Frankish Hymnal Explained

The Frankish Hymnal (de|Fränkisches Hymnar, also called "Gallican Hymnal"[1]) is a collection of early medieval Latin hymns, most likely composed during the 6th to 8th centuries in Francia, recorded in a set of manuscripts of the mid-8th to early 9th century.


According to Helmut Gneuss (2000), the extant texts of the Frankish Hymnal are found in the following six manuscripts, all originating in northeastern France or southwestern Germany:

A critical edition of the text was published by Bulst (1956).

The Frankish Hymnal is one of the regional traditions of "Ambrosian hymns", developed on the basis of the "Old Hymnal", a collection of about 15 hymns of the Latin rite which surround the core of original hymns composed by saint Ambrose of Milan in the 4th century. Other regional traditions recognized in Fontaine (1992) are the "Milano Hymnal", the "Spanish Hymnal", and the "New Hymnal" as it developed for the use in Benedictine monasteries in the 9th to 11th centuries.[4]

Within the Frankish hymnal, the Oxford manuscript (the Murbach hymnal) is of particular interest, as it includes a full set of Old High German glosses, likely still dating to the first quarter of the 9th century.

List of hymns

Seventeen hymns are innovations to the Frankish Hymnal (underlined below), of which six survive into the New Hymnal.[5]

OH[6] IncipitUseNH
1Mediae noctis tempore Nocturns Sunday
2Aeterne rerum conditor Nocturns 4
3Rex aeterna domine Nocturns 31
4 Magna et mirabiliaNocturns
5Tempus noctis Nocturns
6Te deum laudamus Vigils Sunday
7Deus qui caeli lumen esLauds Sunday
8Splendor paternae gloriae Matins Monday 15
9Aeterne lucis conditor Matins Tuesday
10Fulgentis auctor aetherisLauds Wednesday
11Deus aeterni luminisLauds Thursday
12Christe caeli domineLauds Friday
13Diei luce redditaLauds Saturday
17 Iam surgit hora tertia Terce
18Iam sexta sensim volvitur Sext
21Ter hora trina volviturNone
22Postmatutinis laudibusPrime
23Certum tenentes ordinemTerce
24Dicamus laudes dominoSext
25Perfectum trinum numerumNone53
26Deus creator omniumVespers 2
27 Deus qui certis legibus Vespers
28Deus qui claro lumineVespers
29Sator princepsque temporumVespers
30Christe qui lux es et dies 12
34Intende qui regis IsraelChristmas39
35Illuminans altissimusEpiphany
36Dei fide qua vivimusTerce during Lent51
37Meridie orandum estSext during Lent52
38Sic ter quaternis trahiturVespers, None during Lent54
39Hic est dies verus dei
40Ad cenam agni providiEaster70
41Aurora lucis rutilatEaster72
44Aeterna Christi munera Martyrs 117

See also


Notes and References

  1. Donald A. Bullough, Carolingian Renewal: Sources and Heritage (1991) 262.
  2. "Psalterium duplum", possibly from the possession of Eberhard of Friuli;
  3. MS.
  4. Alexander Zerfass, Mysterium mirabile (2008), 65f.
  5. Inge B. Milfull, The Hymns of the Anglo-Saxon Church: A Study and Edition of the 'Durham Hymnal' (1996), 473f.
  6. "Old Hymnal" and "New Hymnal" numbering following Helmut Gneuss, Hymnar und Hymnen im englischen Mittelalter (1968), 60ff.