Finnish Education Evaluation Centre Explained

Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC)
Type:Evaluation of education
Founded:2014/05/01 in Helsinki, Finland
Hq Location City:Helsinki
Num Employees:50

The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) is an independent government agency that evaluates education in Finland and the work of Finnish education providers from early childhood education to higher education. It also produces information for education policy decision-making and the development of education. FINEEC carries out audits of quality systems, evaluations of learning outcomes (in basic education and upper secondary education), and thematic and system evaluations. FINEEC also supports education providers and higher education institutions in matters pertaining to evaluation and quality management and also works to develop the evaluation of education.[1] [2] The tasks and organisation of FINEEC are specified in legislation.[3]


FINEEC began operating in May 2014 when the evaluation activities of the Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council, the Finnish Education Evaluation Council and the Finnish National Board of Education were combined.

It has been proposed that the Matriculation Examination Board and FINEEC should be incorporated into the new Finnish National Agency for Education in 2018. The two would nevertheless continue to operate as independent bodies.[4]


FINEEC comprises the Evaluation Council, the Higher Education Evaluation Committee and three competence units: the General Education and Early Childhood Education Unit, the Vocational Education Unit, and the Higher Education and Liberal Adult Education Unit. FINEEC has a staff of about 50, with offices in Helsinki and Jyväskylä.[5]


FINEEC implements system and thematic evaluations, learning outcome evaluations and field-specific evaluations.

Examples of evaluations carried out by FINEEC at different educational levels:

FINEEC is responsible for the evaluation of education provided by universities and universities of applied sciences in Finland. The three key evaluation types are the audits of higher education institutions' quality systems, thematic evaluations of the education system and accreditations of engineering degree programmes. Higher education institutions passing the audits carried out by FINEEC receive a quality label, which shows that the quality system used in the organisation in question is in accordance with European principles and recommendations, and that it also meets the national criteria for quality management in higher education institutions.[17] The quality label is valid for six years.[18]


  1. Web site: FINEEC - FINEEC.
  2. Web site: University of Tampere - The Quality Assurance of Finnish Higher Education.
  3. Web site: FINEEC - Act on the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre.
  4. Web site: Yle - Opetushallitus ja CIMO yhdistyvät uudeksi virastoksi (In Finnish).
  5. Web site: FINEEC - Contact.
  6. Web site: Karjalainen - 9-luokkalaiset pojat tekivät heikkoja kesätyöhakemuksia - tytöt vahvoilla (In Finnish).
  7. Web site: Helsingin Sanomat - Selvitys: Suomi luistaa ysiluokkalaisilta toisena kielenä – kaikilla kielitaito ei riitä kuitenkaan lukioon (In Finnish).
  8. Web site: FINEEC - Finnish as a second language syllabus learning outcomes in the 9th grade of basic education in 2015.
  9. Web site: Helsingin Sanomat - Ysiluokkalaisten matematiikan osaaminen ei enää heikentynyt – moni ei silti osaa laskea, mitä maksaa 30 prosentin alennuksessa oleva paita (In Finnish).
  10. Web site: Yle - Study: Two-thirds of ninth graders unable to calculate percentages.
  11. Web site: Helsingin Sanomat - Tyttöjen ja poikien erot kotitaloustaidoissa ovat suuret (In Finnish).
  12. Web site: Keskisuomalainen - Lukion matematiikan arvosanoista paljastui hurjaa heittelyä: Arvosana 5 voi olla toisessa lukiossa 9 (In Finnish).
  13. Web site: Turun Sanomat - Datanomit osaavat, mutta työllisyystilanne on heikentynyt (In Finnish). 2017-08-03. 2017-08-03. live.
  14. Web site: FINEEC - Vocational competence in the Vocational Qualification in Information and Communications Technology.
  15. Web site: Karjalainen - Suomessa valmistuu osaavia ompelijoita - vain työpaikat puuttuvat (In Finnish). 2017-08-03. 2017-08-04. dead.
  16. Web site: Turun Sanomat - Selvitys: Ammatillisen koulutuksen laadunhallinta toimii (In Finnish). 2017-08-03. 2017-08-03. live.
  17. Web site: FINEEC - Higher education.
  18. Web site: FINEEC - Audit register.

External links