Gąsienica Explained

Gąsienica is a Polish-language surname common among the Goral population of Zakopane region literally meaning "caterpillar".[1] [2]

The commonality of this surname is reflected in the following question-answer joke: "Why does cabbage not grow in Zakopane?  - Because there are too many Caterpillars!" For the same reason Gorals use double-barrelled names, for better identification.[3]


Notes and References

  1. Zofia Radwańska-Paryska, Witold Henryk Paryski, Great Tatra encyclopedia Poronin, Wydawnictwo Górskie, 2004. .
  2. Maria an Józef Krzeptowski Jasinek, Genealogia rodu Gasieniców w Zakopanem (Genealogy of Gąsienica Family from Zakopane)
  3. Krzysztof Trebunia-Tutka, "Jak odnaleźć górala, czyli rzecz o przydomkach", ZAKOPANE DLA CIEBIE