Gábor Palotai Explained

Gábor Palotai is a Swedish–Hungarian designer, artist, graphic designer and typographer. Since 1981 he lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden.[1] Gábor Palotai was born 1956 in Budapest, Hungary, where he also studied and received his MA degree in graphic design at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (Hungarian Academy of Craft and Design) in Budapest 1976–1980. After his graduation he left Budapest and moved to Stockholm, where he continued his studies at The Royal Institute of Art, 1981–1983 and, 1983–1984.[2] [3] Gábor Palotai is a member of Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI) since 2002.[4] AGI unites the world's leading graphic designers. He is also a member of Svenska tecknare (The Association of Swedish Illustrators and Graphic Designers), Konstnärernas riksorganisation (The Swedish Artist's National Organisation), and since 2015, the State Heraldic Board of the National Archives of Sweden. Gábor Palotai is an honorary professor at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest, and in 2021 he received the Knight's Cross Order of Merit of Hungary.


Gábor Palotai is working across genres in both art and design. His studio, Gabor Palotai Design,[5] is based in Stockholm, Sweden, since 1987.[6] During the years, his noted world of visual art has been realized in different media: His works operate with a holistic concept of visual culture and therefore his artistic and design practice is completely intertwined. Reflecting his expanded understanding of graphic design, in his consistently formulated oeuvre, besides conventional formats and media, other, hardly classifiable or less common genres are present; such as conceptual photography, graphic design novel, printed textiles, non-narrative digital motion pictures or even public plaques.[7] Gábor Palotai works on a broad range of commissions, art and design projects within the field of visual communication such as corporate design, visual identities, packaging design, profile programmes, logotypes, pictograms, exhibition design, web design, animation, illustration, photography, poster design, album covers, typography and book design.[8] [9] Gábor Palotai's design has rendered him many awards over the years and has been the subject of several books, among which Maximizing the Audience (Ginko Press 2000)[10] "best illustrates the studio's output", while his book 111 Posters (Gestalten Verlag 2006)[11] displays "Gábors strongly typographic poster art, with works created primarily for cultural institutions".[12] In his artist's book Odysseus – A Graphic Design Novel (2007), Gábor Palotai replaces the verbal with the visual. The book AM MU NA HI (2007) is dedicated to his photography. Gábor Palotai's long-standing project on art-patterns has been realized in independent works of art, textile design, products such as porcelain, and in his latest artist's book ZOO (2017).[13] Gábor Palotai has held several solo exhibitions and participated in numerous group exhibitions throughout Europe.[14]




During the years Gábor Palotai has had many solo and group exhibitions. Examples:


Books published by Gábor Palotai

  1. Gábor Palotai: Cosmos. Gabor Palotai Publisher (2019)
  2. Gábor Palotai: Zoo. Gabor Palotai Publisher (2017)
  3. Linda Rampell: Designatlas. Reissue. Gabor Palotai Publisher (2013)
  4. Linda Rampell: Freud med skalpell. Gabor Palotai Publisher (2008)
  5. Linda Rampell: Designdarwinismen. Gabor Palotai Publisher 2007
  6. Gábor Palotai: 111 Posters. Gestalten Verlag (2007), Die Gestalten Verlag
  7. Odysseus. A graphic Design Novel by Gábor Palotai. Gabor Palotai Publisher (2007)
  8. Claesson Koivisto Rune: The Models. Gabor Palotai Publisher (2005)
  9. Code. Lars O Ericsson och Linda Rampell. Gabor Palotai Publisher (2003)
  10. Gábor Palotai AM MU NA HI. American Museum of Natural History. Gabor Palotai Publisher (2002)
  11. Linda Rampell: Designatlas. Gabor Palotai Publisher (2002)
  12. Linda Rampell: Zoo. Gabor Palotai Publisher (2000)
  13. Gábor Palotai: Maximizing the Audience (The Animated Book). Gabor Palotai Publisher 2000
  14. Gábor Palotai: Maximizing the Audience (The Book) Gingko Press (2000)

Examples of references


External links

Notes and References

  1. Peter Zec (ed.) Who's Who in Design, The Leading Designers of the World, p. 276 (2004)
  2. Marta Almeida (2012), pp. 50–51, NOVUM July 2012
  3. Axel Mörner (2014), pp. 4–9, Dagens Industri Weekend March 7, 2014
  4. AGI http://a-g-i.org/member-work/profile/377
  5. Gabor Palotai Design http://www.gaborpalotai.com
  6. Nordic Graphic Designers. Arvinius Förlag, 2011. pp. 128–135
  7. Emese Mucsi and Júlia Salamon, curators of “Gabor Palotai, Zoo, Landscapes, Cosmos”, Trafó Gallery, Trafó House of Contemporary Arts, Budapest, 31/10-2/12 2018. http://trafo.hu/en-US/gallery
  8. Book: Fiell, Charlotte . Fiell, Peter. 2003. Design Graphique Au 21e Siécle (Graphic design for the 21st Century). Taschen. Cologne, Germany. 230–235. 978-3-8228-1605-9.
  9. Gavin Ambrose & Paul Harris (2008), Basic Grids pp. 3, 86–89, 148–151,160–161, AVA Publishing 2nd Edition 2012
  10. Gábor Palotai: Maximizing the Audience (The Book) Gingko Press (2000)
  11. Gábor Palotai, 111 Posters (2007)
  12. Peter Gyllan, (2007), pp. 62–65, NOVUM June 2007
  13. Topor Tünde, "The Designer Is Like a...", Interview with Gabor Palotai, Art Magazine, #88 2016/4, Pages 12–19 http://artmagazin.hu/artmagazin_hirek/the_designer_is_like_a.3505.html?pageid=119
  14. Miklos Peternak, "Gabor Palotai", Center for Culture & Communication, c3, Budapest http://www.c3.hu/galeria/maximizing_the_audience/index_en.html