55th Texas Legislature explained

The 55th Texas Legislature met from January 8, 1957, to May 23, 1957, and in two special sessions in November - December of that same year. All members present during this session were elected in the 1956 general elections.


Regular Session: January 8, 1957 - May 23, 1957

1st Called Session: October 14, 1957 - November 12, 1957

2nd Called Session: November 13, 1957 - December 3, 1957

Party summary




Searcy Bracewell (D), William T. "Bill" Moore (D) and Jep S. Fuller (D)




Dist. 1

Dist. 2

Dist. 3

Dist. 4

Dist. 5

Dist. 6

Dist. 7

Dist. 8

Dist. 9

Dist. 10

Dist. 11

Dist. 12

Dist. 13

Dist. 14

Dist. 15

Dist. 16

Dist. 17

Dist. 18

Dist. 19

Dist. 20

Dist. 21

Dist. 22

Dist. 23

Dist. 24

Dist. 25

Dist. 26

Dist. 27

Dist. 28

Dist. 29

Dist. 30

Dist. 31


The House was composed of 150 Democrats.

House members included future federal judge Barefoot Sanders and future Congressmen Kika de la Garza and Joe Pool, as well as future Lieutenant Governor Bob Bullock, future Texas Attorney General Waggoner Carr, and future Land Commissioner Jerry Sadler.
