Finnish grammar explained

The Finnish language is spoken by the majority of the population in Finland and by ethnic Finns elsewhere. Unlike the languages spoken in neighbouring countries, such as Swedish and Norwegian, which are North Germanic languages, or Russian, which is a Slavic language, Finnish is a Uralic language of the Finnic languages group. Typologically, Finnish is agglutinative.[1] As in some other Uralic languages, Finnish has vowel harmony, and like other Finnic languages, it has consonant gradation.


The pronouns are inflected in the Finnish language much in the same way that their referent nouns are.

Personal pronouns

Personal pronouns are used to refer to human beings only. The personal pronouns in Finnish in the nominative case are listed in the following table:

+ Personal pronouns
Finnish English
Finnish: minä I
Finnish: sinä you/thou
Finnish: hän he/she
Finnish: me we
Finnish: te you/y'all/you guys/ye
Finnish: he they
Finnish: Te you

Because Finnish verbs are inflected for person and number, in the Finnish standard language subject pronouns are not required, and the first and second-person pronouns are usually omitted except when used for emphasis. In the third person, however, the pronoun is required: Finnish: hän menee '(s)he goes'. In spoken Finnish, all pronouns are generally used, even without emphatic meaning.

In colloquial Finnish, the inanimate pronouns Finnish: se and Finnish: ne are very commonly used in place of the singular and plural animate third-person pronouns, respectively. Use of Finnish: hän and Finnish: he is mostly restricted to writing and formal or markedly polite speech as this clear distinction has never occurred naturally in the language. Do note the animals are marked as less animate and are therefore never referred to as Finnish: hän or Finnish: he. Finnish: Minä and Finnish: sinä are usually replaced with colloquial forms. The most common variants are Finnish: and Finnish: , though, in some dialects Finnish: mää and Finnish: sää, Finnish: mnää and Finnish: snää or Finnish: mie and Finnish: sie are used. On the other hand, Finnish: me, Finnish: te and Finnish: he lack reduced colloquial forms, so variants such as Finnish: myö, Finnish: työ, and Finnish: hyö of some eastern varieties are dialectal. Some common verbs, such as Finnish: olla "to be" and Finnish: tulla "to come", exhibit similarly reduced colloquial forms:

+ Personal pronouns
Written/formal Spoken/colloquial
Finnish: (minä) olen/tulenFinnish: mä oon/tuun
Finnish: (sinä) olet/tuletFinnish: sä oot/tuut
Finnish: hän/se on/tuleeFinnish: se on/tulee
Finnish: (me) olemme/tulemmeFinnish: me ollaan/tullaan
Finnish: (te) olette/tuletteFinnish: te ootte/tuutte
Finnish: he/ne ovat/tulevatFinnish: ne on/tulee
Finnish: Te olette/tuletteFinnish: Te ootte/tuutte

The second-person plural can be used as a polite form when addressing one person, as in some Indo-European languages. However, this usage is diminishing in Finnish society.

Demonstrative pronouns

The demonstratives are used of non-human animate entities and inanimate objects. However, Finnish: se and Finnish: ne is often used to refer to humans in colloquial Finnish. (This usage is quite correct in a demonstrative sense, i.e. when qualified by the relative pronoun Finnish: joka, and in fact, it is hypercorrect to replace a demonstrative Finnish: se or Finnish: ne with Finnish: hän or Finnish: he just because the antecedent is human.) Furthermore, the demonstratives are used to refer to group nouns and the number of the pronoun must correlate with the number of its referent.

+ Demonstrative pronouns
Finnish English
Finnish: tämä this
Finnish: tuo that
Finnish: se it/that
Finnish: nämä these
Finnish: nuo those
Finnish: ne they/those

Interrogative pronouns

+ Interrogative pronouns
Finnish English
Finnish: kuka who, which (of many)
Finnish: ken who, which (of many) — old or dialectal word
Finnish: mikä what, which (of many)
Finnish: kumpi which (of two)
Finnish: kumpainen which (of two) — old or dialectal word

Finnish: Ken is now archaic, but its inflected forms are used instead of those of Finnish: kuka: Finnish: ketä instead of Finnish: kuta ("whom"): Finnish: Ketä rakastat? "Whom do you love?"

Relative pronouns

+ Relative pronouns
Pronoun Example English
Finnish: joka
(refers to preceding word)
Finnish: hän on ainoa, '''jonka''' muistan"s/he is the only one whom (I) remember"
Finnish: mikä
(refers to preceding clause/sentence or
to a pronoun or a superlative that refers to a thing)
Finnish: se on ainoa asia, '''minkä''' muistan"it is the only thing that (I) remember"

Reciprocal pronouns

+ Reciprocal pronouns
Pronoun Example English
toinenFinnish: he rakastavat '''toisiaan'''"they love each other" (plural)
Finnish: he rakastavat '''toinen toistaan'''"they love one another" (dual)

Reflexive pronouns

+ Reflexive pronouns
Pronoun Suffix Example English
Finnish: itseplus corresponding possessive suffixFinnish: keitin '''itselleni''' teetä"(I) made myself some tea"

Indefinite pronouns

A large group that entails all of the pronouns that do not fall into any of the categories above. Notice that there are no negative pronouns, such as "nobody"; rather, the positive pronoun is negated with the negative verb Finnish: ei. No double negatives are possible.

+ Indefinite pronouns
Finnish English
Finnish: joka (uninflected) every, each
Finnish: jokainen every, everyone
Finnish: joku some, someone (person)
Finnish: jompikumpi either one
Finnish: jokin some, something (animal, thing)
Finnish: kukin each one
Finnish: kumpainenkin both (old or dialectal)
Finnish: kumpikin both
Finnish: mikin each thing (dialectal)
Finnish: kenkään anyone (old or poetic)
Finnish: kukaan, Finnish: kene...kään (oblique) anyone
→ Finnish: ei kukaan no one
Finnish: kumpikaan either one
→ Finnish: ei kumpikaan neither one
Finnish: mikään anything
→ Finnish: ei mikään nothing
Finnish: mones, Finnish: monente- (oblique) the ordinal pronoun (representing first, second, etc.)

Each pronoun declines. However, the endings Finnish: -kaan/-kään and Finnish: -kin are clitics, and case endings are placed before them, e.g. Finnish: mikään "any", Finnish: miltäkään "from any". There are irregular nominatives. As indicated, Finnish: kukaan is an irregular nominative; the regular root is Finnish: kene- with Finnish: -kään, e.g. Finnish: kukaan "(not) anyone", Finnish: keneltäkään "from (not) anyone".

English lacks a direct equivalent to the pronoun Finnish: mones; it would be "that-th", or "which-th" for questions. For example, Finnish: Palkkio riippuu siitä '''monentenako''' tulee maaliin "The reward depends on as-which-th one comes to the finish", or explicitly "The reward depends on in which position one comes to the finish". It would be difficult to translate the question Finnish: Monesko?, but, although far from proper English, the question How manyeth may give an English-speaking person an idea of the meaning.

Some indefinite adjectives are often perceived as indefinite pronouns. These include:

+ Indefinite adjectives
Finnish English
Finnish: ainoa the only one
Finnish: eräs some, certain, one
Finnish: harva few
Finnish: itse (non-reflexive) self
Finnish: kaikki all, everyone, everything
Finnish: molemmat both
Finnish: moni many
Finnish: muu other
Finnish: muutama some, a few
Finnish: sama same
Finnish: toinen (non-reciprocal, non-numeral use) another

Noun forms

The Finnish language does not distinguish grammatical gender in nouns or even in personal pronouns: Finnish: hän is 'he', 'she' or 'they' (singular) depending on the referent. There are no articles, neither definite nor indefinite.


See main article: Finnish noun cases. Finnish has fifteen noun cases: four grammatical cases, six locative cases, two essive cases (three in some Eastern dialects), and three marginal cases.

+ Finnish cases
Case Suffix English Example Translation
nominative (Finnish: nominatiivi) Finnish: sinä, Finnish: talo you, house
genitive (Finnish: genetiivi)Finnish: -n Finnish: sinun, Finnish: talon your(s), house's
accusative (Finnish: akkusatiivi) Finnish: -tFinnish: sinut you (thee) (but see discussion below)
partitive (Finnish: partitiivi)Finnish: -(t)a / -(t)ä Finnish: sinua, Finnish: taloa you, house (as the object of an atelic verb)
Locative (internal)
inessive (Finnish: inessiivi) Finnish: -ssa / Finnish: -ssä in Finnish: talossa in a house
elative (Finnish: elatiivi) Finnish: -sta / Finnish: -stä out of Finnish: talosta out of a house
illative (Finnish: illatiivi) Finnish: -Vn, Finnish: -seen, Finnish: -siininto Finnish: taloon, Finnish: Porvooseen into a house, into Porvoo
Locative (external)
adessive (Finnish: adessiivi) Finnish: -lla / Finnish: -llä at, on Finnish: talolla, Finnish: katolla at a house, on a roof
ablative (Finnish: ablatiivi) Finnish: -lta / Finnish: -ltä from Finnish: talolta from a house
allative (Finnish: allatiivi) Finnish: -lle onto, to Finnish: katolle, Finnish: talolle, Finnish: pojalle onto a roof, to (the proximity of) a house, to a boy
essive (Finnish: essiivi) Finnish: -na / Finnish: -nä as Finnish: talona as a house
translative (Finnish: translatiivi) Finnish: -ksi into (the role of) Finnish: kouluksi into (being) a school
instructive (Finnish: instruktiivi) Finnish: -n with (the aid of) Finnish: taloin with the houses
abessive (Finnish: abessiivi) Finnish: -tta / Finnish: -ttä without Finnish: talotta without a house
comitative (Finnish: komitatiivi) Finnish: -ne- together (with) Finnish: taloineen with their house(s)
Some notes about the cases listed in the table above:

