George Orwell bibliography explained

Author:George Orwell
Novellink:Books: non-fiction and novels
Storylink:Other works
Booklink:Books: non-fiction and novels
Collectionlink:Collected editions
Playlink:Other works
Scriptlink:Other works
Journallink:Collected editions
Letterlink:Collected editions
Optionname:Complete works
Optionlink:Full list of publications

The bibliography of George Orwell includes journalism, essays, novels, and non-fiction books written by the British writer Eric Blair (1903–1950), either under his own name or, more usually, under his pen name George Orwell. Orwell was a prolific writer on topics related to contemporary English society and literary criticism, who has been declared "perhaps the 20th century's best chronicler of English culture." His non-fiction cultural and political criticism constitutes the majority of his work, but Orwell also wrote in several genres of fictional literature.

Orwell is best remembered for his political commentary as a left-wing anti-totalitarian. As he explained in the essay "Why I Write" (1946), "Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it." To that end, Orwell used his fiction as well as his journalism to defend his political convictions. He first achieved widespread acclaim with his fictional novella Animal Farm and cemented his place in history with the publication of Nineteen Eighty-Four shortly before his death. While fiction accounts for a small fraction of his total output, these two novels are his best-selling works, having sold almost fifty million copies in sixty-two languages by 2007—more than any other pair of books by a twentieth-century author.

Orwell wrote non-fiction—including book reviews, editorials, and investigative journalism—for a variety of British periodicals. In his lifetime he published hundreds of articles including several regular columns in British newsweeklies related to literary and cultural criticism as well as his explicitly political writing. In addition he wrote book-length investigations of poverty in Britain in the form of Down and Out in Paris and London and The Road to Wigan Pier and one of the first retrospectives on the Spanish Civil War in Homage to Catalonia. Between 1941 and 1946 he also wrote fifteen "London Letters" for the American political and literary quarterly Partisan Review, the first of which appeared in the issue dated March–April 1941.

Only two compilations of Orwell's body of work were published in his lifetime, but since his death over a dozen collected editions have appeared. Two attempts have been made at comprehensive collections: The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters in four volumes (1968, 1970), co-edited by Ian Angus and Orwell's widow Sonia Brownell; and The Complete Works of George Orwell, in 20 volumes, edited by Peter Davison, which began publication in the mid-1980s. The latter includes an addendum, The Lost Orwell (2007).

The impact of Orwell's large corpus is manifested in additions to the Western canon such as Nineteen Eighty-Four, its subjection to continued public notice and scholarly analyses, and the changes to vernacular English it has effected—notably the adoption of "Orwellian" as a description of totalitarian societies.

Books: non-fiction and novels

Orwell wrote six novels: Burmese Days, A Clergyman's Daughter, Keep the Aspidistra Flying, Coming Up for Air, Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. Most of these were semi-autobiographical. Burmese Days was inspired by his period working as an imperial policeman and is fictionalized; A Clergyman's Daughter follows a young woman who passes out from overwork and wakes up an amnesiac, forced to wander the countryside as she finds herself, eventually losing her belief in God, despite being the daughter of a clergyman. Keep the Aspidistra Flying and Coming Up for Air are examinations of the British class system. Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four are his most famous novels.

In addition to his novels Orwell also wrote three non-fiction books. Down and Out in Paris and London records his experiences tramping in those two cities. The Road to Wigan Pier is initially a study of poverty in the North of England, but ends with an extended autobiographical essay describing some of Orwell's experiences with poverty. Homage to Catalonia recounts his experiences as a volunteer fighting fascism with the Workers' Party of Marxist Unification in anarchist Catalonia during the Spanish Civil War.




Orwell wrote hundreds of essays, book reviews and editorials. His insights into linguistics, literature and politics—in particular anti-fascism, anti-communism, and democratic socialism—continued to be influential decades after his death. Over a dozen of these were published in collections during his life—Inside the Whale and Other Essays by his original publisher Victor Gollancz Ltd in 1940, and Critical Essays by Secker and Warburg in 1946. The latter press also published the collections Shooting an Elephant and Other Essays in 1950 (republished by Penguin in 2003) and England Your England and Other Essays in 1953.

Since his death many collections of essays have appeared, with the first attempt at a comprehensive collection being the four-volume Collected Essays, Letters and Journalism of George Orwell edited by Ian Angus and Sonia Brownell, which was published by Secker and Warburg and Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich in 1968–1970. Peter Davison of De Montfort University spent 17 years researching and correcting the entirety of Orwell's works with Angus and Sheila Davison, and devoted the last eleven volumes of the twenty-volume series The Complete Works of George Orwell to essays, letters, and journal entries. The entire series was initially printed by Secker and Warburg in 1986, finished by Random House in 1998, and revised between 2000 and 2002.


Starting with The Lion and the Unicorn (1941), several of Orwell's longer essays took the form of pamphlets:


Orwell was not widely known for writing verse, but he did publish several poems that have survived, including many written during his school days:

In October 2015 Finlay Publisher, for The Orwell Society, published George Orwell: The Complete Poetry, compiled and presented by Dione Venables.


In addition to the pamphlets British Pamphleteers Volume 1: From the 16th Century the 18th Century and Talking to India, by E. M. Forster, Richie Calder, Cedric Dover, Hsiao Ch'ien and Others: A Selection of English Language Broadcasts to India, Orwell edited two newspapers during his Eton years—College Days/The Colleger (1917) and Election Times (1917–1921). While working for the BBC, he collected six editions of a poetry magazine named Voice which were broadcast by Orwell, Mulk Raj Anand, John Atkins, Edmund Blunden, Venu Chitale, William Empson, Vida Hope, Godfrey Kenton, Una Marson, Herbert Read, and Stephen Spender. The magazine was published and distributed to the readers before being broadcast by the BBC. Issue five has not been recovered and was consequently excluded from W. J. West's collection of BBC transcripts.

Collected editions

Two essay collections were published during Orwell's lifetime—Inside the Whale and Other Essays in 1940 and Critical Essays in 1946 (the latter published in the United States as Dickens, Dali, and Others in 1958.) His publisher followed up these anthologies with Shooting an Elephant and Other Essays in 1950, England Your England and Other Essays in 1953—which was revised as Such, Such Were the Joys—and Collected Essays in 1961. The first significant publications in the United States were Doubleday's A Collection of Essays by George Orwell from 1954, 1956's The Orwell Reader, Fiction, Essays, and Reportage from Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, and Penguin's Selected Essays in 1957; re-released in 1962 with the title Inside the Whale and Other Essays and in abridged form as Why I Write in 2005 as a part of the Great Ideas series. In the aforementioned series, Penguin also published the short collections Books v. Cigarettes (2008), Some Thoughts on the Common Toad (2010), and Decline of the English Murder (2009). The latter does not contain the same texts as Decline of the English Murder and Other Essays, published by Penguin in association with Secker & Warburg in 1965. The complete texts Orwell wrote for the Observer are collected in Orwell: The Observer Years published by Atlantic Books in 2003.

In 1976 Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd in association with Octopus Books published The Complete Novels, this edition was later republished by Penguin Books in 1983, and reprinted in Penguin Classics 2000 and 2009. Since the publication of Davison's corrected critical edition, John Carey's thorough Essays was released on 15 October 2002, as a part of the Everyman's Library and George Packer edited two collections for Houghton Mifflin, released on 13 October 2008—All Art Is Propaganda: Critical Essays and Facing Unpleasant Facts: Narrative Essays.

Sonia Orwell and Ian Angus edited a four volume collection of Orwell's writings, The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell, divided into four volumes:

The Complete Works of George Orwell is a twenty-volume series, with the first nine being devoted to the non-fiction books and novels and the final eleven volumes entitled:

In 2001 Penguin published four selections from The Complete Works of George Orwell edited by Peter Davison in their modern classics series titled Orwell and the Dispossessed: Down and Out in Paris and London in the Context of Essays, Reviews and Letters selected from The Complete Works of George Orwell with an introduction by Peter Clarke, Orwell's England: The Road to Wigan Pier in the Context of Essays, Reviews, Letters and Poems selected from The Complete Works of George Orwell with an introduction by Ben Pimlott, Orwell in Spain: The Full Text of Homage to Catalonia with Associated Articles, Reviews and Letters from The Complete Works of George Orwell with an introduction by Christopher Hitchens, and Orwell and Politics: Animal Farm in the Context of Essays, Reviews and Letters selected from The Complete Works of George Orwell with an introduction by Timothy Garton Ash.

