Flowers Will Bloom Explained

Artist:Hana wa saku project
Producer:Mayumi Koda

"Flowers Will Bloom" is a Japanese charity song released in 2012.


The song was produced mainly by the Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) as a support song for the reconstruction efforts following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake.[1] [2]

NHK has been broadcasting "Flowers Will Bloom" since March 2012.[3] Since then, various versions have been produced. It has been sung and passed down by many people across generations and borders.

The lyricist of the song, Shunji Iwai, and the composer, Yoko Kanno, are both from Sendai, Miyagi. Also, the song features notable natives from the affected areas of Miyagi, Fukushima and Iwate.[4] [5]

In 2014, Yuzuru Hanyu, a figure skater from Sendai, performed "Flowers Will Bloom" to the world.[6] [7] And also, The song was sung at the Kōhaku Uta Gassen for four consecutive years (63rd, 64th, 65th, 66th).[8] [9] [10] [11]

External links

Notes and References

  1. Flowers Will Bloom - Hana wa Saku - Multilingual Version . en . . 2024-04-15 .
  2. Web site: Flowers Will Bloom - Hana wa Saku - Multilingual version - Culture Crossroads . 2024-04-15 . . en.
  3. Web site: . 復興支援ソング「花は咲く」 . 2024-04-15 . NHKアーカイブス . ja.
  4. Web site: Mousavi . Yousef . 9 August 2021 . Yoko Kanno: What's She Been Up To? . 9 March 2023 . Anime News Network.
  5. Web site: 3 March 2015 . 「花は咲く」コンピ発売、菅野よう子編曲の16バージョン収録 . 9 March 2023 . . ja.
  6. Web site: 羽生結弦世界へ届ける「花は咲く」 . 2024-04-15 . NHKアーカイブス . ja.
  7. Web site: 羽生結弦「花は咲く」を滑る . 2024-04-15 . NHKアーカイブス . ja.
  8. Web site: 紅白で「花は咲く」合唱…堀北「被災地に思いはせて」 . 2024-04-15 . スポニチ Sponichi Annex . ja.
  9. Web site: 2016-10-05 . 【紅白】綾瀬はるか、東北の復興願い涙の熱唱 . 2024-04-15 . ORICON NEWS . JA.
  10. Web site: 徳永英明、紅白で羽生結弦と「花は咲く」コラボステージ . 2024-04-15 . 音楽ナタリー . ja.
  11. Web site: 紅白歌合戦「花は咲く」をYOSHIKIが演奏、「アニメ紅白」詳細も決定 . 2024-04-15 . 音楽ナタリー . ja.