Relationship between locative cases

As in other Uralic languages, locative cases in Finnish can be classified according to three criteria: the spatial position (interior or surface), the motion status (stationary or moving), and within the latter, the direction of the movement (approaching or departing). The classification captures a morphophonological pattern that distinguishes interior and surface spatial position; long consonants (pronounced as //sː// in Finnish: -ssa / Finnish: -ssä and pronounced as //lː// in Finnish: -lla / Finnish: -llä) express stationary motion, whereas a pronounced as //t// expresses "movement from". The table below shows these relationships schematically:

Spatial position! colspan="3"
Motion status
Interiorinessive ('in')
Finnish: -ssa / -ssä
illative ('into')
Finnish: -Vn
elative ('out of')
Finnish: -sta / -stä
Surfaceadessive ('on')
Finnish: -lla / -llä
allative ('onto')
Finnish: -lle
ablative ('off from')
Finnish: -lta / -ltä


Finnish nominal plurals are often marked by Finnish: -i (though Finnish: -t is a suppletive variant in the nominative and accusative, as is common in Uralic languages). Singular and plural numbers cross-cut the distinctions in grammatical cases, and several number/case combinations have somewhat idiosyncratic uses. Several of these deserve special mention.

Nominative/accusative plural

The nominative plural is used for definite count nouns that are subjects, while the plural object of a telic verb bears the accusative plural. The syncretic suffix that covers both uses is Finnish: -t. This suffix can only appear in the word-final position; i.e. it is omitted when a possessive suffix is present.

+ Nominative plural
Finnish English
Finnish: '''Koirat''' olivat huoneessa "The dogs were in the room"
Finnish: '''Huoneet''' olivat suuria "The rooms were large"
Finnish: Minäkin näin '''koirat'''"I too saw the dogs"


When a noun is modified by a numeral not equal to one, and the numeral is in the nominative singular, the noun bears the partitive singular. Otherwise, the noun and the numeral agree with each other in number and case.

+ Following numerals
Finnish English
Finnish: huoneessa oli '''kaksi koiraa''' "there were two dogs in the room"
Finnish: talossa oli '''kolme huonetta''' "the house had three rooms"
Finnish: ostin tietokoneen '''tuhannella eurolla''' "I bought a computer for a thousand euros"
Finnish: tarvitsen '''kahdet kengät''' "I need two pairs of shoes"

Inflected plural

This uses the stem of the partitive plural inflected with the same set of endings as for singular nouns. The suffix is Finnish: -i-, and it suppresses long vowels; it may only appear before another suffix.

+ Inflected plural
Finnish English
Finnish: huone → Finnish: huoneita '(some) rooms'
→ Finnish: huoneissa 'in rooms'

As a combined example of plurals

+ Inflected plural
Finnish English
Finnish: lintu on puussa 'the bird is in the tree'
→ Finnish: linnut ovat puissa 'the birds are in the trees'

Inflection of pronouns

The personal pronouns are inflected in the same way as nouns, and can be found in most of the same cases as nouns. For example:

+ Inflection of pronouns
Finnish Case Example English
Finnish: minä nominative 'I'
Finnish: minun genitive ('my, mine')
Finnish: tämä talo on '''minun''' 'this house is mine'|-| Finnish: tämä on '''minun''' talo'''ni''' || 'this is my house'|-| Finnish: minut || accusative || Finnish: hän tuntee minut || 's/he knows me'|-| Finnish: minua || partitive || Finnish: hän rakastaa minua || 's/he loves me'|-| Finnish: minussa || inessive || Finnish: tämä herättää minussa vihaa || 'this provokes (awakens) anger in me'|-| Finnish: minusta || elative || Finnish: hän puhui minusta || 's/he was talking about/of me'. Also used idiomatically to mean 'in my opinion'.|-| Finnish: minuun || illative || Finnish: hän uskoi minuun || 's/he believed in me'|-| Finnish: minulla || adessive || Finnish: minulla on rahaa || 'I've got some money' (lit.'On me there's money')|-| Finnish: minulta || ablative || Finnish: hän otti minulta rahaa || 's/he took some money from/off me'.|-| Finnish: minulle || allative || Finnish: anna minulle rahaa || 'give me some money'|-| Finnish: sinuna || essive || Finnish: sinuna en tekisi sitä || 'If I were you, I wouldn't do it' ('as you')|-| Finnish: minuksi || translative || Finnish: häntä luullaan usein minuksi || 's/he is often mistaken for me'|}

Noun/adjective stem types

The stem of a word is the part to which inflectional endings are affixed. For most noun and adjective types, the nominative case is identical to the basic stem (the nominative is unmarked).

Vowel stems

A word with a vowel stem is one that ends in a vowel in the nominative, and retains a final vowel in all forms. The stem vowel can however change in certain inflected forms:

Englishstem vowelsingular pluralNotes
fishFinnish: -aFinnish: kalaFinnish: kalanFinnish: kalaaFinnish: kalatFinnish: kal'''oj'''enFinnish: kal'''oj'''aFinnish: a + Finnish: i becomes Finnish: oj when after Finnish: a, Finnish: e or Finnish: i.
cornerFinnish: -aFinnish: kulmaFinnish: kulmanFinnish: kulmaaFinnish: kulmatFinnish: kulm'''i'''enFinnish: kulm'''i'''aFinnish: a + Finnish: i becomes Finnish: i when after Finnish: o or Finnish: u.
summerFinnish: Finnish: kesäFinnish: kesänFinnish: kesääFinnish: kesätFinnish: kes'''i'''enFinnish: kes'''i'''äFinnish: ä + Finnish: i becomes Finnish: i.
nameFinnish: -eFinnish: nim'''i'''Finnish: nimenFinnish: nimeäFinnish: nimetFinnish: nim'''i'''enFinnish: nim'''i'''äFinnish: e becomes Finnish: i at the end of a word; Finnish: e + Finnish: i becomes Finnish: i.
hallFinnish: -iFinnish: halliFinnish: hallinFinnish: halliaFinnish: hallitFinnish: hallienFinnish: hall'''ej'''aFinnish: i + Finnish: i becomes Finnish: ej.
lightFinnish: -oFinnish: valoFinnish: valonFinnish: valoaFinnish: valotFinnish: valojenFinnish: valojaA stem with a labial vowel Finnish: -o, -u, -y, -ö is invariable; plural Finnish: i becomes Finnish: j between vowels.
teddy bearFinnish: -eFinnish: nalleFinnish: nallenFinnish: nalleaFinnish: nalletFinnish: nallejenFinnish: nallejaInvariable e-stems can be found in very recent coinages.
land, earthFinnish: -aaFinnish: maaFinnish: maanFinnish: maataFinnish: maatFinnish: m'''a'''idenFinnish: m'''a'''itaA long vowel is shortened before the oblique plural Finnish: -i-.
roadFinnish: -{{Not a typo|ieFinnish: tieFinnish: tienFinnish: tietäFinnish: tietFinnish: t'''e'''idenFinnish: t'''e'''itäHistorical long mid vowels Finnish: *ee *öö *oo have been diphthongized, but the original vowel survives in shortened forms.

The change of original (pre-Proto-Finnic) final *e to Finnish: i means that the stem vowel of a word ending in Finnish: i cannot be determined from the nominative alone; one of the inflected forms must be consulted. However, most old inherited words ending in Finnish: i decline as e-stems (or consonants stems, see below), while modern loans, where Finnish: i frequently is added for phonotactic reasons (as in the case of Finnish: halli), always decline as i-stems.

Consonant stems

A word with a consonant stem is one where case suffixes can in some cases be affixed directly after the last consonant for at least some forms. Words with consonant stems come in three broad classes.

The first class of consonant-stem words largely resemble e-stems, but allow elision of the stem vowel in the partitive singular, and for certain words, plural genitive. In the later case, this involves a special allomorph Finnish: -ten, employing the plural marker Finnish: t rather than Finnish: i/Finnish: j.

The final consonant in words of this class must be one of h, l, m, n, r, s, t. Other remarks for e-stem words still apply.

