Georgi Martirosian Explained

Honorific Prefix:Docent
Georgi Martirosian
Birth Date:1895
Birth Place:Tbilisi, Tiflis Governorate, Russian Empire
Death Place:RSFSR, Soviet Union
Death Cause:Executed by shooting during the Great Purge (posthumously rehabilitated in 1956)
Fields:local history
Workplaces:Ingush Research Institute of Local History

Georgi Konstantinovich Martirosian (10 March 1938) was a Soviet local historian of Armenian origin. His monograph History of Ingushiya published in 1933 is one of the most referenced works in modern studies of history of Ingushetia.


Georgi was born in 1895 in Tiflis, the administrative center of the Tiflis Governorate of the Russian Empire, to an Armenian family.

In 1924, a member of the scientific society of the Mountaineer Pedagogical Institute, Georgi, in a brief bibliographical note, made an attempt to summarize knowledge about local newspapers and magazines:

He worked as an assistant, then an associate professor at the Mountain Agricultural Institute in Vladikavkaz, deputy director of the Ingush Research Institute of Local History.

Arrested in 1935, he served his time in Kolyma. On 8 March 1938, the NKVD for Dalstroy sentenced him to death by shooting on charges of participating in the activities of a counter-revolutionary rebel organization. The sentence was carried out on 10 March in the territory of the modern Magadan region. On 7 September 1956 he was posthumously rehabilitated.



Maryam Dolgieva, Magomed Kartoev, Nurdin Kodzoev and Timur Matiev:Makka Albogachieva, Valery Tishkov, Lyubov Solovyeva:
