum load (omitted on SSt and SSy, see below)
from 1950 (DB)At least 35 ton maximum load (omitted on SSt and SSy, see below)
wGG, HH, OO, SSto 1923Less than (weniger) 20 ton maximum load
GG, KK, OOfrom 1924Less than 30 ton maximum load
SSLess than 35 ton maximum load

Description of loading length and loading area

for ClassesPeriod validMeaning
kSfrom 1924Loading length shorter (kürzer) than 13 m
SSLoading length shorter than 15 m
lall except SSto 1910At least 7 m loading length (Ladelänge) and 17 m2 loading area
all except R and SS1911 to 1923At least 8 m loading length
SSto 1923More than 12 m loading length (Ladelänge)
1924 to 1932More than 15 m loading length (omitted on SSt und SSy, see below)
from 1933More than 18 m loading length (omitted on SSt und SSy, see below)
G1924 to 1932At least 24 m2 loading area (Ladefläche)
from 1933At least 26 m2 loading area
Kfrom 1960 (DB)At least 33 m2 loading area
Ofrom 1951At least 10 m loading length (Ladelänge)
Xfrom 1951 (DB)At least 8 m loading length

Description of features of importance for train formation

for ClassesPeriod validMeaning
bG, R, Tfrom 1933Ferry wagons (Fährbootwagen) for German-English ferry services (with smaller loading gauge)
eallfrom 1924Electric heating pipes (elektrischer Heizleitung)
eeallfrom 1933
(DR only to 1950)
Electric heating pipes (elektrischer Heizleitung) and electric heating (elektrischer Heizung)
fall1924 to 1932Ferry wagons (Fährbootwagen) for German-English ferry services (with smaller loading gauge)
hall except ZMfrom 1924Steam heating pipes (heizleitung)
hhG, GG, Tfrom 1933Steam heating pipes (heizleitung) and steam heating (Dampfheizung)
nG, V, VOto 1923Air brakes or air pipes. Steam pipes or other equipment that make it suitable for use as a luggage van or in passenger trains (from 1911 some formed the main letter class N, see above)
qallfrom 1951 (DR)no through couplings (0-0 wagon or 'Null-Null-Wagen'), maximum load reduced
rallfrom 1924Wagon with exchangeable wheelsets for transiting to Russian (russische) (omitted on SSy, see below)
sG, R, SSy, T1933 to 1950Suitable for fast (schnell) trains running at up to 90 km/h
GG, RR, TTSuitable for trains running at up to 120 km/h
G, R, SSy, Tfrom 1951 (DR)Suitable for trains running at up to 100 km/h
GG, TTSuitable for trains running at up to 120 km/h
allfrom 1951 (DB)Suitable for trains running at up to 100 km/h
uXto 1914Unsuitable (untauglich) for trains used as public transport
[u]O, HH, S/SS, Xto 1921Unusable (unbrauchbar) for the loading of military vehicles
uall1939 to 1948Unusuitable (ungeeignet) for military transportation
Gto 1948 (DB)Unusuitable (ungeeignet) for passenger transportation
Osides not removable? ('nicht abbordbar')

Description of individual wagon classes

Classes G/GG and N

Period validMeaning
fto 1923Stalls for race horses (Luxuspferde)
gfrom 1951 (DB)Floor hatches for unloading bulk material
i1911 to 1927 (?)End platforms, suitable for passengers
k1924 to 1944Refrigerated (Kühleinrichtung) (from 1945 several formed the main letter class T, see above)
from 1951 (DR)Refrigerator van (Kühlwagen), old type
llfrom 1933Pair of close-coupled vans for part-load goods, known as a Leig-Einheit
pfrom 1924
(DB only to 1950)
tfrom 1924End doors (Stirnwandtüren)
triebfrom 1933 to 1960Goods railbuses (Gütertriebwagen) (all were left with the DB after the war)
v1924 to 1932End loading doors and special ventilation for livestock transportation (Viehbeförderung)
from 1933Stable wagon with groom compartment
xfrom 1951 (DR)Fixed (internal?) walls for grain transportation

