First inauguration of Juan Manuel Santos explained

First presidential inauguration of
Juan Manuel Santos
Time:3:00 pm (COST)
Location:National Capitol
Bogotá, D.C.
Participants:Juan Manuel Santos
32nd president of Colombia
— Assuming office

Angelino Garzón
9th vice president of Colombia
— Assuming office

Armando Benedetti
President of Congress
— Administering oath

Álvaro Uribe
31st president of Colombia
— Leaving office

Juan Manuel Santos's first inauguration as the 32th President of Colombia took place on Saturday, August 7, 2010, marking the start of Juan Manuel Santos's first four-year term as president and Angelino Garzón as vice president.[1] The 29th presidential inauguration took place as usual in the central front of the National Capitol in Bogotá, D.C. Santos was sworn in as presidential oath, after which Garzón was sworn in as vice president[2] [3]

The ceremony took place in the midst of the attacks carried out by the FARC, days after the inauguration ceremony. For the first time in history, a president received an Staff of office and an indigenous ceremony by the indigenous Arhuacos.[4] [5] Days before the inauguration. On Thursday, August 5, in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.[6] [7]


Juan Manuel Santos left the San Carlos Palace at 3:30 accompanied by his wife María Clemencia and his children Martín, María Antonia and Esteban. They were escorted by the Generals of the Colombian Military Forces, the Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the National Army, the National Navy, the Air Force and the National Police,[8] [9] who were followed by thirty members of Congress. During his walk to the Plaza de Bolívar, the band of the José María Córdoba Military Cadet School performed honors, officially starting the opening ceremony. Upon their arrival, the President-elect and his family were met by President Uribe. Santos received the oath and the presidential sash from the president of the Senate, Armando Benedetti, 15 salutes were fired from the Bridge of Boyacá, by the Colombian Military Forces to greet the new president,[10] [11] and then Santos administered the vice presidential oath to Angelino Garzón. After the vice-presidential oath, Santos continued with his inaugural speech of 32 minutes and 42 seconds.[12] The president and his family were escorted again by the seven generals of the Military Foreces, who were followed by twelve Navy Pipers. Upon arrival, the president and his family received military honors from the Presidential Guard, and then the President and his family prepared to greet former President Álvaro Uribe, his wife Lina, his children Tomas and Jeronimo, former Vice President Francisco Santos, his wife María Victoria and their children Benjamín, Gabriel, Carmen and Pedro. Then former President Uribe and former Vice President Santos and their families left the Casa de Nariño and continued their exit through the Plaza de Núñez.[13]


Foreign leaders

Foreign leaders who attended were;[14]

Former presidents

See also

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Invita Santos a Uribe a ceremonia de posesión en Plaza Bolívar. August 8, 2010. El financiero.
  2. Web site: 7 August 2010. El Tiempo. La de Juan Manuel Santos fue una posesión impecable.
  3. News: Constitución Nacional de Colombia Título VII - De la rama ejecutiva Capítulo 1 Articulo 192. November 22, 2022.
  4. Web site: 8 August 2010. El Tiempo. Juan Manuel Santos comenzó su posesión en la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.
  5. Web site: Posesión simbólica de Santos ante los indígenas de la Sierra Nevada. August 8, 2010. Caracol Radio.
  6. Web site: 8 August 2010. Revista Semana. La investidura espiritual de Santos. 4 January 2011. dead.
  7. Web site: 8 August 2010. Radio Nacional de Colombia. Valeriano Lanchas y Jorge Celedón cantarán en posesión de Santos.
  8. Web site: Posesión simbólica de Santos ante los indígenas de la Sierra Nevada. 11 August 2010. 8 August 2010.
  9. Web site: 8 August 2010. Radio Santafe. Comienza posesión del presidente Juan Manuel Santos.
  10. Web site: Líder legislativo juramenta a Santos como presidente en Colombia. 8 August 2010. 7 August 2010.
  11. Web site: Juan Manuel Santos asume como presidente de Colombia. August 7, 2012. August 7, 2010.
  12. Web site: 8 August 2010. Terra. Santos participará en rito indígena antes de posesión oficial.
  13. Web site: Valeriano Lanchas y Jorge Celedón cantarán en posesión de Santos. August 8, 2010. Radio Nacional de Colombia.
  14. Web site: 16 jefes de Estado y el Príncipe de Asturias, en la posesión del Presidente Juan Manuel Santos. 5 December 2010. 6 August 2010.