Geoffrey de Marisco explained

Geoffrey de Marisco
Death Date:1245
Death Place:France
Occupation:Justiciar of Ireland

Geoffrey de Marisco (died 1245) was the justiciar of Ireland.


Marisco is said to have been the nephew and heir of Hervey de Mount-Maurice, and nephew of Herlewin, bishop of Leighlin (d. 1217?) (Genealogical Memoir of Montmorency, Pedigree, d. ix ; Gilbert, Viceroys of Ireland, p. 78]), but these assertions seem to lack proof. He is also said to have been the brother of Richard de Marisco, bishop of Durham and chancellor (Gilbert, ut supra), which, though possible (see Sweetman, Documents, No. 745), appears to be a mere assumption (see Foss, Judges of England, ii. 400; Surtees, History of Durham, vol. i. p. xxviii). The arms used by the bishop (see Notes and Queries, 3rd ser. i. 91) are different from those carried by Marisco (see Matt. Paris, Chronica Majora, vi. 475). Another theory makes him the son of a Jordan de Marisco, described as lord of Huntspill-Mareys, Somerset, and other lands, which Marisco is supposed to have in- herited (Genealogical Memoir, ut supra, p. vi ; Collinson, History of Somerset, ii. 392), but save that Marisco had a brother named Jordan