Englishstemsingular pluralNotes
goatFinnish: -h(e)Finnish: vuohiFinnish: vuohenFinnish: vuohtaFinnish: vuohetFinnish: vuohienFinnish: vuohia
windFinnish: -l(e)Finnish: tuuliFinnish: tuulenFinnish: tuultaFinnish: tuuletFinnish: tuulien, Finnish: tuultenFinnish: tuulia
brothFinnish: -m(e)Finnish: liemiFinnish: liemenFinnish: lie'''n'''täFinnish: liemetFinnish: liemien, Finnish: lie'''n'''tenFinnish: liemiämn before t.
soundFinnish: -n(e)Finnish: ääniFinnish: äänenFinnish: ääntäFinnish: äänetFinnish: äänien, Finnish: ääntenFinnish: ääniä
bowFinnish: -s(e)Finnish: jousiFinnish: jousenFinnish: joustaFinnish: jousetFinnish: jousien, Finnish: joustenFinnish: jousia

Words of this type may have somewhat irregular declension due to additional historical changes:

Englishstem singular pluralNotes
childFinnish: -ps(e)Finnish: lapsiFinnish: lapsenFinnish: la'''s'''taFinnish: lapsetFinnish: lapsien, Finnish: la'''s'''tenFinnish: lapsiaThe first consonant in a cluster of three is lost: Cs + tst.
knifeFinnish: -ts(e)Finnish: veitsiFinnish: veitsenFinnish: vei'''s'''täFinnish: veitsetFinnish: veitsienFinnish: veitsiä
handFinnish: -t(e)Finnish: kä'''s'''iFinnish: kädenFinnish: kättäFinnish: kädetFinnish: kä'''s'''ien, Finnish: kättenFinnish: kä'''s'''iäti becomes si. (Variation of t/d, nt/nn is regular and due to consonant gradation.)
nailFinnish: -nt(e)Finnish: kyn'''s'''iFinnish: kynnenFinnish: kynttäFinnish: kynnetFinnish: kyn'''s'''ienFinnish: kyn'''s'''iä
twoFinnish: -kt(e)Finnish: kak'''s'''iFinnish: ka'''h'''denFinnish: ka'''h'''taFinnish: ka'''h'''detFinnish: kak'''s'''ienFinnish: kak'''s'''iaIn addition to the previous changes, kt and ktt become ht/hd.

For some words of this type, modern Finnish displays a tendency of development from consonant-stems to e-stems. For example, the partitive singular of the word Finnish: tuomi "bird cherry" may be Finnish: tuonta (consonant stem) or Finnish: tuomea (vowel stem).

Another class of consonant-stem words end in a consonant even in the nominative; if a stem vowel is required for phonotactic reasons, e again appears. Modern Finnish only allows dental and alveolar consonants (l, n, r, s, t) to occur as word-final, but originally, words ending in h, k, m were possible as well.

Englishstem singular pluralNotes
jointFinnish: -l(e)Finnish: nivelFinnish: nivelenFinnish: niveltäFinnish: niveletFinnish: nivelien, Finnish: niveltenFinnish: niveliä
coreFinnish: -m(e)Finnish: ydi'''n'''Finnish: ytimenFinnish: ydi'''n'''täFinnish: ytimetFinnish: ytimien, Finnish: ydi'''n'''tenFinnish: ytimiämn when word-final or before t.
perchFinnish: -n(e)Finnish: ahvenFinnish: ahvenenFinnish: ahventaFinnish: ahvenetFinnish: ahvenien, Finnish: ahventenFinnish: ahvenia
sisterFinnish: -r(e)Finnish: sisarFinnish: sisarenFinnish: sisartaFinnish: sisaretFinnish: sisarien, Finnish: sisartenFinnish: sisaria
beerFinnish: -t(e)Finnish: olutFinnish: oluenFinnish: oluttaFinnish: oluetFinnish: oluidenFinnish: oluitat disappears in vowel-stem forms due to consonant gradation.
Nouns ending in -s

Vocalization or lenition is found in addition to any possible consonant gradation, e.g. Finnish: kuningas (nominative) ~ Finnish: kuninkaan (genitive), or Finnish: mies ~ Finnish: miehen. The illatives are marked thus: Finnish: kuninkaaseen, Finnish: mieheen.

-nen nouns

This is a very large class of words which includes common nouns (for example Finnish: nainen 'woman'), many proper names, and many common adjectives. Adding Finnish: -inen to a noun is a very productive mechanism for creating adjectives (Finnish: lika 'dirt, filth' → Finnish: likainen 'dirty'; Finnish: ilo 'joy' → Finnish: iloinen 'merry, happy'; Finnish: muovi 'plastic' → Finnish: muovinen 'made of plastic'/'plastic-like'). It can also function as a diminutive ending.

The form behaves as if it ended in Finnish: -s, with the exception of the nominative, where it is Finnish: -nen. Thus, the stem for these words removes the Finnish: -nen and adds Finnish: -s(e) after which the inflectional ending is added:

Here are some of the diminutive forms that are in use:

Finnish Stemming from English
Finnish: kätönen Finnish: käsi 'a small hand' (affectionate)
Finnish: lintunen Finnish: lintu 'birdie', 'a small bird'
Finnish: veikkonen Finnish: veikko 'lad'
Finnish: kirjanen Finnish: kirja 'booklet'
Finnish: kukkanen Finnish: kukka 'a little flower'
Finnish: lapsonen Finnish: lapsi 'a little child'

A special class of Finnish nouns in -nen are surnames. Some of these are very old and often their original meaning is not readily apparent to a modern speaker. Many were later coined on the -nen pattern and these often have the suffix added to a word meaning a natural feature. Some representative examples are:

Finnish From word English
Finnish: Rautiainen Finnish: rautio blacksmith (of a blacksmith's family)
Finnish: Korhonen Finnish: korho 'deaf' (of a deaf man's family)
Finnish: Leinonen Finnish: leino 'sorrowful, melancholic'; alternatively male name Finnish: Leino as short for Leonard
Finnish: Virtanen, Finnish: Jokinen, Finnish: Järvinen, Finnish: Nieminen...Finnish: virta, Finnish: joki, Finnish: järvi, Finnish: niemi'the family from by the stream (Finnish: virta), river (Finnish: joki), lake (Finnish: järvi), peninsula (Finnish: niemi)'
Finnish: Mikkonen [A family name assimilated from the name of the farmhouse, after the householder's name 'Mikko']
Finnish: Martikainen possible origin Finnish: Martikka, a South Karelian surname
Finnish: Lyytikäinen from Finnish: Lyytikkä, originating to Germanic male name Lydecke

The suffix Finnish: -nen also occurs in place-names. Many place-names ending with Finnish: -nen assume a plural form when inflected. For instance, the illative of Finnish: [[Sörnäinen]] is Finnish: Sörnäisiin instead of singular Finnish: Sörnäiseen.

-e nouns

Older *-h and *-k-stems have changed rather drastically. The consonant does not survive in any form of the paradigm, and these nouns make the appearance of ending in an unchanging Finnish: -e. However, the former existence of a consonant is still seen in that the dictionary form represents weak gradation, and each word has two stems, a weak grade stem in which the former final consonant has assimilated (used for the partitive singular), and strong grade vowel stem to which most case suffixes are applied. The vowel stem has an additional Finnish: -e-: Finnish: perhe 'family' → Finnish: perhee-: Finnish: perheessä, Finnish: perheellä, etc.; which represents the historical loss of a medial consonant which is sometimes found in dialects as an Finnish: -h- (e.g,. Finnish: ruoste 'rust' → Finnish: *ruostehena).

By analogy, in standard Finnish all words ending in 'e' behave as former Finnish: -h stems. In some dialects, the Finnish: -h stems have however shifted to Finnish: -s instead, e.g. standard Finnish: vene, in Pohjanmaa Finnish: venes ← Finnish: veneh. The illative case also changes form with a consonant stem, where the ending Finnish: -hen is assibilated to Finnish: -seen, as Finnish: -hen is the genitive.

The weak grade stem, which is found in the 'dictionary' form results from another historic change in which a final consonant has been lost. This is important to word inflection, because the partitive ending is suffixed directly onto this stem, where the consonant has been assimilated to a Finnish: -t- instead of being lost. Other case endings are suffixed to the strong grade/vowel stem.

+ -e nouns
case Finnish: huone 'room' Finnish: laite 'device'
partitive Finnish: kaksi huonetta
'two rooms'
Finnish: kaksi laitetta
'two devices'
nominative Finnish: huoneet
Finnish: laitteet
inessive Finnish: huoneessa
'in the room'
Finnish: laitteessa
'in the device'
illative Finnish: huoneeseen
'into the room'
Finnish: laitteeseen
'into the device'

More of this phenomenon is discussed in Finnish Phonology: Sandhi.


Adjectives in Finnish are inflected in exactly the same way as nouns, and an adjective must agree in number and case with the noun it is modifying.

For example, here are some adjectives:

Finnish English
Finnish: iso 'big'
Finnish: pieni 'small'
Finnish: punainen 'red'

And here are some examples of adjectives inflected to agree with nouns:

Finnish English
Finnish: ison talon edessä 'in front of the big house'
Finnish: kaksi pientä taloa 'two small houses'
Finnish: punaisessa talossa 'in the red house'

Notice that the adjectives undergo the same sorts of stem changes when they are inflected as nouns do.