Davison later compiled a handful of writings—including letters, an obituary for H. G. Wells, and his reconstruction of Orwell's list—into Lost Orwell: Being a Supplement to The Complete Works of George Orwell, which was published by Timewell Press in 2006, with a paperback published on 25 September 2007. In 2011, Davison's selection of letters and journal entries were published as George Orwell: A Life in Letters and Diaries by Harvill Secker. A selection by Davison from Orwell's journalism and other writings were published by Harvill Secker in 2014 under the title Seeing Things as They Are.

Other works

After his first publication—the poem "Awake! Young Men of England", published in the Henley and South Oxfordshire Standard in 1914—Orwell continued to write for his school publications The Election Times and College Days/The Colleger. He also experimented with writing for several years before he could support himself as an author. These pieces include first-hand journalism (e.g. 1931's "The Spike"), articles (e.g. 1931's "Hop-Picking"), and even a one-act play—Free Will. (He would also adapt four plays as radio dramas.)

His production of fiction was not as prolific—while living in Paris he wrote a few unpublished stories and two novels, but burned the manuscripts. (Orwell routinely destroyed his manuscripts and with the exception of a partial copy of Nineteen Eighty-Four, all are lost. Davison would publish this as Nineteen Eighty-Four: The Facsimile of the Extant Manuscript by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in May 1984, .) In addition, Orwell produced several pieces while working at the BBC as a correspondent. Some were written by him and others were merely recited for radio broadcast. For years, these went uncollected until the anthologies Orwell: The War Broadcasts (Marboro Books, June 1985 and in the United States, as Orwell: The Lost Writings by Arbor House, September 1985) and Orwell: The War Commentaries (Gerald Duckworth & Company Ltd., London, 1 January 1985) were edited by W. J. West. Orwell was responsible for producing The Indian Section of BBC Eastern Service and his program notes from 1 February and 7 December 1942 have survived (they are reproduced in War Broadcasts). He was also asked to provide an essay about British cooking along with recipes for The British Council. Orwell kept a diary which has been published by his widow—Sonia Brownell—and academic Peter Davison, in addition to his private correspondence.