Class H/HH

for ClassPeriod ValidMeaning
oHfrom 1924
(DR only to 1950)
Without (ohne) Stakes, only usable in pairs
sH/HHto 1950Coupling rods (Kuppelstangen)
zHHto 1923Prongs (Zinken) on the rotating cradles

Classes K/KK, O/OO, VO and X/XX

for ClassesPeriod ValidMeaning
cOto 1910Coke wagon (Cocswagen) with high sides in order to load the right amount of coke corresponding to the maximum load
from 1911Maximum 15 ton load, wooden sides at least 1,30 m high but lower than 1,90 m
fO/OOfrom 1951Rotating and folding drop ends for transporting vehicles (Fahrzeugbeförderung)
gO1924 to 1950High, fixed rail sides (Gatterwänden)
gKfrom 1957 (DB)Sliding sides
iO/OOfrom 1951 (DB)Tippler (Muldenkippwagen)
kO/OOto 1923Front walls (Kopfwänden) that pivot about an upper hinge and allow the load to be dumped onto tipping equipment
kOfrom 1933Bucket car (Kübelwagen) with two or three removable buckets, 25 ton load
OOfrom 1951 (DB)Bucket car with four or five removable buckets
from 1951 (DR)Transporter for large containers
kKfrom 1951 (DB)Crane (kranbar), sliding roof with crane loading and unloading
nO/OOfrom 1951 (DR)Low (niedrige) sides, 40−80 cm high
oX/XXfrom 1914
(DR only to 1950)
Sides over 40 cm high
pO/OOfrom 1924Not tippable, at least 15 t load, sides up to 1,90 m high
qO/OOto 1923Removable end walls
tK/KK, O/OO,
Funnels (Trichtern), floor hatches, inclined floors or side hatches for self-discharging, not tippable. X wagons additionally with removable end walls
vOfrom 1924Wooden sides over 190 cm high, no tipping facility (ex main class VO, see above)
yX1914 to 1923Special equipment for rapid loading and unloading etc.
zO, VOto 1923Specially sealed, and so suitable for peat litter transportation or the like
O/OOfrom 1933Ore transportation (Erzbeförderung) with special sealing

Classes R/RR and S/SS

for ClassesPeriod ValidMeaning
aSSfrom 1933Open brakeman's platform, folding platform rails
oRfrom 1933No Stakes
RuOl, Sl1911 to 1913At least 10 m long and with stakes (formed separate main letter class R from 1914, see above)
tS/SSfrom 1924well wagon (Tiefladewagen)
ySSfrom 1942Heavy goods flat wagon (Schwerlastwagen) with 50 t maximum load, loading length 8,8 m (with folded platform rails 9,5 m), open brakemans' platform, exchangeable wheelsets for broad gauge
from 1951 (DR)
from 1951 (DB)
As for y, but longer loading length
ymSSfrom 1942As for y, but higher maximum load (DR: > 50 t, DB from 1951: 80 t)
RRfrom 1951 (DR)Heavy goods flat wagon with 80 t maximum load, loading length 14,36 m, open brakemans' platform, folding platform rails

Class T/TT

Period ValidMeaning
ffrom 1943Fish (Seefische) van only
gRefrigerated goods (Gefriergut) only
ggRefrigerated goods (Gefriergut) and dry ice only
kfrom 1943 (DR)Refrigerator van (Kühlmaschinenwagen)
from 1951 (DB)k, an insulation value
kkfrom 1951 (DB)Insulated milk can van
nfrom 1943Not (nicht) suitable for refrigerated goods
oNo (ohne) meat hooks
vElectric ventilators (Ventilatoren)

Class V

Period ValidMeaning
eto 1910with decks (Etagen)
1911 to 1921Lattice walls and two floors
g1911 to 1932Intermediate floors for geese (Gänsebeförderung) (to 1921 always used in combination with e)
from 1933Four floors
pfrom 1922No equipment to alter the loading area
zto 1921With equipment to alter the loading area

Class ZM

Period ValidMeaning
h1945 to 1950Heating pipes (Heizschlangen)
iInsulation (Isolierung)
sFor black (schwarzer) crude oil
wFor white (weisser) crude oil

Class Z/ZZ

Period ValidMeaning
dfrom 1951 (DR)Heating pipes or tank
iInterior (innerer) lining
wOnly for fuel


See also

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