Comparative formation

The comparative of the adjective is formed by adding Finnish: -mpi to the inflecting stem. For example:

Finnish English Finnish English
Finnish: iso 'big' Finnish: isompi 'bigger'
Finnish: pieni 'small' Finnish: pienempi 'smaller'
Finnish: punainen 'red' Finnish: punaisempi 'redder'

Since the comparative adjective is still an adjective, it must be inflected to agree with the noun it modifies. To make the inflecting stem of the comparative, the Finnish: -mpi ending loses its final i. If the syllable context calls for a weak consonant, the Finnish: -mp- becomes Finnish: -mm-. Then Finnish: -a- is added before the actual case ending (or Finnish: -i- in plural). This should become clear with a few examples:

Finnish English
Finnish: isomman talon edessä 'in front of the bigger house'
Finnish: kaksi pienempää taloa 'two smaller houses'
Finnish: punaisemmassa talossa 'in the redder house'
Finnish: punaisemmissa taloissa 'in the redder houses'

Superlative formation

The superlative of the adjective is formed by adding Finnish: -in to the inflecting stem. For example:

+ Superlative formation
Finnish English Finnish English
Finnish: iso 'big' Finnish: isoin 'biggest'
Finnish: punainen 'red' Finnish: punaisin 'reddest'

Note that because the superlative marker vowel is Finnish: i, the same kind of changes can occur with vowel stems as happen in verb imperfects, and noun inflecting plurals:

Since the superlative adjective is still an adjective, it must be inflected to agree with the noun it modifies. The Finnish: -in becomes either Finnish: -imma- or Finnish: -impa- (plural Finnish: -immi- or Finnish: -impi-) depending on whether the syllable context calls for a weak or strong consonant. Here are the examples:

Finnish English
Finnish: isoimman talon edessä 'in front of the biggest house'
Finnish: kaksi pienintä taloa 'the two smallest houses'
Finnish: punaisimmassa talossa 'in the reddest house'
Finnish: punaisimmissa taloissa 'in the reddest houses'

Irregular forms

The most important irregular form is:

+ Main irregular form
Finnish English
Finnish: hyvä, parempi, paras 'good, better, best'

The form Finnish: paree "good" is not found in standard Finnish, but can be found in the Southern Ostrobothnian dialect.

Notice also:

More irregular forms
Finnish Hypothetic regular English
Finnish: pitkä, pidempi ~ pitempi, pisin Finnish: pitkä, *pitkempi, *pitkin 'long, longer, longest'
Finnish: lyhyt, lyhyempi ~ lyhempi, lyhin Finnish: lyhyt, lyhyempi, lyhyin 'short, shorter, shortest'
(although the standard forms are also used)

There are a small number of other irregular comparative and superlative forms, such as:

Where the inflecting stem is Finnish: uude- but the superlative is Finnish: uusin = 'newest'.

Postpositions and prepositions

Postpositions are more common in Finnish than prepositions. Both postpositions and prepositions can be combined with either a noun or a possessive suffix to form a postpositional phrase.


Postpositions indicate place, time, cause, consequence or relation. In postpositional phrases the noun is usually in genitive:

+ Postpositions
Finnish English
Finnish: pöydän '''alla''' 'under the table'|-| Finnish: joulun '''jälkeen''' || 'after Christmas'|-| Finnish: lasten '''tähden''' || 'for the sake of the children'
Finnish: jonkun '''puolesta''' 'on behalf of somebody'|}

The noun (or pronoun) can be omitted when there is a possessive suffix:

As with verbs, the pronoun cannot be omitted in the third person (singular or plural):

Finnish: Olin _ mukanasi "I was with you"

but Finnish: Olin '''hänen''' mukanaan "I was with him/her"

Finnish: Tulen _ mukaanne "I will come with you (plural or polite)"

but Finnish: Tulen '''heidän''' mukanaan "I will come with them"


There are few important prepositions in Finnish. In prepositional phrases the noun is always in the partitive:

+ Prepositions
Finnish English
Finnish: '''ennen''' joulua before Christmas
Finnish: '''ilman''' sinua without you

Some postpositions can also be used as prepositions:

+ Postpositions as prepositions
Postposition Preposition English
Finnish: kylän '''keskellä''' Finnish: '''keskellä''' kylää in the middle of the village

Using postpositions as prepositions is not strictly incorrect and occurs in poetry, as in, for example, the song "Finnish: Alla vaahterapuun" "under a maple tree", instead the usual Finnish: vaahterapuun alla.

Verb forms

See main article: Finnish verb conjugation. Finnish verbs are usually divided into seven groups depending on the stem type. All seven types have the same set of endings, but the stems undergo (slightly) different changes when inflected.

There are very few irregular verbs in Finnish. In fact, only Finnish: olla = 'to be' has two irregular forms Finnish: on "is" and Finnish: ovat "are "; other forms follow from the stem Finnish: ole–/ol–; e.g. Finnish: olet ← Finnish: ole+t "you are", Finnish: olkoon ← Finnish: ol+koon "let it be". A handful of verbs, including Finnish: nähdä "to see", Finnish: tehdä "to do/make", and Finnish: juosta "to run" have rare consonant mutation patterns which are not derivable from the infinitive. In spoken Finnish, some frequently used verbs (Finnish: mennä, tulla, olla, panna) have irregular stems (Finnish: mee, tuu, oo, paa, instead of Finnish: mene, tule, ole, pane ("go, come, be, put"), respectively).

Finnish does not have a separate verb for possession (compare English "to have"). Possession is indicated in other ways, mainly by genitives and existential clauses. For animate possessors, the adessive case is used with Finnish: olla, for example Finnish: koiralla on häntä = 'the dog has a tail' – literally 'on the dog is a tail', or in English grammar, "There is a tail on the dog". This is similar to Irish and Welsh forms such as "There is a hunger on me".

Tense-aspect forms

Finnish verbs have present, imperfect, perfect and pluperfect tense-aspect forms.

  • Present (nonpast): corresponds to English present and future tense forms. For the latter, a time qualifier may need to be used to avoid ambiguity. The present is formed with using the personal suffixes only. For example, Finnish: otan "I take" (from Finnish: ottaa, "to take").
  • Imperfect: actually a preterite, but called "imperfect" for historical reasons; corresponds to English past continuous and past simple, indicating a past action which is complete but might have been a point event, a temporally extended event, or a repeated event. The imperfect is formed with the suffix Finnish: -i- in addition to the personal suffixes, e.g. Finnish: otin "I took".
  • Perfect: corresponds to the English present perfect ("I have eaten") in most of its usages, but can carry more sense than in English of a past action with present effects. The form uses the verb Finnish: olla "to be" in the present tense as an auxiliary verb. Personal suffixes are added to the auxiliary, while the main verb is in the Finnish: -nut/-nyt participle form. For example, Finnish: olen ottanut "I have taken", where Finnish: ole- is the auxiliary verb stem, Finnish: -n is the personal suffix for "I", Finnish: otta- is the stem for the main verb, and Finnish: -nut is the participle marker.
  • Pluperfect: corresponds to the English past perfect ("I had visited") in its usage. Similarly to perfect, the verb Finnish: olla is used in the past tense as an auxiliary verb. For example, Finnish: olin ottanut "I had taken".

As stated above, Finnish has no grammatical future tense. To indicate futurity, a Finnish speaker may use forms that are, by some, deprecated as ungrammatical. One is the use of the verb Finnish: tulla, 'to come', as it were as an auxiliary: Finnish: Tämä tulee olemaan ongelma 'This is going to be a problem', cf Swedish Swedish: Det här kommer att vara ett problem. Another, less common and now archaic, is to use the verb Finnish: olla, 'to be', with the present passive participle of the main verb: Finnish: Hän on oleva suuri Jumalan mies 'For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord' (Luke 1:15).


Finnish has two possible verb voices: active and passive. The active voice corresponds with the active voice of English, but the Finnish passive voice has some important differences from the English passive voice.

Passive voice

The so-called Finnish passive is impersonal and unipersonal, that is, it only appears in one form regardless of who is implicitly understood to be the performer of the action. In that respect, it could be described as a "fourth person" since there is no way of connecting the action performed with a particular agent (except for some nonstandard forms; see below). It is called "passive" for historical reasons in imitation of Swedish and Latin grammars, but this term is in fact incorrect because the object of an active sentence remains an object in the equivalent Finnish "passive" sentence, in other words, the Finnish "passive" sentence is in fact active. In languages with true passives, an active sentence's object becomes the subject in the equivalent passive sentence. Active: Finnish: me pidätämme hänet "we will arrest him" => passive: Finnish: pidätetään hänet "he will be arrested".

Consider the example: Finnish: talo maalataan "the house will be painted". The time when the house is being painted could be added: Finnish: talo maalataan '''marraskuussa''' "the house will be painted in November". The colour and method could be added: Finnish: talo maalataan '''punaiseksi harjalla''' "the house will be painted red with a brush". But nothing can be said about the person who will do the painting; there is no simple way to say "the house will be painted by Jim". There is a calque, evidently from Swedish, Finnish: toimesta "by the action of", that can be used to introduce the agent: Finnish: Talo maalataan Jimin toimesta, approximately "The house will be painted by the action of Jim". This type of expression is considered prescriptively incorrect, but it may be found wherever direct translations from Swedish, English, etc. are made, especially in legal texts, and has traditionally been a typical feature of Finnish "officialese". An alternative form, passive + ablative, also a calque from Swedish, was once common but is now archaic.

Notice also that the object is in the form of the accusative that has the same form as the nominative case (which is true of all words except for the personal pronouns). Verbs which govern the partitive case continue to do so in the passive, and where the object of the action is a personal pronoun in the accusative, that goes into its special accusative form: Finnish: minut/sinut/hänet/meidät/teidät/heidät unohdettiin "I/you/(s)he/we/you/they was/were forgotten". Whether the object of a passive verb should be termed the subject of the clause has been debated, but traditionally Finnish grammars have considered a passive clause to have no subject.

