Gandhara grave culture explained

Gandhara grave culture

Mapcaption:Maps showing

(1) Geography of the Rigveda with river names and the extent of the Swat and Cemetery H cultures;
(2) Archaeological cultures associated with Indo-Iranian migrations (after EIEC).

The Andronovo, BMAC, and Yaz cultures have often been associated with Indo-Iranian migrations. The GGC (Swat), Cemetery H, Copper Hoard, and PGW cultures are candidates for cultures associated with Indo-Aryan migrations.

Period:c. 1200800 BCE
Typesite:Swat Protohistoric Graveyards Complex

The Gandhara grave culture of present-day Pakistan is known by its "protohistoric graves", which were spread mainly in the middle Swat River valley and named the Swat Protohistoric Graveyards Complex, dated in that region to –800 BCE.[1]

Notes and References

  1. Olivieri, Luca M., (2019). "The early-historic funerary monuments of Butkara IV. New evidence on a forgotten excavation in outer Gandhara", in: Rivista Degli Studi Orientali, Nuova Serie, Volume XCII, Fasc. 1-2, Sapienza Università di Roma, Pisa-Roma, p. 231: "[T]he Swat Protohistoric Graveyards complex (henceforth: SPG),