Ponta Preta Lighthouse Explained

Ponta Preta Lighthouse
Farol da Ponte Preta
Cape Verde
Coordinates:15.2929°N -23.7712°W
Foundation:masonry base
Construction:metal post
Shape:post light atop a pyramidal base
Marking:white post and base
Height:6m (20feet)
Focalheight:34m (112feet)
Characteristic:Fl (3) W 12s.
Country:Cape Verde

Farol da Ponta Preta (the Ponta Preta Lighthouse) is a lighthouse on the northwesternmost part of the island of Santiago, Cape Verde. It stands on the headland Ponta Preta, 3 km northwest of the city Tarrafal. The lighthouse was constructed in 1889. Its lantern stands on a white column with a pyramidal base, in front of a small one storey building. The lighthouse was depicted on a Cape Verdean stamp in 2004.[1]

See also

Notes and References

  1. http://www.lighthousestampsociety.org/webstamps/CV_092004.jpg Photo of a Cape Verdean stamp at the Lighthouse Stamp Society.