Use of the passive voice is not as common in Finnish as in Germanic languages; sentences in the active voice are preferred, if possible. Confusion may result, as the agent is lost and becomes ambiguous. For instance, a bad translation of the English "the PIN code is asked for by the device when..." into Finnish: PIN-koodia kysytään, kun... raises the question "who asks?", whereas Finnish: laite kysyy PIN-koodia, kun... ("the device asks for the PIN code when...") is unambiguous. Nevertheless, this usage of the passive is common in Finnish, particularly in literary and official contexts. Occasionally this leads to extreme cases such as Finnish: kaupunginhallitus halutaan erottaa "it is wanted that the municipal board be dismissed", implying that a popular uprising could be near, when this suggestion could also be made by a political group in the town council consisting of only a few or theoretically (very unlikely because misleading) even a single person.[2]

It can also be said that in the Finnish passive the agent is always human and never mentioned. A sentence such as 'the tree was blown down' would translate poorly into Finnish if the passive were used, since it would suggest the image of a group of people trying to blow the tree down.

Colloquially, the first-person plural indicative and imperative are replaced by the passive, e.g. Finnish: menemme meille ("we'll go to our place") and Finnish: menkäämme meille ("let us go to our place") are replaced by Finnish: mennään meille (see spoken Finnish).[3]

Because of its vagueness about who is performing the action, the passive can also translate the English "one does (something)", "(something) is generally done", as in Finnish: sanotaan että... "they say that..."

Formation of the passive is dealt with in the article on Finnish verb conjugation.

As first-person plural

In modern colloquial Finnish, the passive form of the verb is used instead of the active first-person plural in the indicative and the imperative, to the almost complete exclusion of the standard verb forms. For example, in the indicative, the standard form is Finnish: me menemme 'we are going', but the colloquial form is Finnish: me mennään. Without the personal pronoun Finnish: me, the passive alone replaces the first-person plural imperative, as in Finnish: Mennään! 'Let's go!'. In colloquial speech, the pronoun Finnish: me cannot be omitted without confusion, unlike when using the standard forms Finnish: menemme (indicative) and Finnish: menkäämme (imperative).

Zero person

The so-called "zero person" is a construct in which a verb appears in the third-person singular with no subject, and the identity of the subject must be understood from the context. Typically the implied subject is either the speaker or their interlocutor, or the statement is intended in a general sense. The zero person has some similarity to the English use of the formal subject Finnish: one.

  • Finnish: Saunassa hikoilee "In the sauna, one sweats"
  • Finnish: Jos tulee ajoissa, saa paremman paikan "If you arrive in good time, you get a better seat"



The indicative is the form of the verb used for making statements or asking simple questions. In the verb morphology sections, the mood referred to will be the indicative unless otherwise stated.


The conditional mood expresses the idea that the action or state expressed by the verb may or may not actually happen. As in English, the Finnish conditional is used in conditional sentences (for example "I would tell you if I knew") and in polite requests (for example "I would like some coffee").

In the former case, and unlike in English, the conditional must be used in both halves of the Finnish sentence:

Finnish: ymmärtäisin jos puhuisit hitaammin = *"I would understand if you would speak more slowly".

The characteristic morphology of the Finnish conditional is 'isi' inserted between the verb stem and the personal ending. This can result in a closed syllable becoming open and so trigger consonant gradation:

Finnish: tiedän = 'I know', Finnish: tietäisin = 'I would know'.

Finnish: haluan = 'I want', Finnish: haluaisin = 'I would like'.

Conditional forms exist for both active and passive voices, and for present tense and perfect.

The conditional can be used for added politeness when offering, requesting, or pleading: Finnish: Ottaisitko kahvia? 'Would you like some coffee?'; Finnish: Saisinko tuon punaisen? 'May I have that red one?'; Finnish: Kertoisit nyt 'I do wish you would tell me'.


The imperative mood is used to express commands. In Finnish, there is only one tense form (the present-future). The possible variants of Finnish imperatives are:

  • 1st, 2nd or 3rd person
  • singular or plural
  • active or passive
  • positive or negative
Active, 2nd-person imperatives

These are the most common forms of the imperative: "Do this", "Don't do that".

The singular imperative is simply the verb's present tense without any personal ending (that is, remove the Finnish: -n from the first-person-singular form):

+ Active, 2nd-person imperatives
Finnish English
Finnish: tule! 'come!'
Finnish: syö! 'eat!'
Finnish: huomaa! 'note!'

To make this negative, Finnish: älä (which is the active imperative singular 2nd person of the negative verb) is placed before the positive form:

Finnish English
Finnish: älä sano! 'don't say!'
Finnish: älä mene! 'don't go!'
Finnish: älä valehtele! 'don't lie!'
(from Finnish: valehdella "to lie", type II)

To form the plural, add Finnish: -kaa or Finnish: -kää to the verb's stem:

Finnish English
Finnish: tulkaa! 'come!'
Finnish: juokaa! 'drink!'
Finnish: mitatkaa! 'measure!'
(from Finnish: mitata "to measure", type IV)

To make this negative, Finnish: älkää (which is the active imperative present plural 2nd person of the negative verb) is placed before the positive form and the suffix Finnish: -ko or Finnish: -kö is added to the verb stem:

Finnish English
Finnish: älkää sanoko! 'don't say!'
Finnish: älkää menkö! 'don't go!'
Finnish: älkää tarjotko! 'don't offer!'

Note that 2nd-person-plural imperatives can also be used as polite imperatives when referring to one person.

The Finnish language has no simple equivalent to the English "please". The Finnish equivalent is to use either Finnish: ole hyvä or Finnish: olkaa hyvä = 'be good', but it is generally omitted. Politeness is normally conveyed by tone of voice, facial expression, and use of conditional verbs and partitive nouns. For example, Finnish: voisitteko means "could you", in the polite plural, and is used much like English "Could you..." sentences: Finnish: voisitteko auttaa "could you help me, please?"

Also, familiar (and not necessarily so polite) expressions can be added to imperatives, e.g. Finnish: menes, Finnish: menepä, Finnish: menehän. These are hard to translate exactly, but extensively used by Finnish speakers themselves. Finnish: Menes implies expectation, that is, it has been settled already and requires no discussion; Finnish: menepä has the Finnish: -pa which indicates insistence, and Finnish: -hän means approximated "indeed".

Passive imperatives
+ Passive imperatives
Finnish English
Finnish: tehtäköön let (something) be done
Finnish: älköön tehtäkö let (something) not be done
Finnish: olkoon tehty let (something) have been done
Finnish: älköön olko tehty let (something) not have been done
3rd-person imperatives

The 3rd-person imperatives behave as if they were jussive; besides being used for commands, they can also be used to express permission. In colloquial language, they are most often used to express disregard to what one might or might not do, and the singular and plural forms are often confused.

+ 3rd-person imperatives
Finnish English
Finnish: olkoon 'let it (him, her) be'
Finnish: tehkööt 'let them do'
Finnish: älköön unohtako 'let him not forget', 'he'd better not forget'
Finnish: älkööt unohtako 'let them not forget'
1st-person-plural imperatives
+ 1st-person-plural imperatives
Finnish English
Finnish: menkäämme 'let's go'
Finnish: älkäämme tehkö 'let us not do', 'we better not do'

The 1st-person imperative sounds archaic, and a form resembling the passive indicative is often used instead: Finnish: mennään! = 'let's go!'


The optative mood is an archaic or poetic variant of the imperative mood that expresses hopes or wishes. It is not used in normal language.

+ Optative
Finnish English
Finnish: ollos if only/that/would you were


The potential mood is used to express that the action or state expressed by the verb is possible but not certain. It is relatively rare in modern Finnish, especially in speech. Most commonly it is used in news reports and in official written proposals in meetings. It has only the present tense and perfect. The potential has no specific counterpart in English, but can be translated by adding "possibly" (or occasionally "probably") to the verb.

The characteristic morphology of the Finnish potential is Finnish: -ne-, inserted between the verb stem and the personal ending. Before this affix, continuants assimilate progressively (Finnish: pes+ne- → Finnish: pesse-) and stops regressively (Finnish: korjat+ne- → Finnish: korjanne-). The verb Finnish: olla 'to be' in the potential has the special suppletive form Finnish: lie-, e.g. the potential of Finnish: on haettu 'has been fetched' is Finnish: lienee haettu 'may have been fetched'.

Potential forms exists for both active and passive voices, and for present tense and perfect:

+ Potential
Finnish English
Finnish: lienen I may be/it's possible that I am
Finnish: pessee she may wash/she is [likely] to wash
Finnish: korjannee she may fix/she is [likely] to fix
Finnish: surrevat it is possible that they are mourning/will mourn
Finnish: se pestäneen it will probably be washed (by someone)
Finnish: lienette nähneet you may have seen
Finnish: ei liene annettu possibly may not have been given (by someone)

In some dialects Finnish: tullee ('may come') is an indicative form verb (Finnish: tulee 'comes'). This is not a potential form, but rather due to secondary gemination.


No longer used in modern Finnish, the eventive mood is used in the Kalevala. It is a combination of the potential and the conditional. It is also used in some dialects of Estonian.

+ Eventive
Finnish English
Finnish: kävelleisin 'I probably would walk'


Finnish verbs are described as having four, sometimes five infinitives:

First infinitive

The first infinitive short form of a verb is the citation form found in dictionaries. It is not unmarked; its overt marking is always the suffix Finnish: -a or Finnish: , though sometimes there are modifications (which may be regarded as stem or ending modifications depending on personal preference).

