Florian Steger Explained
Florian Steger (born July 1, 1974, in Garmisch-Partenkirchen) is a German medical historian and medical ethicist.
Life and impact
Steger studied human medicine, classical philology and history at the University of Würzburg and Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. Steger was a scholarship holder and is now a trust lecturer of the German National Academic Foundation. In 2002, he received his doctorate from the Ruhr University of Bochum with a thesis on ancient medicine. In 2003, he received the Bavarian Habilitation Award. In 2008, he habilitated in the history and ethics of medicine at the Medical Faculty of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and worked as a private lecturer in the history and ethics of medicine. From 2009 to 2014, he was a member of the Junge Akademie.[1]
From 2011 to June 2016, Steger was W3 professor and director of the Institute for History and Ethics of Medicine at the University of Wittenberg. Since July 2016, he has been a university professor and director of the Institute of the History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine at the University of Ulm.[2] Steger chairs the Ethics Committee of the University of Ulm and the Commission "Responsibility in Science". He is a member of the Senate.[3]
Main areas of work
His work focuses on questions of history, theory and ethics of medicine: research ethics, clinical ethics, good scientific practice; politicized medicine; cultural history of medicine since antiquity.
Steger is the author and co-author of several books and articles on history, philosophy and ethics of medicine, including:
- (Ed.) Max Mohr (1891-1937): Korrespondenzen. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2013 (Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin. Beihefte. Band 1). .
- with Maximilian Schochow: Disziplinierung durch Medizin – Die geschlossene Venerologische Station in der Poliklinik Mitte in Halle (Saale) 1961 bis 1982 [Disciplining through medicine - Closed vereology ward in the Policlinic Mitte in Halle (Saale) 1961 to 1982]. Halle 2014, .
- with Maximilian Schochow: Traumatisierung durch politisierte Medizin Geschlossene Venerologische Stationen in der DDR [Traumatization through politicized medicine. Closed venerological wards in the GDR]. Berlin 2015, .
- with Carolin Wiethoff and Maximilian Schochow: Vertuschter Skandal – Die kontaminierte Anti-D-Prophylaxe in der DDR 1978/1979 und ihre Folgen [Covered-up scandal. The contaminated anti-D prophylaxis in the GDR and its aftermath]. Halle 2016, .
- Asclepius: Cult and Medicine. Stuttgart 2018, .
- with Maximilian Schochow: Wo ist mein Kind? Familien auf der Suche nach der Wahrheit. Ein Beitrag zur Aufarbeitung. Halle 2020, .
- Max Mohr. Arzt und rastloser Literat. Regensburg 2020, .
- Antike Medizin. Einführung und Quellensammlung. Stuttgart 2021, .
- (Ed.) Die Medizin von heute ist der Irrtum von morgen. Scharfzüngige Gedanken zur Medizin [Today's medicine is the tomorrow's error. Sharp-tongued concepts on medicine]. Wiesbaden 2017, .
- (Ed.) Am Skalpell war noch Tinte. Literarische Medizin [At the scalpel was still ink]. Wiesbaden: marix Verlag 2018.
- with Carolin Wiethoff: Betriebsgesundheitswesen und Arbeitsmedizin im Bezirk Magdeburg [Occupational health care and occupational medicine in the district of Magdeburg]. Halle 2018, .
- with Marcin Orzechowski und Maximilian Schochow (Eds.): Pränatalmedizin. Ethische, juristische und gesellschaftliche Aspekte [Prenatal medicine. Ethic, legal and social aspects] (Angewandte Ethik – Medizin, 2). Freiburg 2018, .
- with Manuela Dudeck (Eds.): Ethik in der Forensischen Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie [Ethics in forensic psychiatry and psychotherapy]. Berlin 2018, .
- (Ed.) Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin [Yearbook of Literature and Medicine]. Volume 11. Heidelberg 2019, .
- (Ed.) Diversität im Gesundheitswesen [Diversity in healthcare] (Angewandte Ethik - Medizin, 3). Freiburg 2019, .
- with Jürgen Brunner (Eds.): Ethik in der psychotherapeutischen Praxis. Integrativ-fallorientiert-werteplural [Ethics in psychotherapeutic practice. Integrative-case oriented-value-plural]. Stuttgart 2019, .
- with Marcin Orzechowski, Giovanni Rubeis, Maximilian Schochow (Eds.): Migration and Medicine (Angewandte Ethik - Medizin, 4). Freiburg 2020, .
External links
Notes and References
- Web site: Florian Steger - Mitglieder - Die Junge Akademie . 2022-05-17 . www.diejungeakademie.de . 2022-03-02 . https://web.archive.org/web/20220302150253/https://www.diejungeakademie.de/mitglieder/details/jamembers/show/member/115/ . dead .
- Web site: Website of the Institut . 2017-12-11 . 2017-08-31 . https://web.archive.org/web/20170831004359/http://www.uni-ulm.de/med/med-medgeschichte/mitarbeiter/mitarbeiter/steger-florian-univ-prof-dr/ . dead .
- Web site: Website of Ulm University . 2017-12-11 . 2017-08-31 . https://web.archive.org/web/20170831004359/http://www.uni-ulm.de/med/med-medgeschichte/mitarbeiter/mitarbeiter/steger-florian-univ-prof-dr/ . dead .
- Öffentliche Frühjahrssitzung der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. (PDF) In: saw-leipzig.de. Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften, retrieved 17 April 2019.
- Alexander von Humboldt Polish Honorary Research Scholarship Laureates. Retrieved 17 May 2019 .
- Prof. Dr. Florian Steger: Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen (AdW). Retrieved 6 June 2020.
- Unsere Mitglieder | Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften. Retrieved 26 November 2021.
- ÖAW Mitglieder Detail. Retrieved 14 May 2022.