General Office of the Central Military Commission explained

Agency Name:General Office of the Central Military Commission
Seal:China Emblem PLA.svg
Jurisdiction:People's Liberation Army
Headquarters:"August 1st Building", Beijing
Chief1 Name:Zhong Shaojun
Chief1 Position:Director
Chief2 Name:Tian Yixiang
Chief2 Position:Deputy Director
Agency Type:Administrative agency
Parent Department:Central Military Commission

The General Office of the Central Military Commission is an administrative agency of the Central Military Commission at the theater deputy-grade, which assists the leaders with the day to day administrative operations of the CMC. Like all other CMC departments, it is a one institution with two names with both a state and Communist party name.[1] [2]


On November 11, 1949, the General Office of the People's Revolutionary Military Commission of the Central People's Government was established in the Jurentang of Zhongnanhai in Beijing as the administrative agency of the Central People's Revolutionary Military Commission. On 28 September 1954, the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party decided to re-establish the Central Military Commission of the CCP, with Mao Zedong as Chairman, with 12 members, and no vice chairman or standing committee members. Peng Dehuai presided over the work of the CMC, and Huang Kecheng was selected as the Secretary-General. The General Office also served as the General Office of the Ministry of National Defense, and also had jurisdiction over the General Staff Headquarters office and management section. On 27 November 1954, the office was renamed "General Office of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China", serving concurrently as the General Office of the Ministry of National Defense. The daily work of the CMC General Office was presided over by the Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General. At the end of 1955, the CMC General Office moved out of Zhongnanhai.

In November 1965, in the run-in to the Cultural Revolution, Xiao Xiangrong, who had long served as the director of the CMC General Office, was criticized and dismissed for opposing "giving prominence to politics" (“” - Lin Biao's plan to focus military training on Mao Zedong thought). The General Staff sent a working group to the General Office to carry out the "four clean-ups" in the agency. At the same time, the CCP Central Committee approved the creation of a General Office of the General Staff Department that would also serve as the General Office of the CMC. Yang Chengwu was appointed as the director of the General Office of the General Staff. The CMC General Office became a second-level department of the General Staff. After November 1969, all GO assets, as well as the Foreign Affairs Bureau, were transferred to the General Staff Administration Department. At the end of 1970, the seal of the "General Office of the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army" started to be officially used.

In April 1979, the General Office was separated from the General Staff and subordinated directly to the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China, but it still served as the General Office of the Ministry of National Defense. After June 1983, it also served as the General Office of the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China.[3] [4] [5] [6]

Before the 2016 reforms, the General Office had the following structure:

Directly subordinate units

In November 2015, as part of military reforms, the department was reorganized into the General Office of the Central Military Commission.[17]


After the 2016 reforms, the organization of the CMC General Office is as follows:

Internal Offices

Directly subordinate units


Director of the General Office of the Central People's Government People's Revolutionary Military Commission

  1. Luo Guibo (November 1949–November 1950)
  2. Zhang Jingwu (January 1950–January 1952, concurrent tenure)
  3. Zhu Zaoguan (January 1952–October 1952, interim)
  4. Maj Gen Xiao Xiangrong (October 1952–November 1965)

Director of the General Office of the CCP Central Military Commission

Also the director the General Office of the PRC Central Military Commission from June 1983

  1. Lt Gen Xiao Xiangrong (November 1954–November 1965, concurrent tenure)
  2. Yang Chengwu (November 1965–the end of 1966, concurrent tenure)
  3. Lu Yang (Interim director from August 1967 to November 1967, director from November 1967 to March 24, 1968)
  4. Xiao Jianfei (May 1969–September 1971)
  5. Vacant (September 1971–January 1975, deputy director Jin Tao insisted on keeping working)
  6. Hu Wei (January 1975–February 1977, concurrent tenure)
  7. Xiao Hongda (October 1977–September 1986)
  8. Lt Gen Liu Kai (October 1987–December 1990)
  9. Lt Gen Li Jijun (January 1991–November 1992)
  10. Lt Gen Cheng Jianning (January 1993–November 1995)
  11. Lt Gen Dong Liangju (March 1996–December 1999)
  12. Lt Gen Tan Yuexin (December 1999–December 2003)
  13. Lt Gen Jia Ting'an (December 2003–December 2007)
  14. Lt Gen Wang Guanzhong (December 2007–October 2012)
  15. Rear Adm Qin Shengxiang (December 2012–November 2015)

Director of the General Office of the Central Military Commission

  1. Rear Adm Qin Shengxiang (November 2015–August 2017)
  2. Lt Gen Zhong Shaojun (August 2017–)

See also


Notes and References

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  3. 黎宁,中国武装力量通览1949-1989,人民出版社,1990年,第6-9页
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