Verb stem Finnish infinitive English infinitive
Finnish: sano- Finnish: sanoa to say
Finnish: tietä- Finnish: tietää to know
Finnish: luke- Finnish: lukea to read

When the stem is itself a single syllable or is of two or more syllables ending in Finnish: -oi or Finnish: -öi, the suffix is Finnish: -da or Finnish: -dä, respectively. (This represents the historically older form of the suffix, from which the Finnish: d has been lost in most environments.)

Verb stem Finnish infinitive English infinitive
Finnish: tuo- Finnish: tuoda to bring
Finnish: jää- Finnish: jäädä to stay
Finnish: imuroi- Finnish: imuroida to vacuum
Finnish: epäröi- Finnish: epäröidä to hesitate

If the stem ends in one the consonants Finnish: l, Finnish: r, Finnish: n, then the final consonant is doubled before adding the infinitive Finnish: -a or Finnish: . In the case of a stem ending in the consonant Finnish: s, the infinitive ending gains the consonant Finnish: t, becoming Finnish: -ta or Finnish: -tä. (These consonant stems take a linking vowel Finnish: -e- when forming the present tense, or Finnish: -i- when forming the imperfect, e.g. Finnish: pestä 'to wash': Finnish: pesen 'I wash' : Finnish: pesin 'I washed'). Stems ending in Finnish: -ts, followed by a link vowel in the present or imperfect, drop the Finnish: s from the stem before adding the infinitive marker Finnish: -a or Finnish: .

Verb stem Finnish infinitive English infinitive
Finnish: men(e)- Finnish: mennä to go
Finnish: ol(e)- Finnish: olla to be
Finnish: pur(e)- Finnish: purra to bite
Finnish: pes(e)- Finnish: pestä to wash
Finnish: mainits(e)- Finnish: mainita to mention

Some verbs have so called "alternating stems" or multiple stems with weak-strong consonant gradation between them. It depends on the verb if the infinitive is in the strong or weak form. These have long vowel stems in the present/future tense, which already ends with Finnish: -a or Finnish: . These verbs drop the Finnish: a which is present in the present tense stem and replace it with Finnish: -t in the first infinitive stem followed by the standard Finnish: -a or Finnish: first infinitive marker. The Finnish: a dropping to Finnish: t weakens a preceding Finnish: k, Finnish: p or Finnish: t so that a weak grade is seen in the first infinitive form. This often creates difficulties for the non-Finn when trying to determine the infinitive (in order to access the translation in a dictionary) when encountering an inflected form. Inflected forms are generally strong except when the stem ending contains a double consonant and there is only a single vowel separating this from the last stem Finnish: k, Finnish: p or Finnish: t.

Inflected Finnish English Finnish infinitive English infinitive Note
Finnish: minä putoan I am falling Finnish: pudota to fall down Finnish: putoa- strong grade
Finnish: minä putosin I fell down Finnish: pudota to fall down Finnish: putosi- strong grade
Finnish: olen pudonnut I have fallen down Finnish: pudota to fall down Finnish: pudon- weak grade (Finnish: nn forces weak grade)
Finnish: he kokoavatthey'll assembleFinnish: koota to assemble Finnish: kokoa- strong grade
Finnish: me kokoamme we'll assembleFinnish: koota to assemble Finnish: kokoa- strong grade (Finnish: mm does not cause weakness because Finnish: oa is not a diphthong)

Some verbs lose elements of their stems when forming the first infinitive. Some verbs stem have contracted endings in the first infinitive. Stems ending Finnish: -ene/Finnish: -eni in the present/imperfect drop the Finnish: n and replace it with Finnish: t, and where applicable, trigger the weak grade in the infinitive stem. The contracted infinitive ending Finnish: -eta/Finnish: -etä have Finnish: -itse/Finnish: -itsi verbs take the infinitive stem Finnish: -ita/Finnish: itä. These contracted verbs may also be subject to consonant weakening when forming the infinitive

e.g. Finnish: mainita 'to mention' has the longer conjugated stem Finnish: mainits- as in Finnish: mainitsen huomenna, että... 'I'll mention tomorrow that...'

e.g. Finnish: paeta 'to flee' has the longer conjugated stem Finnish: paken- as in Finnish: me pakenimme Afganistanista 'we fled from Afghanistan'

The first infinitive long form is the translative plus a possessive suffix (rare in spoken language).

Finnish English
Finnish: ...soitti sanoakseen... '...(s/he) phoned in order to say...'
Finnish: tietääksemme (idiomatic) 'as far as we know'
Finnish: voidakseni lukea 'in order for me to be able to read'

The first infinitive only has an active form.

Second infinitive

The second infinitive is used to express aspects of actions relating to the time when an action takes place or the manner in which an action happens. In equivalent English phrases these time aspects can often be expressed using "when", "while" or "whilst" and the manner aspects using the word "by" or else the gerund, which is formed by adding "-ing" to English verb to express manner.

It is recognizable by the letter Finnish: e in place of the usual Finnish: a or Finnish: ä as the infinitive marker. It is only ever used with one of two case makers; the inessive Finnish: ssa/ssä indicating time or the instructive Finnish: n indicating manner. Finnish phrases using the second infinitive can often be rendered in English using the gerund.

The second infinitive is formed by replacing the final Finnish: a/ä of the first infinitive with Finnish: e then adding the appropriate inflectional ending. If the vowel before the Finnish: a/ä is already an Finnish: e, this becomes Finnish: i (see example from Finnish: lukea 'to read').

The cases in which the second infinitive can appear are:

+ Second infinitive
Finnish English
Active inessive (while someone is in the act of)
Finnish: tehdessä 'when doing'
Finnish: sanoessa 'when saying'
Active inessive + possessive suffix (while themselves in the act of)
Finnish: lukiessaan 'while he is/was reading'
Finnish: sanoessasi 'while you are/were saying'
Passive inessive (when or while in the act of something being done)
Finnish: sanottaessa 'when saying'
Finnish: tehtäessä 'when doing'
Finnish: luettaessa 'when reading'
Active instructive (by means of/while in the act of)
Finnish: tehden 'by doing'
Finnish: sanoen 'by saying'
Finnish: lukien 'by reading'
Finnish: hän tuli itkien huoneeseen 'she came into the room crying'

The inessive form is mostly seen in written forms of language because spoken forms usually express the same idea in longer form using two clauses linked by the word Finnish: kun ("when"). The instructive is even rarer and mostly exists nowadays in set phrases (for example Finnish: toisin sanoen = 'in other words').

If the person performing the action of the verb is the same as the person in the equivalent relative clause, then the verb uses the appropriate personal possessive suffix on the verb for the person. If the person in the main clause is different from that in the relative clause then this is indicated by with the person in the genitive and the verb is unmarked for person.

Second infinitive inessiveEquivalent Finnish: kun phraseEnglish translation
Finnish: ollessani Englannissa kävin monessa pubissaFinnish: kun olin Englannissa, kävin monessa pubissawhen I was in England, I went into many pubs
Finnish: ollessaan Englannissa he kävivät monessa pubissaFinnish: kun he olivat Englannissa, he kävivät monessa pubissawhen they were in England, they went into many pubs
Finnish: Jaakon ollessa Englannissa Laura meni EspanjaanFinnish: Kun Jaakko oli Englannissa, Laura meni Espanjaanwhen Jaakko was in England, Laura went to Spain

Third infinitive

This corresponds to the English gerund ("verb + -ing" form), and behaves as a noun in Finnish in that it can be inflected, but only in a limited number of cases. It is used to refer to a particular act or occasion of the verb's action.

The third infinitive is formed by taking the verb stem with its consonant in the strong form, then adding Finnish: ma followed by the case inflection.

The cases in which the third infinitive can appear are:

Case Finnish English
inessive Finnish: lukema'''ssa''' '(in the act of) reading'
Example: Finnish: hän on lukema'''ssa''' kirjasto'''ssa''' 's/he's reading in the library'
elative Finnish: lukema'''sta''' '(from just having been) reading'
illative Finnish: lukema'''an''' '(about to be / with the intention of) reading'
adessive Finnish: lukema'''lla''' '(by) reading'
abessive Finnish: lukema'''tta''' '(without) reading'

A rare and archaic form of the third infinitive which occurs with the verb Finnish: pitää:

The third infinitive instructive is usually replaced with the first infinitive short form in modern Finnish.

Note that the Finnish: -ma form without a case ending is called the 'agent participle' (see

  1. Participles
below). The agent participle can also be inflected in all cases, producing forms which look similar to the third infinitive.

Fourth infinitive

The fourth infinitive has the stem ending Finnish: -minen and indicates obligation, but it is quite rare in Finnish today. This is because there are other words like Finnish: pitää and Finnish: täytyy that can convey this meaning.

For example

+ Fourth Infinitive
Finnish English
Finnish: Sinne ei ole menemistä 'There is no going there' i.e. 'One must not go there'

Though not an infinitive, a much more common Finnish: -minen verbal stem ending is the noun construct which gives the name of the activity described by the verb. This is rather similar to the English verbal noun '-ing' form, and therefore as a noun, this form can inflect just like any other noun.