Full list of publications

Legend for collected editions:
  • All Art Is Propaganda: Critical Essays (AAIP)
  • Critical Essays (CrE)
  • Collected Essays (ColE)
  • The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell (CEJL)
  • A Collection of Essays by George Orwell (CoE)
  • Complete Novels (CN)
  • The Complete Works of George Orwell (CW)
  • Decline of the English Murder and Other Essays (DotEM)
  • England Your England and Other Essays (EYE)
  • Essays (Everyman's Library) (EL)
  • Essays (Penguin Classics) (ELp)
  • Facing Unpleasant Facts: Narrative Essays (FUF)
  • Inside the Whale and Other Essays (ItW)
  • Lost Orwell: Being a Supplement to The Complete Works of George Orwell (LO)
  • On Jews and Antisemitism (JaA)
  • Orwell and Politics (OP)
  • Orwell and the Dispossessed (OD)
  • Orwell in Spain (OS)
  • Orwell: The Observer Years (OY)
  • Orwell: The War Broadcasts (WB)
  • Orwell: The War Commentaries (WC)
  • Orwell's England (OE)
  • The Orwell Reader, Fiction, Essays, and Reportage (OR)
  • Penguin Great Ideas
  • Books v. Cigarettes (BvC)
  • Decline of the English Murder (DEM)
  • Some Thoughts on the Common Toad (STCM)
  • Why I Write (WIW)
  • Ruins. Orwell’s Reports as War Correspondent in France, Germany and Austria from February until June 1945 (R)
  • Shooting an Elephant and Other Essays (SaE)
  • Selected Essays (SE)
  • Such, Such Were the Joys (SSWtJ)
  • Seeing Things As They Are (STATA)
    Full list of Orwell works
    CW XVIIIArticle published in the Manchester Evening News (3 January 1946) p. 2, recommending the following books which Orwell had read the previous year: Frost in May by Antonia White, After Puritanism, 1850–1900 by Hugh Kingsmill, The Future of Industrial Man by Peter Drucker, Memories of Lenin by Nadezhda Krupskaya, Liza of Lambeth by W. Somerset Maugham, The Savage Pilgrimage by Catherine Carswell, The Old School compiled by Graham Greene, English Messiahs by Ronald Matthews, Tales of Mean Streets and A Child of the Jago by Arthur Morrison, The Life of Cæsar by Guglielmo Ferrero, The Managerial Revolution by James Burnham, The Iron Heel by Jack London, The Diary of a Nobody by George and Weedon Grossmith, Some Tales of Mystery and Imagination by Edgar Allan Poe and the King Penguin Books on Edible Fungi, Poisonous Fungi, British Shells and Fishes of Britain’s Rivers and Lakes.
    CW XIReview of Foreign Correspondent: Twelve British Journalists and In the Margins of History by L. B. Namier and Europe Going, Going, Gone! by Count Ferdinand von Czernin, published in Time and Tide
    CW XShort story published unsigned in The Election Times No. 4, pp. 43–46.
    CW XPoem published unsigned in College Days No. 4, p. 104, possibly by Orwell
    All Art Is Propaganda: Critical EssaysPublished by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in New York City, edited by George Packer. Companion volume to Facing Unpleasant Facts: Narrative Essays
    OYPublished in The Observer
    OY, RWar report published in The Observer
    OYPublished in The Observer
    Animal FarmCN, CW VIII, OPPublished by Secker and Warburg in London on and Harcourt Brace Jovanovich in New York City on 26 August 1946. The original printing is entitled Animal Farm: A Fairy Story.
    SSWtJ, EYE, ColE, CEJL III, EL, ELp, JaAPublished in Contemporary Jewish Record
    ELPublished in Manchester Evening News
    CW XMock advertisement published unsigned in College Days No. 4, p. 103. Written together with Denys King-Farlow.
    AAIP, CEJL II, CoE, ColE, CrE, DotEM, EL, ELp, ODPublished in Horizon
    CrE, ColE, CEJL III, EL, ELpUnpublished typescript
    ArticleCEJL III, EL, FUFPublished in Tribune
    ArticleEL, FUFPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, EL, FUFPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, EL, FUFPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, EL, Published in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, EL, Published in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, EL, Published in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL IV, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL IV, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL IV, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL IV, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL IV, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL IV, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL IV, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL IV, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL IV, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL IV, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL IV, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL IV, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL IV, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL IV, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleELPublished in Manchester Evening News for Tribune
    ArticleELPublished in Daily Herald for Tribune
    ArticleELPublished in Manchester Evening News for Tribune
    ArticleCEJL IV, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL IV, EL, Published in Tribune
    ArticleELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleCEJL IV, ELPublished in Tribune
    ArticleELPublished in Tribune
    ReviewCEJL IV, CW XVIII, OYReview of The Democrat at the Supper Table by Colm Brogan. Published in The Observer No. 8072 (10 February 1946) p. 3.
    PoemCEJL IIPoem written in response to Alex Comfort's Letter to an American Visitor (published under the pseudonym "Obadiah Hornbrooke" in Tribune 9 June 1943), published in Tribune
    Published in Time and Tide
    ReviewCEJL I, CW XIReview of The Freedom of the Streets by Jack Common, published in the New English Weekly Vol. XIII, No. 10 (16 June 1938) p. 192.
    CW XI, EL, OSUnpublished response, written sometime between 3 and 6 August 1937, to a questionnaire sent out by Nancy Cunard and the Left Review for the pamphlet Authors Take Sides on the Spanish War.
    CEJL IIWritten for Stanley Kunitz and Howard Haycraft's Twentieth Century Authors, published by W. H. Wilson & Co. in 1942
    PoemCW XPoem published in the Henley and South Oxfordshire Standard Vol. XXV, No. 1455, p. 8, signed "Eric Blair"
    OYPublished in The Observer
    ReviewCW XIReview of the September 1937 issue of the magazine The Booster published in the New English Weekly Vol. XII, No. 2 (21 October 1937) pp. 30–31.
    Published in Tribune
    CEJL I, CW XIReview of Journey to Turkistan by Eric Teichman, published in Time and Tide Vol. XVIII, No. 39 (25 September 1937) p. 1269
    CW XVIII, ELEssay published in Evening Standard (2 February 1946) p. 6. Abridged version published as "I Don't Mind What the Weatherman Says" in SEAC: The All-Services Newspaper of South East Asia Command (23 February 1946) p. 2.
    Written before the summer of 1929, this poem has not survived
    ELPublished in Evening Standard
    ELPublished in Evening Standard
    Bastard Death by Michael Fraenkel and Fast One by Paul CainReviewCEJL IBook review published in New English Weekly
    OYPublished in The Observer
    ReportOY, RWar report published in The Observer
    Published in The Spectator
    CEJL IIMemo written by Orwell for his boss at BBC Eastern Service outlining his demands for working on-air
    Published in French in French: [[Progrès Civique]]
    OYPublished in The Observer
    CrE, ColE, DotEM, CEJL III, EL, ELp, AAIP, STCMBook review of Salvador Dalí's Life intended for The Saturday Book volume four.
    BroadcastWBBroadcast by the BBC
    LO, OYA list of authors' favourite books of 1949 published in The Observer
    Black Spring by Henry Miller, A Passage to India by E. M. Forster, Death of a Hero by Richard Aldington, The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, A Hind Let Loose by Charles Edward Montague, and A Safety Match by Ian HayCEJL IBook review published in New English Weekly
    CW XIReview of Best-Sellers by George Stevens, Stanley Unwin and Frank Swinnerton, published in The Adelphi
    CEJL III, CW XVIReview of The Vicar of Wakefield by Oliver Goldsmith, published in Tribune No. 410, pp. 15–16
    BvC, CEJL IV, CW XVII, EL, ELp, SaEEssay published in Tribune No. 476 (8 February 1946) p. 15. Abridged version published as "You Too Can Own a Library" in English Digest Vol. 21, No. 3 (May 1946) pp. 83–85.
    CEJL I, EL, ELp, FUFPublished in Fortnightly Review
    CW XILetter to the editor in reply to a letter from The Booster (4 November 1937), published in the New English Weekly Vol. XII, No. 5 (11 November 1937) p. 100.
