Farnesina Experimenta Art Collection Explained

The Farnesina Art Collection (Italian: Collezione Farnesina)[1] is a contemporary Italian art collection exhibited at the Palazzo della Farnesina, the seat of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome, Italy. [2]

The collection

The collection was first created to document in an anthological manner the production of the recent generations of artists and the tendencies of contemporary Italian art,[3] in order to support and promote the artistic culture of Italy in the world.[4]

The Farnesina Experimenta augments the collection of contemporary works of art of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, amplifying the historical Farnesina Collection of Italian art of the 20th century.[5]

The works have been chosen by a scientific committee directed by Maurizio Calvesi and composed of Lorenzo Canova, Marco Meneguzzo and Marisa Vescovo. The works are chosen with the purpose of documenting the different artistic currents present in Italy from the 1990s to 2000.

The works and the artists

The collection, documented by a bilingual catalogue (Italian and English), consists of eighty works by an equal number of artists, according to a principal of anthological representation of the varied and multiform panorama of contemporary Italian art.[6] [7]

The 80 artists [3] of the Farnesina Experimenta, who come from all over Italy, are:

The exhibitions

With the aim of promoting and supporting the most promising emerging artistic talents, the Farnesina Experimenta Art Collection was presented to the public on 5 July 2008[8] at an extraordinary opening of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in accordance with the formula Open Doors at the Farnesina.[9]

In order to valorize Italian creativity and make it known internationally, Experimenta will be exhibited in Athens, Istanbul and Moscow during the year 2009, and in Berlin, Beijing, Shanghai, Sydney and São Paulo in 2010.[4]


Maurizio Calvesi, Lorenzo Canova, Marisa Vescovo, Marco Meneguzzo. Collezione Farnesina Experimenta. Rome, Gangemi Editori, 2008. .[7]

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. https://collezionefarnesina.esteri.it/ Collezione Farnesina
  2. https://collezionefarnesina.esteri.it/ Collezione Farnesina
  3. Collezione Farnesina Experimenta «Art a part of culture». 5 July 2008. URL retrieved 21 may 2009.
  4. Experimenta, il meglio dell’arte italiana alla Farnesina «Cultura Italia», on Italian Minister for Cultural Assets and Activities website. 4 July 2008. URL retrieved 21 may 2009.
  5. http://www.esteri.it/MAE/EN/Ministero/Farnesina/Collezione_Arte.htm The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Collection of Contemporary Italian Art
  6. Maurizio Calvesi, Lorenzo Canova, Marisa Vescovo, Marco Meneguzzo. Collezione Farnesina Experimenta. Roma, Gangemi Editori, 2008. .
  7. http://opac.sbn.it/opacsbn/opaclib;jsessionid=585361B77BD94BF49AFFAE1B0DA0E3C7.ha3?db=iccu&select_db=iccu&nentries=1&from=1&searchForm=opac/iccu/error.jsp&resultForward=opac/iccu/full.jsp&do=search_show_cmd&rpnlabel=+Any+head+%3D+collezione+farnesina+&rpnquery=%40attrset+bib-1++%40attr+1%3D1016+%40attr+4%3D2+%22collezione+farnesina%22&totalResult=5&fname=none&brief=brief Full record
  8. http://www.esteri.it/MAE/EN/Sala_Stampa/ArchivioNotizie/Approfondimenti/2008/06/20080626_FarnesinaArte.htm?LANG=EN 5 July 2008: Art at the Foreign Ministry
  9. http://www.esteri.it/MAE/EN/Politica_Estera/Cultura/GrandiEventi/CollezioneFarnesina/FarnesinaPorteAperte.htm Open Doors at the Foreign Ministry