+ Finnish: -minen noun formation
Finnish English
Finnish: lukeminen on hauskaa 'reading is fun'
Finnish: vihaan lukemista 'I hate reading'
Finnish: nautin lukemisesta 'I enjoy reading'

Fifth infinitive

This is a fairly rare form which has the meaning 'on the point of / just about to ...'

+ Fifth infinitive
Finnish English
Finnish: olin lukemaisillani 'I was just about to read'

Verb conjugation

For full details of how verbs are conjugated in Finnish, please refer to the Finnish verb conjugation article.


Finnish verbs have past and present participles, both with passive and active forms, and an 'agent' participle. Participles can be used in different ways than ordinary adjectives and they can have an object.

Past passive participle

This is formed in the same way as the passive perfect or passive past-perfect forms, by taking the passive past form, removing the Finnish: -tiin ending and replacing it with Finnish: -ttu/tty (depending on vowel harmony)

Past active participle

Basically this is formed by removing the infinitive ending and adding Finnish: -nut/nyt (depending on vowel harmony) and in some cases Finnish: -lut/lyt, Finnish: -sut/syt, Finnish: -rut/ryt. For example:

1st infinitiveactive past participle
Finnish: puhua Finnish: puhunut
Finnish: syödä Finnish: syönyt

However, depending on the verb's stem type, assimilation can occur with the consonant of the stem ending.

In type II verbs, and Finnish: n, Finnish: l, Finnish: r or Finnish: s in the stem ending is assimilated to the consonant in the participle ending (as also happens in formation of the first infinitive, although Finnish: -s stem endings take an extra Finnish: t in the first infinitive)

1st InfinitiveStem Active past participle
Finnish: mennä (Finnish: men-) Finnish: mennyt
Finnish: pestä (Finnish: pes-) Finnish: pessyt
Finnish: harjoitella (Finnish: harjoittel-) Finnish: harjoitellut

The assimilation causes the final consonant cluster to be strengthened which in turn can weaken a strong cluster if one exists in the stem. See Finnish: harjoitella above.

In verbs of types IV, V and VI, the Finnish: t at the end of the stem is assimilated to the Finnish: n:

1st infinitiveStem Active past participle
Finnish: haluta (Finnish: halut-) Finnish: halunnut
Finnish: tarvita (Finnish: tarvit-) Finnish: tarvinnut
Finnish: rohjeta (Finnish: rohjet-) Finnish: rohjennut

Present passive participle

The present passive participle can be constructed from the past passive form of the verb. The Finnish: -iin ending of the past passive is replaced with Finnish: -ava/ävä, which can be inflected in the same way as the present active participle. For example:

Infinitive Past passivePassive participle English
Finnish: antaa Finnish: annettiin Finnish: annettava which is to be given
Finnish: syödä Finnish: syötiin Finnish: syötävä which is to be eaten
Finnish: kertoa Finnish: kerrottiin Finnish: kerrottava which is to be told
It is possible to translate this participle in several related ways e.g. Finnish: sanottava 'which must be/is to be said', 'which can be said', 'which will be said' or 'which is said'.Here are some sentences and phrases further illustrating the formation and use of the present passive participle:
Finnish English
Finnish: Juotava vesi Drinkable water
Finnish: Onko sinulla mitään sanottavaa? Do you have anything to say?
Finnish: Onko pöydässä jotakin syötävää? Is there anything to eat on the table? Or even, Is there anything edible on the table?
This participle can also be used in other ways. If used with the appropriate third-person singular form of the verb Finnish: olla and with the subject in the genitive it can express necessity or obligation.

Finnish: Minun on lähdettävä 'I must leave'

Finnish: Heidän olisi mentävä 'They would have to go'

Inflected in the inessive plural, it can be used in conjunction with the verb 'to be' to indicate that something can or cannot be done.

Finnish: Onko Pekka tavattavissa? 'Is Pekka available?'/'Is Pekka able to be met with?'

Present active participle

This participle is formed simply by finding the 3rd person plural form of the verb and removing -t, and acts as an adjective describing what the object or subject of the sentence is doing, for example:

+ Present active participle
Finnish English
Finnish: nukku{{pipe 'sleeping dog'
Finnish: häikäise{{pipe 'blinding light'
Finnish: olin luke{{pipe 'I pretended to be reading'
[{{abbr|act.|active}} I participle {{abbr|pl.|plural}} essive + {{abbr|poss.|possessive}} suffix]

Agent participle

The agent participle is formed in a similar way as the third infinitive (see above), adding -ma or -mä to the verb stem. It allows the property of being a target of an action to be formatted as an adjective-like attribute. Like adjectives, it can be inflected in all cases. For example, Finnish: '''ihmisen tekemä''' muodostelma "a man-made formation". The party performing the action is indicated by the use of genitive, or by a possessive suffix. This is reflected in English, too: Finnish: ihmise'''n''' tekemä – "of man's making", or Finnish: kirjoittama'''ni''' kirja "book of my writing". For example:

+ Agent participle
Finnish English
Finnish: tytön lukema kirja the book read by the girl
Finnish: tytön lukemaa kirjaa (partitive) the book read by the girl
Finnish: tytön lukemassa kirjassa in the book read by the girl
It is not required for the action to be in the past, although the examples above are. Rather, the construction simply specifies the subject, the object and the action, with no reference to time. For an example in the future, consider: Finnish: huomenna '''käyttämänänne''' välineenä on... "tomorrow, as the instrument you will be using is...". Here, Finnish: käyttämä "that which is used" describes, i.e. is an attribute to Finnish: väline "instrument". (Notice the case agreement between Finnish: käyttämä-nä and Finnish: välinee-nä.) The suffix Finnish: -nne "your" specifies the person "owning" the action, i.e. who does it, thus Finnish: käyttämänne is "that which was used by you", and Finnish: käyttämänänne is "as that which was used by you".

It is also possible to give the actor with a pronoun, e.g. Finnish: sinun käyttämäsi "that which was used by you". In standard language, the pronoun Finnish: sinun "your" is not necessary, but the possessive suffix is. In inexact spoken usage, this goes vice versa; the possessive suffix is optional, and used typically only for the second-person singular, e.g. Finnish: sun käyttämäs.

Negation of verbs

Present indicative

Verbs are negated by using a negative verb in front of the stem from the present tense (in its 'weak' consonant form). This verb form used with the negative verb is called a connegative.

+ Present indicative
Finnish English Finnish English
Finnish: tiedän 'I know' Finnish: en tiedä 'I don't know'
Finnish: tiedät 'you know' Finnish: et tiedä 'you don't know'
Finnish: tietää '(s)he knows' Finnish: ei tiedä '(s)he doesn't know'
Finnish: tiedämme 'we know' Finnish: emme tiedä 'we don't know'
Finnish: tiedätte 'you know' Finnish: ette tiedä 'you don't know'
Finnish: tietävät 'they know' Finnish: eivät tiedä 'they don't know'

Note that the inflection is on the negative verb, not on the main verb, and that the endings are regular apart from the 3rd-person forms.

Present passive

The negative is formed from the third-person singular "negative verb" Finnish: ei and the present passive with the final Finnish: -an removed:

Finnish English
Finnish: ei puhuta 'it is not spoken'
Finnish: ei tiedetä 'it is not known'

Imperfect indicative

The negative is formed from the appropriate part of the negative verb followed by the nominative form (either singular or plural depending on the number of the verb's subject) of the active past participle. So for Finnish: puhua the pattern is:

+ Imperfect indicative
Finnish English
Finnish: en puhunut 'I did not speak'
Finnish: et puhunut 'you did not speak'
Finnish: ei puhunut '(s/he) did not speak'
Finnish: emme puhuneet 'we did not speak'
Finnish: ette puhuneet 'you did not speak'
Finnish: eivät puhuneet 'they did not speak'

Note one exception: when the 'te' 2nd-person plural form is used in an honorific way to address one person, the singular form of the participle is used: Finnish: te ette puhunut = 'you (polite) did not speak'.

Imperfect passive

The negative is formed from the third-person singular negative verb – 'ei' – and the nominative singular form of the passive present participle (compare this with the negative of the imperfect indicative):

+ Imperfect passive
Finnish English
Finnish: ei puhuttu 'it was not spoken'
Finnish: ei tiedetty 'it was not known'

Note that in the spoken language, this form is used for the first-person plural. In this case, the personal pronoun is obligatory:


A very common way of forming adverbs is by adding the ending Finnish: -sti to the inflecting form of the corresponding adjective:

+ Adverbs
Finnish English
Finnish: nopea, nopea'''sti''' 'quick, quickly'
Finnish: kaunis, kaunii'''sti''' 'beautiful, beautifully'
Finnish: hidas, hitaa'''sti''' 'slow, slowly'
Finnish: helppo, helpo'''sti''' 'easy, easily'

Adverbs modify verbs, not nouns, therefore they do not inflect. Finnish: -sti adverbs are not used to modify adjectives (such as to express degree) like Finnish: -ly adverbs might be in English; the genitive of adjectives is used for this purpose.

Comparative formation

The comparative form of the adverb has the ending Finnish: -mmin.