    AAIP, CEJL I, CoE, CrE, ColE, ItW, OD, SE, ELpPublished in Horizon in abridged form and revised for Inside the Whale and Other Essays
    Published in Commentary
    ArticltArticle with recipes commissioned by the British Council; due to rationing, it was not published
    OPPublished in Partisan Review, June/July 1942.
    Published in Commentary
    ELPublished in The Progressive
    British Pamphleteers Volume 1: From the 16th Century the 18th CenturyPublished by Allan Wingate in Spring 1948, co-edited by Orwell and Reginald Reynolds with an introduction by Orwell.
    BroadcastWBBroadcast by the BBC
    by Basil Liddell HartCEJL IIBook review published in New Statesman and Nation
    Published in Tribune
    OYPublished in The Observer
    Burmese DaysCN, CW II, Published by HarperCollins in New York City on 25 October 1934 and by Victor Gollancz, Ltd. in London on 24 June 1935. This is the only Orwell book to be initially published outside of the United Kingdom.
    , CW XVIII, OY Review of The Story of Burma by F. Tennyson Jesse, Burma Pamphlets No. 7: The Burman: An Appreciation by C. J. Richards and Burma Pamphlets No  8: The Karens of Burma by Harry Ignatius Marshall. Published in The Observer No. 8074 (24 February 1946) p. 3.
    Burmese Interlude by C. V. WarrenCW XIReview of Burmese Interlude by C. V. Warren published unsigned in The Listener (12 January 1938) p. 101.
    CEJL IV, ELPublished in The New Leader
    Burnt Norton, The Dry Salvages, and East Coker by T. S. EliotCEJL II, EL, AAIPPoetry reviews published in Poetry London, October/November 1942
    CW XVIII, ELPublished as a Saturday Essay in Evening Standard (26 January 1946) p. 6. Reprinted as "Are We Really Ruder? No" in SEAC: The All-Services Newspaper of South East Asia Command (13 April 1946) p. 2.
    Published in New Statesman and Nation
    Byron and the Need of Fatality by Charles du Bos, translated from the French by Ethel Colburn MayneReviewCEJL IBook review published in Adelphi, signed "Eric Blair"
    CW XI, OSArticle published in Vol. 31, pp. 145–147
    by Sholem Asch and Midnight by Julien GreenReviewCEJL IBook review published in New English Weekly
    Caliban Shrieks by Jack HiltonReviewCEJL I, EL, ODBook review published in The Adelphi, first writing credited to "George Orwell"
    EL, AAIPPublished in Tribune under the authorship of "John Freeman" (possibly in reference to British politician of the same name) and later attributed to Orwell by Davison.
    EL, FUFPublished in Evening Standard
    ReviewCEJL IReview of The Two Carlyles by Osbert Burdett, published in The Adelphi, signed "Eric Blair"
    CEJL IV, ELPublished in Common Wealth Review
    ReviewCEJL I, CW XI, EL, OPReview of Communism and Man by F. J. Sheed published in Peace News
    Published in French as "La censure en angleterre" in Monde
    ItW, CrE, CoE, ColE, DotEM, CEJL I, EL, ELp, AAIPFirst published in Inside the Whale and Other Essays
    OYPublished in The Observer
    ReviewCW XVIIIReview of Black Boy by Richard Wright, Of Many Men by James Aldridge and The Cross and the Arrow by Albert Maltz. Published in Manchester Evening News (28 February 1946) p. 2.
    OYPublished in The Observer
    OYPublished in The Observer
    OY, JaAPublished in The Observer
    CEJL IV, ELBook review of the book by William Winwood Reade published in Tribune
    CN, CW III, Published by Victor Gollancz, Ltd in London on 11 March 1935 and in New York City on 17 August 1936.
    ReportOY, RWar report published in The Observer
    CEJL I, EL, FUF, ODUnpublished
    by Herbert Taylor ReadeCEJL IVPublished in Poetry Quarterly, Winter 1945
    Collected EssaysPublished by Secker and Warburg in London
    Published by Harcourt, Brace & World in New York City, later republished by Mariner Books in 1971, David R Godine in 2000, and Penguin UK in 2003
    Published by Harcourt, Brace & World in New York City, later republished by Mariner Books in 1971, David R Godine in 2000, and Penguin UK in 2003
    Published by Harcourt, Brace & World in New York City, later republished by Mariner Books in 1971, David R Godine in 2000, and Penguin UK in 2003
    Published by Harcourt, Brace & World in New York City, later republished by Mariner Books in 1971, David R Godine in 2000, and Penguin UK in 2003
    Collected Poems of W. H. Davies by W. H. DaviesReviewCEJL III, EL, OYBook review published in The Observer
    Published by Doubleday and Company in Garden City in 1954
    Coming Up for AirCN, CW VI, Published by Victor Gollancz, Ltd in London on 12 June 1939
    CEJL I, EL, OD, STATAPublished in The New Statesman and Nation, signed "Eric Blair"
    BookPublished by Secker and Warburg in 1986, later reprinted in 1999; volumes one to nine are reprintings of Orwell's non-fiction books and novels
    BookPublished by Secker and Warburg in 1986, later reprinted in 1999; volumes one to nine are reprintings of Orwell's non-fiction books and novels
    BookPublished by Secker and Warburg in 1986, later reprinted in 1999; volumes one to nine are reprintings of Orwell's non-fiction books and novels
    BookPublished by Secker and Warburg in 1986, later reprinted in 1999; volumes one to nine are reprintings of Orwell's non-fiction books and novels
    BookPublished by Secker and Warburg in 1986, later reprinted in 1999; volumes one to nine are reprintings of Orwell's non-fiction books and novels
    BookPublished by Secker and Warburg in 1986, later reprinted in 1999; volumes one to nine are reprintings of Orwell's non-fiction books and novels
    BookPublished by Secker and Warburg in 1986, later reprinted in 1999; volumes one to nine are reprintings of Orwell's non-fiction books and novels
    BookPublished by Secker and Warburg in 1986, later reprinted in 1999; volumes one to nine are reprintings of Orwell's non-fiction books and novels
    BookPublished by Secker and Warburg in 1986, later reprinted in 1999; volumes one to nine are reprintings of Orwell's non-fiction books and novels
    BookPublished by Secker and Warburg in 1986, later reprinted in 1999; volumes one to nine are reprintings of Orwell's non-fiction books and novels
    BookPublished by Secker and Warburg in 1986, later reprinted in 1999; volumes one to nine are reprintings of Orwell's non-fiction books and novels
    A series of articles published in French as "French: Ayant toujours trait au Quartier Montparnasse", which were written before the summer of 1929 and have not survived
    SaE, CEJL IV, EL, ELp, AAIPPublished in Tribune
    CEJL IVPublished in Wiadomosci
    CEJL IIIOrwell's review of Noblesse Oblige—Another Letter to My Son by Osbert Sitwell was published in Manchester Evening News on 30 November 1944, with James Agate's response to Orwell published on 21 December 1944 and this response by Orwell appearing in the same issue.
    CEJL IV, ELPublished in Horizon, also entitled "Questionnaire: The Cost of Letters"
    CW XVIIIArticle published in Tribune No. 475 (1 February 1946) p. 8.
    ReviewCW XVI, ELReview of The Way of a Countryman by William Beach Thomas, published in The Manchester Evening News No. 23,354, p. 2
    Crainquebille by Anatole FranceWBAdaptation of France's play as a radio drama by Orwell, broadcast by the BBC
    OY, RWar report published in The Observer
    Cricket Country by Edmund BlundenReviewCEJL III, ELBook review published in Manchester Evening News
    CW XShort story published unsigned in College Days No. 5, p. 150
    Critical EssaysPublished by Secker and Warburg in London and as Dickens, Dali and Others: Studies in Popular Culture by Reynal and Hitchcock in April 1946.
    Published in Victory or Vested Interest?, made up of "Fascism and Democracy" and "Patriots and Revolutionaries"
    CEJL IV, EL, OYBook review of Notes Towards the Definition of Culture by T. S. Eliot published in The Observer
    CEJL IIArticle on Charles Reade, published in New Statesman and Nation
    OYPublished in The Observer
    OY, RWar report published in The Observer
    OYPublished in The Observer
    OEPublished in French in French: [[Progrès Civique]]
    OY, RWar report published in The Observer
    EL, FUFPublished in Daily Express
    CEJL IV, CW XVIII, DEM, DotEM, EL, ELp, OE, OR, SaEPublished in Tribune No. 477 (15 February 1946) pp. 10–11.
    Published by Penguin Group in London
    OYPublished in The Observer
    CEJL I, CW XI, EL, ODArticle published in The Left Forum
    Published in Time and Tide
