Secretary-General of the Yemeni Socialist Party explained

Body:the Yemeni Socialist Party
Insignia:Emblem of the Yemeni Socialist Party (1978‐1990).svg
Insigniacaption:Emblem of the Yemeni Socialist Party
First:Abdul Fattah Ismail
Last:Abdulrahman Al-Saqqaf
Incumbent:Abdulrahman Al-Saqqaf
Native Name:Arabic: الأمين العام للحزب الاشتراكي اليمني
Flag:Yemeni Socialist Party Flag.svg

The People's Democratic Republic of Yemen became independent as the "People's Republic of Southern Yemen" in November 1967, after the British withdrawal from the Federation of South Arabia and the Protectorate of South Arabia. In May 1990, South Yemen unified with the Yemen Arab Republic (commonly referred to as North Yemen) to form the united Republic of Yemen. During the May–July 1994 Civil War, South Yemen seceded from the united Yemen and established the short-lived Democratic Republic of Yemen.

Heads of party

Term of office
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Yemeni Socialist Party
1Abdul Fattah Ismail
Arabic: عبد الفتاح إسماعيل علي الجوفي
21 December 197821 April 1980 year
2Ali Nasir Muhammad
Arabic: علي ناصر محمد الحسني
21 April 198024 January 1986 years
3Ali Salem al Beidh
Arabic: علي سالم البيض
24 January 19867 July 1994 years
4Ali Saleh Obad Moqbel19942005 years
5Yasin Said Numan2005201510 years
6Abdulrahman Al-Saqqaf2015present years

See also



External links