+ Comparative formation
Finnish English
Finnish: nopea, nopea'''sti''', nopea'''mmin''' 'quick, quickly, more quickly/faster'
Finnish: kaunis, kauni'''isti''', kauni'''immin''' 'beautiful, beautifully, more beautifully'
Finnish: hidas, hita'''asti''', hita'''ammin''' 'slow, slowly, more slowly'
Finnish: helppo, helpo'''sti''', helpo'''mmin''' 'easy, easily, more easily'

Superlative formation

The superlative form of the adverb has the ending Finnish: -immin.

+ Superlative formation
Finnish English
Finnish: helppo, helposti, helpommin, helpoimmin 'easy, easily, more easily, most easily'

Because of the Finnish: -i-, the stem vowel can change, similarly to superlative adjectives, or to avoid runs of three vowels:

Finnish English
Finnish: nopea, nopeasti, nopeammin, nopeimmin 'quick, quickly, more quickly/faster, fastest'
Finnish: kaunis, kauniisti, kauniimmin, kauneimmin 'beautiful, beautifully, more beautifully, most beautifully'
Finnish: hidas, hitaasti, hitaammin, hitaimmin 'slow, slowly, more slowly, most slowly'

Irregular forms

There are a number of irregular adverbs, including:

+ Irregular forms
Finnish English
Finnish: hyvä, hyvin, paremmin, parhaiten 'good, well, better, best'


See main article: Finnish numerals.

The ordinary counting numbers (cardinals) from 0 to 10 are given in the table below. Cardinal numbers may be inflected and some of the inflected forms are irregular in form.

Cardinal numbers and key inflected forms
Number Illative
0 Finnish: nolla Finnish: nollan Finnish: nollaa Finnish: nollaan
1 Finnish: yksi Finnish: yhden Finnish: yhtä Finnish: yhteen
2 Finnish: kaksi Finnish: kahden Finnish: kahta Finnish: kahteen
3 Finnish: kolme Finnish: kolmen Finnish: kolmea Finnish: kolmeen
4 Finnish: neljä Finnish: neljän Finnish: neljää Finnish: neljään
5 Finnish: viisi Finnish: viiden Finnish: viittä Finnish: viiteen
6 Finnish: kuusi Finnish: kuuden Finnish: kuutta Finnish: kuuteen
7 Finnish: seitsemän Finnish: seitsemän Finnish: seitsemää (*) Finnish: seitsemään
8 Finnish: kahdeksan Finnish: kahdeksan Finnish: kahdeksaa Finnish: kahdeksaan
9 Finnish: yhdeksän Finnish: yhdeksän Finnish: yhdeksää Finnish: yhdeksään
10 Finnish: kymmenen Finnish: kymmenen Finnish: kymmentä Finnish: kymmeneen

(*) sometimes Finnish: seitsentä (alternative form)

In colloquial spoken Finnish, the numerals usually appear in contracted forms.

To form teens, Finnish: toista is added to the base number. Finnish: Toista is the partitive form of Finnish: toinen, meaning here "second group of ten". Hyphens are written here to separate morphemes. In Finnish text, hyphens are not written.

  • Finnish: yksi-toista, Finnish: kaksi-toista, ... Finnish: yhdeksän-toista

"one of the second, two of the second, ... nine of the second"

11, 12, ... 19In older Finnish, until about the early 20th Century, the same pattern was used up to one hundred: Finnish: kolmeneljättä 'thirty-three'.

Sentence structure

Word order

Since Finnish is an inflected language, word order within sentences can be much freer than, for example, English. In English the strong subject–verb–object order typically indicates the function of a noun as either subject or object although some English structures allow this to be reversed. In Finnish sentences, however, the role of the noun is determined not by word order or sentence structure as in English but by case markings which indicate subject and object.

The most usual neutral order, however, is subject–verb–object. But usually what the speaker or writer is talking about is at the head of the sentence.

Finnish EnglishNote
Finnish: koira puri miestä 'the dog bit the man' we are talking of the dog and what it did
Finnish: miestä puri koira 'the man was bitten by a/the dog' we are talking about the man and what it was that bit him, e.g. not a snake
Finnish: koira miestä puri 'it was a dog that bit the man' we are confirming that it was a/the dog that bit the man, not some other animal

Here Finnish: koira ('dog') is in the nominative form but Finnish: mies ('man') is marked as object by the case marked form Finnish: miestä. This sentence is a bald statement of fact. Changing the word order changes the emphasis slightly but not the fundamental meaning of the sentence.

Finnish English Note
Finnish: minulla on rahaa 'I have money' a bald statement of fact
Finnish: rahaa minulla on 'money is something I do have' although I may not have something else
Finnish: rahaa on minulla 'The money is with me' I am telling you where the money is
Finnish: minulla rahaa on 'I've definitely got (the) money' I am confirming that I do have (the) money
Finnish: on minulla rahaa 'Yes, I do have (the) money' if having money has been questioned

Finnish: Minulla here is the word Finnish: minä (I) in a case form ending Finnish: -lla which when used with the verb Finnish: olla (to be, expressed here in the form Finnish: on) expresses ownership. This is because Finnish does not have a verb form equivalent of the English word 'have'. Finnish: Minulla is not considered the subject.

And finally, a classic example:

Finnish Translation
Finnish: minä olen valtio 'I am the state' (matter-of-fact)
Finnish: valtio olen minä 'French: L'État, c'est moi' (French – attributed to Louis XIV)

Besides the word-order implications of turning a sentence into a question, there are some other circumstances where word-order is important:

Existential sentences

These are sentences which introduce a new subject – they often begin with 'there is' or 'there are' in English.

The location of the thing whose existence is being stated comes first, followed by its stative verb, followed by the thing itself. Note how this is unlike the normal English equivalent, though English can also use the same order:

Forming questions

There are two main ways of forming a question – either using a specific question word, or by adding a Finnish: -ko/-kö suffix to one of the words in a sentence. A question word is placed first in the sentence, and a word with the interrogative suffix is also moved to this position:

+ Interrogatives (questions)
Finnish English
Finnish: mikä tämä on? 'what is this?'
Finnish: tämä on kirja 'this is a book'
Finnish: onko tämä kirja? 'is this a book?'|-| Finnish: tämäkö on kirja? || 'is this a book?'|-| Finnish: kirjako tämä on? || 'is this a book?'|-| Finnish: eikö tämä ole kirja? || 'is this not a book?'
(note the Finnish: -kö goes on the negative verb)|}

Forming answers

The response to a question will of course depend on the situation, but grammatically the response to a question typically follows the grammatical structure in the question. Thus a question structured in the inessive case (e.g. Finnish: missä kaupungissa asut? 'in which town do you live?') will have an answer that is also in the inessive (e.g. Finnish: Espoossa 'in Espoo') unless special rules dictate otherwise. Questions which in English would be answered with 'yes' or 'no' replies are usually responded to by repeating the verb in either the affirmative or negative.

+ Interrogatives (questions)
Finnish English
Finnish: mihin päin ne lähtee? 'which way are they headed?'
Finnish: Helsinkiin 'towards Helsinki'
Finnish: onko sinulla avain? 'have you got the key?'
Finnish: on/Finnish: ei ole 'yes'/'no' ('is'/'is not' in possession)
Finnish: menettekö leffaan? 'are you guys going to the movies?'
Finnish: menemme/Finnish: emme mene 'yes'/'no' ('we are going'/'we are not going')
Finnish: aiotko lähteä ilman pipoa? 'Are you intending to go off without a hat?'
Finnish: aion 'Yes' ('I intend')

The words Finnish: kyllä and Finnish: ei are often shown in dictionaries as being equivalent to 'yes' and 'no', but the situation is a little more complicated than that. The typical response to a question which in English is answered 'yes' or 'no' is, as we see above, more usually answered by repeating the verb in either an affirmative or negative form in the appropriate person. The word 'kyllä' is rather a strong affirmation in response to a question and is similar to the word 'niin' which is an affirmation of a response to a statement of fact or belief. (However, in conversations, Finnish: niin may even simply mean that the sentence was heard, not expressing any sort of concurrence. The same problem occurs with the colloquial Finnish: joo "yeah".)

+ Kyllä and Niin
Finnish English
Finnish: aiotko lähteä ilman pipoa? (question)'Are you intending to go off without a hat?'
Finnish: kyllä 'Yes, I sure am' (Strong affirmation. I really do intend to go bareheaded)
Finnish: on hölmöä lähteä ulos talviaikana ilman pipoa (statement) 'it is foolish to go out in wintertime without a hat'
Finnish: niin 'Yes indeed' (I agree with your statement)

The word Finnish: ei is the negative verb form and has to be inflected for person and the verb itself is usually present, though not always.

Finnish: osaatko sinä saksaa? 'can you (speak) German?'

Finnish: en ('no'; 'I don't')or better

Finnish: en osaa ('I can't')

See also

Further reading

  • Book: Karlsson, Fred . 2018 . Finnish: A Comprehensive Grammar . London and New York . Routledge . 978-1-138-82104-0.


Notes and References

  1. Book: Haspelmath, Martin Dryer, Matthew S Gil, David Comrie, Bernard Bickel, Balthasar Nichols, Johanna. Fusion of selected inflectional formatives. 2005. Oxford University Press. 945596278.
  2. Web site: Tiililä . Ulla . 18 May 2011 . Hyvä paha passiivi: näkökulmia . 29 December 2017 . fi .
  3. Web site: Miten passiivia käytetään? . dead . . 2012-03-01 . 2013-01-24 . Kotimaisten kielten keskus . fi.