    PoemCW XPoem, handwritten manuscript, 1f
    German: Der Führer by Conred HeidenELBook review published in Manchester Evening News
    Published in Time and Tide
    by V. K. Narayana MenonReviewEL, ELp, CrE, ColE, CELJ IIBook review published in Horizon
    Ruins: Orwell's Reports as War Correspondent in France, Germany and Austria from February until June 1945Edited by Paul Seeliger and Stephen Kearney, published in Berlin by Comino Verlag
    On Jews and AntisemitismEdited and annotated by Paul Seeliger, published by Comino Verlag
    DiariesEdited by Peter Davison, 1. published in London by Harvill Secker (2009), 1. American Edition (with introduction by Christopher Hitchens) in New York by Liveright Publ. Corp. (2012)
    RWar report published in Manchester Evening News
    Published in Tribune
    Down and Out in Paris and LondonCW I, OD, Published by Victor Gollancz, Ltd in London on 9 January 1933 and in the United States on 30 June 1933.
    CW XIReprint of a short section of chapter two of The Road to Wigan Pier in The News Chronicle, (10 June 1937) p. 6. Part four in a five-day series presenting the work of "young writers already famous among critics, less well-known among the public."
    OYPublished in The Observer
    CEJL I, ODPoem published in The Adelphi, signed "Eric Blair"
    EditorialCEJL IVPublished in Polemic number three
    WBAn introduction to a talk by Blunden broadcast over the BBC
    CW XVIIIReview of The Condition of the British People, 1911–1945 by Mark Abrams published in the Manchester Evening News (17 January 1946) p. 2.
    OYPublished in The Observer
    by Hans Christian AndersenWBAdaptation of Andersen's short story as a radio drama by Orwell, broadcast by the BBC
    Published in Tribune
    CEJL I, CW XI, OPLetter to the editor in reply to A. Romney Green's letter on Aldous Huxley. Published in The New English Weekly Vol. XIII, No.7 (26 May 1938) p. 139.
    Published in The Adelphi
    SSWtJ, EYE, CoE, OR, SE, FUF, OEFirst published in
    Published by Secker and Warburg in London
    Published in New Statesman and Nation
    CEJL III, EL, OECommissioned as a part of the series "Britain in Pictures" and written around spring of 1944, this essay was not published by HarperCollins as a pamphlet until 1947 due to paper rationing in World War II
    WBBroadcast by the BBC
    English Ways by Jack Hilton; with an Introduction by John Middleton Murry and Photographs by J. Dixon ScottEL, ODBook review published in The Adelphi
    Published in The New Republic
    Published in Time and Tide
    Published in Tribune
    CW XI, OSLetter to the editor published in The Manchester Guardian (5 August 1938) p. 18. The same letter was also sent to The New Statesman and Nation and The Daily Herald who did not print it.
    EssaysPublished by Alfred A. Knopf in New York City and Toronto as a part of Everyman's Library, edited by John Carey. There is also a Penguin Classics edition, with a smaller collection of essays, which was published in 2000.
    Esther Waters by George Moore, Our Mr Wrenn by Sinclair Lewis, Dr Serocold by Helen Ashton, The Owls' House by Crosbie Garstin, Hangman's House by Brian Oswald Donn-Byrne, Odd Craft by W. W. Jacobs, Naval Occasions by Bartimeus, My Man Jeeves by P. G. Wodehouse, and Autobiography volumes one and two by Margot AsquithCEJL IBook review of several titles published by Penguin Group, published in New English Weekly
    CW XShort story published unsigned in College Days No. 3, p. 90, possibly by Orwell
    CEJL IV, ELUnpublished and unfinished essay written c. April 1949
    CW XI, OSArticle published in Controversy: The Socialist Forum, Vol. I, No. 11 (August 1937) pp. 85–88.
    CEJL I, CW XI, OPReview of Workers' Front by Fenner Brockway, published in The New English Weekly Vol. XII, No. 19 (17 February 1938) p. 368.
    CW XIReview of Broken Water: An Autobiographical Excursion by James Hanley and I Wanted Wings by Beirne Lay, published in Time and Tide Vol. XVIII, No. 45 (6 November 1937) p. 1475.
    CEJL I, CW XIReview of The Men I Killed by F. P. Crozier, published in The New Statesman and Nation Vol. XIV (28 August 1937) p. 314.
    Facing Unpleasant Facts: Narrative EssaysPublished by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in New York City, edited by George Packer. Companion volume to All Art Is Propaganda: Critical Essays
    Published in Tribune
    Faith, Reason and Civilisation by Harold LaskiELRejected book review submitted to Manchester Evening News
    CW XVIIIReview of The Nineteen-Twenties by Douglas Goldring, published in The Observer No. 8067 (6 January 1946) p. 3. Completed 25 December 1945.
    CEJL I, EL, ODPublished in G. K.'s Weekly, signed "Eric A. Blair"
    Published in Betrayal of the Left by Victor Gollancz Ltd
    by Alec BrownCW X, ELBook review published in The New English Weekly
    by Alec Brown CW X, OPBook review published in The Adelphi
    Published in Time and Tide
    Published in Time and Tide from October 1940 through August 1941
    Published in Time and Tide
    OYPublished in The Observer
    Published in Tribune
    ODBy T. C. Worsley, published by Secker and Warburg
    by Ignazio SiloneWBAdaptation of Silone's short story as a radio drama by Orwell, broadcast by the BBC
    OY, RWar report published in The Observer
    Published in Time and Tide
    CEJL I, CW XI, OPReview of The Communist International by Franz Borkenau, published in the New English Weekly Vol. XIII, No. 24 (22 September 1938) pp. 357–358.
    OY, RWar report published in The Observer
    CEJL IV, CW XVIIIReview of We by Yevgeny Zamyatin, published in Tribune No. 471 (4 January 1946) pp. 15–16. Completed 31 December 1945.
    CW XOne-act play or dramatic sketch published unsigned in The Election Times No. 4, pp. 25–27. Reprinted in College Days No. 5 (9 July 1920) p. 129, also unsigned.
    CEJL IVPublished in Socialist Leader
    CEJL IVPublished in Tribune
    ELAn introduction to Animal Farm published in London and later in New York City on 26 August 1946
    RWar report published in Manchester Evening News
    RWar report published in Manchester Evening News
    OYPublished in The Observer
    CW X
    CW XReview of News from Tartary by Peter Fleming, The Abyssinia I Knew by General Eric Virgin translated from the Swedish by Naomi Walford, and Canoe Errant on the Nile by Major R. Raven-Hart, published in Time and Tide
    Published in World Review
    CEJL II, ELInitially broadcast over BBC Overseas Service on 30 April 1941, printed in The Listener on 29 May 1941
    CEJL III, ELPublished in Leader Magazine, 28 July 1945
    OY, RWar report published in The Observer
    CEJL II, ELBook review of Beggar My Neighbour by Lionel Fielden published in Horizon
    CEJL IV, ELUnpublished essay, written May–June 1948
    Edited by Peter Davison, published in London by Harvill Secker and in the United States by Penguin
    OY, RWar report published in The Observer
    Glimpses and Reflections by John GalsworthyCEJL I, CW XIReview of Glimpses and Reflections by John Galsworthy, published in the New Statesman and Nation Vol. XV (12 March) 1938) p. 428.
    OYPublished in The Observer
    AAIP, CEJL IV, CW XVII, EL, ELp, SaE Essay published in Tribune No. 462 (2 November 1945) p. 15. Completed 26 October 1945. Abridged version published in World Digest (February 1946) pp. 79–80.
    Published in Time and Tide
    SaN, SaE, OR, CEJL IV, EL, ELp, FUF, STCMPublished in Tribune
    AAIPFilm review published in Time and Tide
    Great Morning by Osbert SitwellCEJL IV, ELBook review published in The Adelphi, July/September 1948
    CEJL IV, EL, OYReview of Drums Under the Windows by Seán O'Casey, published in The Observer
    OYPublished in The Observer
    Published in New Statesman and Nation
    CEJL I, ColE, DotEM, EL, ELp, FUF, OP, OR, SaE, WIWPublished in The Adelphi, reprinted in The New Savoy in 1946, signed "Eric A. Blair"
    CEJL I, CW XReview of Herman Melville: A Study of His Life and Vision by Lewis Mumford, published in The New Adelphi, Vol. III, No. 3 (March–May 1930), pp. 206–208, signed "E. A. Blair"
    OYPublished in The Observer
    Published in New Statesman and Nation
    Published in New Statesman and Nation
    CN, CW VI,, OSPublished by Secker and Warburg in London on 25 April 1938 and by Harcourt, Brace and Company in New York on 15 May 1952.
    CW XI, OS Letter to the editor in response to a review of Homage to Catalonia by Maurice Percy Ashley (30 April 1938). Published in The Times Literary Supplement (14 May 1938) p. 336.
