Fragments of the ghetto walls in Warsaw explained

Fragments of the ghetto walls in Warsaw are fragments of the walls between properties or the walls of pre-war buildings marking the border between the Warsaw Ghetto and the "Aryan" part of the city after November 16, 1940.The total length of the ghetto wall in 1940 was about 18 km.[1] After the end of World War II, the freestanding walls of the Jewish district, which survived the Ghetto Uprising and the Warsaw Uprising, were largely demolished. Few fragments of the walls running between the properties have been preserved, as well as the walls of the pre-war buildings that marked the border of the ghetto. The three best known parts of the Warsaw Ghetto wall are located in the former small ghetto, in the courtyards of the tenement houses at 55 Sienna and 62 Złota Streets, and at 11 Waliców Street.




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