Facial age estimation is the use of artificial intelligence to estimate the age of a person based on their facial features. Computer vision techniques are used to analyse the facial features in the images of millions of people whose age is known and then deep learning is used to create an algorithm that tries to predict the age of an unknown person.[1] The key use of the technology is to prevent access to age-restricted services. Examples include restricting children from accessing Internet pornography,[2] checking that they meet a mandatory minimum age when registering for an account on social media, or preventing adults from accessing websites, online chat or games designed only for use by children.
The technology is distinct from facial recognition systems as the software does not attempt to uniquely identify the individual.[3]
Researchers have applied neural networks for age estimation since at least 2010.[4]
An ongoing study by the National Institute of Standards and Technology entitled 'Face Analysis Technology Evaluation' seeks to establish the technical performance of prototype age estimation algorithms submitted by academic teams and software vendors including Brno University of Technology, Czech Technology University, Dermalog, Idemia, Incode Technologies Inc, Jumio, Nominder, Rank One Computing, Unissey and Yoti.[5]
Commercial users of facial age estimation include Instagram and OnlyFans.[6]
In the UK, several supermarket chains have taken part in Home Office trials of the technology to automate the checking of a customer's age when buying age-restricted goods such as alcohol.[7] [8]