    CW XI, OS A second letter to the editor in response to Maurice Percy Ashley's review of Homage to Catalonia. Published in The Times Literary Supplement (28 May 1938) p. 370.
    CEJL I, OEPublished in The New Statesman and Nation, a longer version appears in Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters I
    OPPublished in French in French: [[Progrès Civique]], in instalments between December 1928 and May 1929
    CEJL IV, ColE, DotEM, EL, ELp, FUF, OD, OR, SaEPublished in Now number six
    CW XVIIIReview of Horned Pigeon by George Millar. Published in The Observer No. 8070 (27 January 1946) p. 3.
    CEJL III, EL, OYBook review of Martin Chuzzlewit by Charles Dickens published in The Observer
    EL, WBBroadcast by BBC African Service, titled by West as "Jonathan Swift, an Imaginary Interview"
    CEJL I, CW XI, EL, OPReview of Assignment in Utopia by Eugene Lyons, published in New English Weekly Vol. XIII, No. 9 (9 June 1938) pp. 169–170.
    EL, OYBook review published in The Observer
    CEJL IV, ELUnpublished essay intended for Tribune, August/September 1947
    CEJL III, EL, ELp, FUF, STCMPublished in Evening Standard
    CEJL III, ColE, CrE, EL, ELp, OD, OR, STCMPublished in The Windmill number two
    CEJL I, ELPublished in two issues of New English Weekly from 12 and 19 November 1936
    CEJL IV, EL, FUFPublished in Tribune
    Published in Tribune
    OYPublished in The Observer
    RWar report published in Manchester Evening News
    OYPublished in The Observer
    OPReview of Indian Mosaic by Mark Channing; Orwell's first paid review for The Listener, unsigned.
    CW XVIIILetter to the editor published in The Manchester Guardian (31 January 1946) p. 4.
    ItW, SSWtJ, EYE, CoE, SE, ColE, CEJL I, EL, ELp, AAIPPublished as part of Inside the Whale and Other Essays
    Published by Victor Gollancz Ltd on 11 March 1940. A different publication by the same name—identical to Selected Essays—was released in the United Kingdom in 1962.
    CW XVIII, EL, OPFirst part of a four-part series of essays. Published in the Manchester Evening News (24 January 1946) p. 2.
    CW XVIII, EL, OPSecond part of a four-part series of essays. Published in the Manchester Evening News (31 January 1946) p. 2.
    CW XVIII, EL, OPThird part of a four-part series of essays. Published in the Manchester Evening News (7 February 1946) p. 2.
    CW XVIII, EL, OPFinal part of a four-part series of essays. Published in the Manchester Evening News (14 February 1946) p. 2.
    by Charles d'Ydewalle, translated by Eric SuttonEL, OYPublished in The Observer
    Introduction to Love of Life and Other Stories by Jack LondonCEJL IV, ELIntroduction to this compilation published in the United Kingdom, October–November 1945
    CEJL IVIntroduction to an intended reprinting of the text that was never published, written in winter 1945
    CEJL I, ODIntroduction to the book published as French: La Vache Enragée by Éditions Gallimard
    Poem from some time before 1936
    CW XMonologue published in College Days No. 5, p. 140, signed "The Bishop of Borstall"[sic]
    Article published in The New Republic
    WBBroadcast by the BBC
    James Joyce by Harry LevinELBook review published in Manchester Evening News
    Published in French in Monde
    OY, R War report published in The Observer
    CEJL IVUnpublished and unfinished essay written c. April 1949
    CW XVIII, EL, OEPublished as a Saturday Essay in Evening Standard (5 January 1946) p. 6
    Keep the Aspidistra FlyingCN, CW IV, Published by Victor Gollancz, Ltd in London on 20 April 1936.
    CW XPoem published in the Henley and South Oxfordshire Standard Vol. XXVI, No. 1549, p. 3, signed "E. A. Blair"
    Lady Gregory's Journals, edited by Lennox RobinsonELBook review published in The New Yorker
    WBCommentary on Oscar Wilde's play broadcast by the BBC
    by Nevil Shute and Nailcruncher by Albert Cohen, translated by Vyvyan HollandCEJL IIBook review published in New Statesman and Nation
    SaE, OR, SE, ColE, CEJL IV, EL, ELp, AAIP, STCMPublished in Polemic
    Published in Horizon
    CEJL IIPublished in Partisan Review, March/April 1943
    OPReview of Letters on India by Mulk Raj Anand; Published in Tribune
    Letter to the editorCEJL II, ELPublished in Time and Tide
    Letter to the editorCEJL IIUnpublished letter addressed to The Times
    Letter to the editorCEJL IIIUnpublished letter addressed to Tribune
    Letter to the editorCW XVIIILetter to the editor, protesting against the arrest of Philip Sansom, circulated to the press by the Freedom Defence Committee and signed by Orwell and 24 others. Published as "'Cat and Mouse' Case" in The Manchester Guardian (18 January 1946) p. 4; in Tribune No. 473 (18 January 1946) p. 13; in Peace News (18 January 1946) p. 4; as "The Sansom Case" in The Daily Herald (21 January 1946) p. 2; in The New Leader (26 January 1946) p. 7; in Freedom – Through Anarchism (26 January 1946) p. 1; as "Cat and Mouse Treatment" in the Freedom Defence Committee Bulletin No. 2 (February–March 1946) p. 2.
    Letter to the editorCEJL IVKonni Zilliacus wrote an open letter in response to Orwell's "London Letter" 15, and Orwell wrote a response, both of which were published in this issue of Tribune, Summer 1946
    OYPublished in The Observer
    CEJL I, ELReview of The Thirties by Malcolm Muggeridge, published in the New English Weekly
    CEJL II, EL, ELp, OR, WIW, OPPublished by Secker and Warburg as Searchlight Books No. 1
    CEJL II, EL, OPPublished in Tribune
    CEJL II, ELInitially broadcast over BBC Overseas Service, printed in The Listener on 19 June 1941
    by Kenneth Roberts, War Paint by F. V. Morley, Long Shadows by Lady Sanderson, Who Goes Home? by Richard Curle, and Gaudy Night by Dorothy SayersCEJL IBook review published in New English Weekly
    CEJL II, The first of several pieces of correspondence published in Partisan Review, March/April 1941
    CEJL IIPublished in Partisan Review, March/April 1941
    CEJL II, Published in Partisan Review, July/August 1941
    CEJL IIPublished in Partisan Review, November/December 1941
    CEJL IIPublished in Partisan Review, March/April 1942
    CEJL IIPublished in Partisan Review, July/August 1942; also known as "The British Crisis"
    CEJL IIPublished in Partisan Review, November/December 1942
    CEJL II, OPPublished in Partisan Review, March/April 1943
    CEJL IIPublished in Partisan Review, July/August 1943
    CEJL IIIPublished in Partisan Review, Spring 1944; sent 15 January 1944
    CEJL IIIPublished in Partisan Review, Summer 1944; sent 17 April 1944
    CEJL IIIPublished in Partisan Review, Winter 1944; sent 24 July 1944
    CEJL IIIPublished in Partisan Review, Summer 1945; sent 5 June 1945
    CEJL IIIPublished in Partisan Review, Fall 1945; sent c. 15 August 1945
    CEJL IVPublished in Partisan Review, Summer 1946; sent early May 1946
    SSWtJ, EYE, CoE, ColE, CEJL II, EL, ELp, FUFPublished in New Road, probably written in 1942
    CW XIReview of Green Worlds by Maurice G. Hindus and I Haven't Unpacked by William Holt, published in Time and Tide
    OYPublished in The Observer
    CW XI, OSReview of Spain's Ordeal by Robert Sencourt and Franco's Rule by anonymous, published in The New English Weekly Vol. XIII, No. 11 (23 June 191938) p, 210.
    CW XIReview of Invertebrate Spain by José Ortega y Gasset, published in the New English Weekly Vol. XII, No. 12 (30 December 1937) pp. 235–236.
    WBCommentary on William Shakespeare's play broadcast by the BBC
    by James BurnhamELBook review published in Manchester Evening News
    CW XPlay (incomplete), manuscript, 26 ff.
    OYPublished in The Observer
    Short story that was written before the summer of 1929 and has not survived
    Many Are Called by Edward NewhouseLOThis book blurb is considered by Davison to be a spurious attribution to Orwell; no other compendium has included it.
    CEJL IIPublished in Tribune
    SSWtJ, CoE, ColE, CEJL I, EL, ELp, FUFPublished in New Writing, New Series number three
    EL, OYPublished in The Observer
    CEJL II, ELInitially broadcast over BBC Overseas Service on 14 May 1941, printed in The Listener on 5 June 1941
    WBBroadcast by the BBC
    CW XShort story published unsigned in College Days No. 5, pp. 152, 154, 156
    German: [[Mein Kampf]] by Adolf Hitler, unabridged translationCEJL II, EL, OP, JaABook review published in The New English Weekly
    EL, OYBook review of The Atlantic Islands by Kenneth Williamson, published in The Observer
    Published in Tribune

