Finding Happiness Explained

Author:Christopher Jamison
Pub Date:2008
Publisher:Orion Publishing Co

Finding Happiness: Monastic Steps For A Fulfilling Life is a 2008 book by Christopher Jamison.[1] In the book Jamison discusses the modern error of equating external pleasures with happiness and argues that the interior world is the true source of happiness.[2] Jamison challenges the reader to step back and be more contemplative, and to be still and look inwards.[3] The teachings which Jamison presents are "based on those of the fourth-century desert fathers, founded by St Anthony and honed into shape by St Benedict, father of western monasticism".[4]

Christopher Jamison is Abbot of Worth, a Benedictine abbey in West Sussex, who became well known through the BBC TV series The Monastery.[2]


  1. [Christopher Jamison]
  2. [Ruth Gledhill]
  3. Christopher Jamison (2008). Finding Happiness: Monastic Steps For A Fulfilling Life, Orion Publishing Co, pp. 38-39.
  4. Sue Arnold. Finding Happiness The Guardian, 8 November 2008.