Flos Carmeli Explained

Flos Carmeli (Latin, "Flower of Carmel") is a Marian Catholic hymn and prayer honouring Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

In the Carmelite Rite of the Mass, this hymn was the sequence for the Feast of Saint Simon Stock (c. 1165 - 1265), and since 1663, for the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel on 16 July throughout the Latin liturgical rites. Said to have been written by Saint Simon Stock himself, the prayer is taken from the first two stanzas of the hymn. Its name comes from its incipit.


Various translations and musical settings exist besides the Gregorian chant one. Below is one version distinguished by "Tall vine blossom laden" in the second line.

Flos Carmeli,vitis florigera,splendor cæli,virgo puerperasingularis.

Mater mitissed viri nesciaCarmelitisda privilegiaStella Maris.

Radix Jessegerminans flosculumnos ad essetecum in sæculumpatiaris.

Inter spinasquæ crescis liliumserva purasmentes fragiliumtutelaris.

Armaturafortis pugnantiumfurunt bellatende præsidiumscapularis.

Per incertaprudens consiliumper adversaiuge solatiumlargiaris.

Mater dulcisCarmeli domina,plebem tuamreple lætitiaqua bearis.

Paradisiclavis et ianua,fac nos duciquo, Mater, gloriacoronaris. Amen. (Alleluia.)

Flower of Carmel,Tall vine blossom laden;Splendour of heaven,Childbearing yet maiden.None equals thee.

Mother so tender,Who no man didst know,On Carmel's childrenThy favours bestow.Star of the Sea.

Strong stem of Jesse,Who bore one bright flower,Be ever near usAnd guard us each hour,who serve thee here.

Purest of lilies,That flowers among thorns,Bring help to the true heartThat in weakness turnsand trusts in thee.

Strongest of armour,We trust in thy might:Under thy mantle,Hard press'd in the fight,we call to thee.

Our way uncertain,Surrounded by foes,Unfailing counselYou give to thosewho turn to thee.

O gentle MotherWho in Carmel reigns,Share with your servantsThat gladness you gainedand now enjoy.

Hail, Gate of Heaven,With glory now crowned,Bring us to safetyWhere thy Son is found,true joy to see. Amen. (Alleluia.)