    Man and Thinker by Denis Saurat

    EL, OYBook review published in The Observer
    Mind at the End of its Tether by H. G. WellsELBook review published in Manchester Evening News
    Published in New Statesman and Nation
    WB, ELPublished in Through Eastern Eyes and broadcast by the BBC
    CEJL III, CW XVIII, EL, FUFPublished as a Saturday Essay in Evening Standard (9 February 1946) p. 6. Reprinted in SEAC: The All-Services Newspaper of South East Asia Command (20 April 1946) p. 2.
    CW XIReview of Forbidden Journey by Ella K. Maillart translated from the French by Thomas MacGreevy, published in Time and Tide Vol. XVIII, No. 36 (4 September 1937) p. 1175.
    CEJL I, EL, ELp, FUF, OEPublished in Folios of New Writing, number two, Autumn 1940
    CEJL IReview of The Last Days of Madrid by S. Casado, translated by Rupert Croft-Cooke, and Behind the Battle by T. C. Worsley, published in Time and Tide Vol. 21, No. 3, p. 62Published in New York Times Book Review
    Published in Time and Tide
    CW XShort story published unsigned in Bubble and Squeak No. 2, pp. 40–42, probably by Orwell
    OYPublished in The Observer
    CW XShort story, handwritten manuscript, date very uncertain
    OYPublished in The Observer
    CEJL IA passage edited from Burmese Days
    My Life: The Autobiography of Havelock Ellis by Havelock EllisELBook review published in The Adelphi
    Published in Tribune
    CEJL II, ELUnpublished, written in February–April 1940
    OYPublished in The Observer
    CEJL IIIPublished in Tribune
    CEJL III, CW XVIII, EL, FUFPublished as a Saturday Essay in Evening Standard (12 January 1946) p. 6. Reprinted as "Ten Steps to a Good Cup of Char" in SEAC: The All-Services Newspaper of South East Asia Command (14 February 1946) p. 2.
    Published in Partisan Review, January/February 1942
    CEJL III, OYBook review published in Observer
    Nineteen Eighty-FourCN, CW IX, Published by Secker and Warburg in London on 8 June 1949.
    Nineteen Eighty-Four: The Facsimile of the Extant ManuscriptPublished by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in May 1984 .
    CEJL II, EL, AAIPBook review of No Such Liberty by Alex Comfort published in The Adelphi
    French: Noblesse Oblige—Another Letter to My Son by Osbert SitwellCEJL IIIBook review published in Manchester Evening News. James Agate wrote a response to Orwell published on 21 December 1944 and Orwell responded to this (with a piece named "A Controversy: Agate: Orwell" in Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters III) in the same issue.
    SaE, CEJL IV, EL, ELpPublished in Tribune
    CEJL I, CW XI, EL, OPReview of Union Now by Clarence K. Streit published in The Adelphi
    EL, ODPublished in Tribune
    EYE, ColE, DotEM, CEJL III, EL, ELp, OPPublished in Polemic: A Magazine of Philosophy, Psychology & Aesthetics, number one
    CEJL I, CW XI, EL, OSUnpublished notes, compiled c. 1938–1939
    CEJL II, EL, ODPublished in two issues of Time and Tide, 30 March and 6 April 1940
    Published in Tribune
    RWar report published in Manchester Evening News
    CEJL IV, CW XVIIILetter to the editor on the Nuremberg Trials and charges made against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials of conspiring with Nazi Germany. Signed by Orwell and 14 others. Dated 25 February 1946 and published in Socialist Appeal (March 1946) p. 3. Also issued by Socialist Appeal as a handbill. Abridged version published in Forward (16 March 1946) p. 7.
    OY, RWar report published in The Observer
    CW XPoem published unsigned in College Days No. 4, p. 114, probably by Orwell
    Of Ants and Men by Caryl Parker HaskinsEL, OYPublished in The Observer
    Published in Tribune, signed "Crystal-Gazer Orwell"
    OYPublished in The Observer
    CEJL I, OEPoem published in The Adelphi, later selected for The Best Poems of 1934 by Thomas Moult
    CEJL IV, CW XVIIIReview of The Reilly Plan by Lawrence Wolfe. Published in Tribune No. 474 (25 January 1946) p 6.
    CEJL I, ELPublished in New English Weekly
    Published in New Statesman and Nation
    CEJL IV, CW XXReview of Their Finest Hour by Winston Churchill, published in The New Leader (14 May 1949) p. 10
    Published by Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich in New York City
    CW XPoem given to Jacintha Buddicom
    Published in Left News
    CW XIReview of The Problem of the Distressed Areas by Wal Hannington, Grey Children by James Hanley and The Fight for the Charter by Gordon Neil Stewart, published in Time and Tide Vol. XVIII, No. 48 (27 November 1937) p. 1588.
    OYPublished in The Observer
    CW XIReview of The Mysterious Mr Bull by Wyndham Lewis and The School for Dictators by Ignazio Silone, published in The New English Weekly
    CEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    CEJL IICorrespondence between Orwell, Alex Comfort, D. S. Savage, and George Woodcock, published in Partisan Review, September/October 1942; also known as "A Controversy"
    CW XPoem sent to Jacintha Buddicom
    CEJL IIPublished in New Statesman and Nation
    OYPublished in The Observer
    LO, RWar report published in The Observer
    Published in Betrayal of the Left by Victor Gollancz Ltd
    CW XShort story published unsigned in The Election Times No. 4, pp. 15–24
    Published in New Statesman and Nation
    Published in New Statesman and Nation
    ELPublished in Leader Magazine
    Personal Record by Julien GreenCEJL IIBook review published in Time and Tide
    CW XPoem published unsigned in College Days No. 5, p. 130
    Short story that was written before mid-1929 and has not survived
    EL, OYReview of The Brothers Karamazov and Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky, translated by Constance Garnett, published in The Observer
    CEJL IV, CW XVIII, ELEssay published in Tribune (11 January 1946) pp. 10–11.
    OYPublished in The Observer
    OYPublished in The Observer
    CEJL II, ColE, EL, ELp, EYE, OE, SSWtJPublished in The New Saxon Pamphlet number three, probably written in the summer of 1943
    Published in Poetry
    RWar report published in Manchester Evening News
    CW XI, EL, OPArticle published in The Adelphi
    AAIP, CEJL IV, CoE, ColE, EL, ELp, OR, SaE, SE, WIWPublished independently as a Payments Book, later printed in Horizon, April 1946
    CEJL IV, CW XVIII, ELEssay published in Tribune No. 473 (18 January 1946) pp. 9–10.
    SaE, OR, SE, ColE, CEJL IV, EL, ELp, AAIP, STCMPublished in Polemic, September/October 1946
    OYPublished in The Observer
    Published in The Adelphi
    OYPublished in The Observer
    CEJL III, ELPublished in Polemic, January 1946, reprinted in The Atlantic Monthly, March 1947
    AAIP, CEJL IV, ColE, CW XVII, EL, ELp, OR, SaE, SE Essay published in Polemic No. 2 (January 1946) pp. 4–14, abridged version published in The Atlantic Monthly pp. 115–119 (March 1947). Completed 12 November 1945.
    OYPublished in The Observer
    CEJL IV, EL, JaAPublished in Partisan Review, also entitled "The Question of the Pound Award"
    CEJL IV, EL, OY, JaABook review of Portrait of the Anti-Semite by Jean-Paul Sartre, published in The Observer
    CEJL II, ODA discussion with Desmond Hawkins, initially broadcast over BBC Home Service, printed in The Listener on 19 December 1940
    CEJL III, EL, AAIPPublished in Persuasion volume two, number two, Summer 1944
    CEJL I, CW X, ELReview of The Novel To-Day by Philip Henderson, published in The New English Weekly Vol. X, No. 12, pp. 229–230
    CEJL IIPublished in Tribune
    CEJL IV, ELBook review of The Prussian Officer and Other Stories published in Tribune
    by Mass ObservationCEJL IIIBook review published in The Listener
    EL, ODReview of Barbarians and Philistines: Democracy and the Public Schools by T. C. Worsley, published in Time and Tide
    OYPublished in The Observer
    OYPublished in The Observer
    AAIP, CEJL III, CoE, ColE, CrE, DotEM, EL, ELp, ODPublished in Horizon, October 1944 and politics, November 1944
    CEJL II, ELBroadcast as the first instalment of "Literature Between Wars" by BBC Eastern Service, published in The Listener on 19 March 1942
    CW XReview of Tempest Over Mexico by Rosa E. King and Rolling Stonemason by Fred Bower, published in Time and Tide
    CEJL I, CW X, ELReview of The Rock Pool by Cyril Connolly, Almayer's Folly by Joseph Conrad, The Wallet of Kai Lung by Ernest Bramah, Anna of the Five Towns by Arnold Bennett, Mr Fortune, Please by H. C. Bailey and The Rocklitz by George R. Preedy, published in The New English Weekly
    Published in Time and Tide
    SaE, CoE, OR, CEJL IV, EL, ELp, AAIP, CW XXPublished in Partisan Review
    Published in the book British Thought, published by Gresham Press in New York, 1947
    OYPublished in The Observer
    CW XVIIIReview of The Crater's Edge by Stephen Bagnall and Born of the Desert by Malcolm James, published in the Manchester Evening News (10 January 1946) p. 2.
    CEJL IV, EL, FUF, R, JaAPublished in Tribune
    CW XI, OS Letter to the editor in response to a review of Homage to Catalonia by Philip Furneaux Jordan (25 May 1938). Published in The Listener (16 June 1938) p. 1295.
    Review of Alexander Pope by Edith Sitwell and The Course of English Classicism by Sherard VinesCEJL I, CW XUntitled book review published in The New Adelphi, Vol. III, No. 4 (June–August 1930), pp. 338–340, signed "E. A. Blair"
    CEJL I, STATAOriginally published under the title "A Good 'Middle'" in The Adelphi, signed "E. A. Blair"
    STATAPublished in The Adelphi
    CW XXOriginally titled Mr. Dickens Sits For His Portrait; published in New York Times Book Review
    OYPublished in The Observer
    SaE, CEJL IV, EL, ELpPublished in Tribune
    Written by Randall Swingler with commentary from Orwell, published in Polemic, September/October 1946
    CW XXIII, ODPublished in Picture Post
    by Friedrich Hayek and The Mirror of the Past by Konni ZilliacusCEJL III, OYBook review published in Observer
    CW V,, OD,, Published by Victor Gollancz, Ltd in London on 8 March 1937
    CEJL IExcerpts of Orwell's diary
    OYPublished in The Observer
    AAIP, CEJL II, CoE, CrE, DotEM, EL, ELp, OD, ORPublished in Horizon
    Published in Horizon, later incorporated into "The Lion and the Unicorn"
    CEJL I, CW XI, EL, OPReview of Russia Under Soviet Rule by Nicolas de Basily published in The New English Weekly
    Published in The Adelphi
    CEJL IV, EL, AAIPBook review of The Heart of the Matter by Graham Greene, published in The New Yorker
    Published in Tribune
    Short story that was written before the summer of 1929 and has not survived
    Second Thoughts on James BurnhamCEJL IV, ColE, CW XVIII, EL, OR, SaE Essay published in Polemic, and later the same year reprinted as a separate pamphlet by the Socialist Book Club as James Burnham and the Managerial Revolution
    Selected EssaysPublished by Penguin Group in London
    CW XVIIIReview of The Collected Stories of Katherine Mansfield by Katherine Mansfield published in The Observer No. 8068 (13 January 1946) p. 3.
    CW XShort story published unsigned in The Election Times No. 4, pp. 29–32. Revised and reprinted in College Days No. 5 (9 July 1920) p. 146, also unsigned.
    CEJL I, CoE, ColE, EL, ELp, FUF, OP, OR, SaE, SE, STCMPublished in New Writing, number two, Autumn 1936, broadcast on the BBC Home Service 12 October 1948
    Published by Secker and Warburg in London
    OYPublished in The Observer
    by H. G. WellsWBAdaptation of Wells' short story as a radio drama by Orwell, broadcast by the BBC
    CEJL IVUnfinished story from his notebook
    OYPublished in The Observer
    Published in Left News
    CEJL I, CW X, ELReview of Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller and The Wolf at the Door by Robert Francis, translated by Fraçoise Delisle, published in The New English Weekly
    SaE, OR, CEJL IV, EL, ELp, FUFPublished in Tribune
    Poem published in The Adelphi, signed "Eric Blair"
    CW XVIII, ELPublished as a Saturday Essay in Evening Standard (19 January 1946) p. 6. Abridged version published in SEAC: The All-Services Newspaper of South East Asia Command (25 March 1946).
    , CW XI, OS Review of Red Spanish Notebook by Mary Low and Juan Brea, Heroes of the Alcazar by Rodolphe Timmermans and Spanish Circus by Martin Armstrong, published in Time and Tide Vol. XVIII, No. 41 (9 October) pp. 1334–1335.
    CEJL I, CW XI, EL, OSReview of The Civil War in Spain by Frank Jellinek, published in The New Leader (8 July 1938) p. 7., with a correction published on 13 January 1939.
    Published in Time and Tide
    CEJL I, CW XI, OSReview of The Spanish Cockpit by Franz Borkenau and Volunteer in Spain by John Sommerfield, published in Time and Tide Vol. XVIII, No. 31 (31 July 1937) pp. 1047–1048.
    OYPublished in The Observer
    , CW XI, OSReview of Storm Over Spain by Mairin Mitchell, Spanish Rehearsal by Arnold Lunn, Catalonia Infelix by Edgar Allison Peers, Wars of Ideas in Spain by José Castillejo and Invertebrate Spain by José Ortega y Gasset, published in Time and Tide Vol. XVIII, No. 50 (11 December 1937) pp. 1708–1709.
    , CW XIReview of Searchlight on Spain by the Duchess of Atholl, The Civil War in Spain by Frank Jellinek and Spain's Ordeal by Robert Sencourt, published in Time and Tide Vol. XIX, No. 29 (16 July 1938) pp. 1030–1031.
    Published in The Adelphi
    Spearhead: Ten Years' Experimental Writing in America edited by James LaughlinELBook review published in The Times Literary Supplement
    CEJL I, EL, ELp, FUFPublished in The Adelphi, signed "Eric Blair"; revised as chapters 27 and 35 of Down and Out in Paris and London
    29 July and 2 September 1937CEJL I, CW XI, EL, OSArticle published in two parts in the New English Weekly, Vol. XI, Nos. 16–20 (29 July 1937) pp. 307–308 and Vol. XI, No. 21 (2 September 1937) pp. 328–329.
    by Karl Adam, translated by Dom JustinCEJL IBook review published in The New English Weekly
    CEJL IV, EL, ELp, FUF, OD, SaE,Published in Tribune
    CEJL I, CW XIReview of Searchlight on Spain by the Duchess of Atholl, published the New English Weekly Vol. XIII, No. 15 (21 July 1938) pp. 275–276.
    Stendhal by F. C. GreenCEJL I, CWXIBook review published in The Adelphi
    WBShort story written by five authors for broadcast over the BBC; Orwell's piece is first, followed by L. A. G. Strong (16 October), Inez Holden (23 October), Martin Armstrong (30 October) and E. M. Forster (6 November).
    EL, OPReview of Subject India by H. N. Brailsford; published in The Nation and Atheneum
    CEJL IV, CoE, EL, ELp, FUF, OE, OR, SSWtJIt is speculated that this piece was completed in 1947, but possible dates range from 1939 through June 1948. Unpublished until 1952, this essay was not printed in the United Kingdom until 1968.
    Published by Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich in New York City in 1953
    CW XVerse that may have been written when Orwell was in Burma between 1922 and 1927. Only a typewritten version survives, 1f.
    CW XShort story published unsigned in College Days No. 4, pp. 116, 118, possibly by Orwell
    OE, OYPublished in The Observer
    by Mulk Raj AnandCEJL II, ELBook review published in Horizon
    CW XI, EL, JaAReview of The Clue of History by John Macmurray, published in The Adelphi
    OYPublished in The Observer
    CEJL I, CW XI, ELReview of by Bertrand Russell, published in The Adelphi
    CEJL I, CW XI, OSLetter to the editor in response to remarks made by Ellen Wilkinson in "France in Crisis" and by the pen-name Sirocco in "Time-Tide Diary", both in Time and Tide (22 January 1938), published in Time and Tide Vol. XIX, No. 6 (5 February 1938) pp. 164–165.
    Talking to India, by E. M. Forster, Richie Calder, Cedric Dover, Hsiao Ch'ien and Others: A Selection of English Language Broadcasts to IndiaPublished by Allen & Unwin, edited with an introduction by Orwell
    OYPublished in The Observer
    OYPublished in The Observer
    OYPublished in The Observer
    by William Shakespeare and The Peaceful Inn by Denis Ogden, Duke of York'sAAIPDrama review published in Time and Tide
    , CW XI, OSReview of The Tree of Gernika by G. L. Steer and Spanish Testament by Arthur Koestler, published in Time and Tide Vol. XIX, No. 6 (5 February 1938) p. 177.
    CW XIReply to statements about the POUM by F.A. Frankfort (Frank Frankford) in The Daily Worker (14 September 1937) and (16 September 1937), published in the New Leader (24 September 1937) p. 3.
    Published in Time and Tide from May 1940 to August 1941.
    CW XVerse
    CW XPublished unsigned in College Days No. 3, p. 78, attributed to Orwell with considerable uncertainty
    Published in Tribune
    OYPublished in The Observer
    CEJL IVPublished in Tribune
    CW XPoem published unsigned in College Days No. 2, p. 42, written by Denys King-Farlow, Orwell attributed as co-author with considerable uncertainty
    CEJL III, ELPublished in Tribune
    CEJL II, ELInitially broadcast over BBC Overseas Service on 7 May 1941, printed in The Listener on 5 June 1941
    Tolstoy: His Life and Work by Derrick LeonEL, OYBook review published in The Observer
    by Franz BorkenauCEJL IIBook review published in Time and Tide
    CEJL IV, ELBook review published in Partisan Review, July/August 1947. Also entitled "The Future of Socialism IV: Toward European Unity".
    CEJL I, CW XReview of Zest of Life by Johann Wöller, translated from the Danish by Claude Napier and I Took Off My Tie by Hugh Massingham, published in Time and Tide
    CW XReview of Treasure Trek by James Stead, Sun on Summer Seas by Major S. E. G. Ponder and Don Gypsy by Walter Starkie, published in Time and Tide
    Trials in Burma by Maurice CollisCEJL I, OPReview of Trials in Burma by Maurice Collis published unsigned in The Listener (9 March 1938) p. 534.
    LOObituary for H. G. Wells published in Manchester Evening News
    CW XI, OSReview of The Church in Spain, 1737–1937 by E. Allison Peers and Crusade in Spain by Eoin O'Duffy, published in The New English Weekly
    Published in New Statesman and Nation
    OY, RWar report published in The Observer
    Published in French in Progrès Civique, between December 1928 and May 1929
    by PalinurusCEJL III, EL, OYBook review published in The Observer
    EL, OYReview of The Edge of the Abyss by Alfred Noyes published in The Observer
    CW XShort story, manuscript, 32 pp.
    CW XVI, EL, OYReview of 42 to '44: A Contemporary Memoir Upon Human Behaviour During the Crisis of the World Revolution by H. G. Wells, published in The Observer No. 7982 (21 May 1944), p. 3
    Victory or Vested Interest?Published by The Labour Book Service, with Orwell's "Culture and Democracy" (made up of the pieces "Fascism and Democracy" and "Patriots and Revolutionaries")
    WBThe initial issue of Orwell's poetry magazine with readings by Mulk Raj Anand, John Atkins, William Empson, Vida Hope, and Herbert Read.
    WBReadings by Edmund Blunden, William Empson, Godfrey Kenton, and Herbert Read.
    WBReadings by Mulk Raj Anand, William Empson, Herbert Read, and Stephen Spender.
    WBReadings by Venu Chitale, John Atkins, Vida Hope, Edmund Blunden, Godfrey Kenton, Mulk Raj Anand, William Empson, Una Marson, Herbert Read, and Stephen Spender.
    This issue has not been recovered.
    WBReadings by Venu Chitale, William Empson, and Herbert Read.
    CW XPoem published unsigned in College Days No. 3, p. 78, probably by Orwell
    Walls Have Mouths by W. F. R. Macartney, with Prologue, Epilogue and Comments on the Chapters by Compton MackenzieEL, OEBook review published in The Adelphi
    OYPublished in The Observer
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read by Indian correspondents, written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read and written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read and written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read and written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read and written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read and written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read and written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read and written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read and written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    WCNews reporting read and written by Orwell and broadcast by the BBC Eastern Service
    Published in New Statesman and Nation
    CEJL IIExcerpts of Orwell's diary, 28 May 1940 – 28 August 1941
    CEJL IIExcerpts of Orwell's diary, 14 March – 15 November 1942
    FUFExcerpts of Orwell's diary, 1939–1942
    OYPublished in The Observer
    Published in Time and Tide
    Published in Time and Tide
    CrE, ColE, CEJL II, EL, ELp, AAIPPublished in Horizon
    CEJL IV, ELPublished in Tribune
    OYPublished in The Observer
    CW XShort story published unsigned in College Days No. 3, pp. 93–95; probably by Orwell; illustrations probably by Robert Paton Longden
    CEJL IIPublished in Tribune
    CEJL I, CW XI, EL, OPArticle published in The New Leader (24 June 1938) p. 4.
    SSWtJ, EYE, CoE, OR, ColE, DotEM, CEJL I, EL, ELp, FUF, WIWPublished in Gangrel, number four, Summer 1946
    CEJL IV, EL, OYBook review of The Soul of Man Under Socialism by Oscar Wilde published in The Observer
    Published in Left News
    CW XI, EL, ODReview of Gypsies by Martin Block translated by Barbara Kuczynski and Duncan Taylor, published in The Adelphi
    Published in New Statesman and Nation
    CEJL IV, CW XVIII, ELReview of The Cosmological Eye by Henry Miller, published in Tribune No. 478 (22 February 1946) p. 15. The review was followed by a critical letter to the editor from Herman Schrijver published as "Words and Mr Orwell" (1 March 1946) p. 12 and a reply by Orwell in Tribune No. 481 (15 March 1946) p. 13.
    Published in Junior
    CW XPoem published unsigned in The Election Times No. 4, p. 61. Reprinted in College Days No. 5 (9 July 1920) p. 136, also unsigned.
    OYPublished in The Observer
    SSWtJ, EYE, CW XIX, CEJL IV, EL, ELp, AAIPPublished in Politics and Letters, Summer 1948
    CEJL IV, ELPublished in Tribune
    Your Questions AnsweredCEJL I, OEThis BBC Radio series featured public figures answering questions from listeners; Orwell answered "How long is the Wigan Pier and what is the Wigan Pier?"
    CW XPoem published unsigned in College Days No. 5, pp. 156, 158; "(Extract)" is part of the original title. The last two stanzas possibly first printed as part of The Election Times No. 4



    Further reading

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