For sale by owner (FSBO) is the process of selling real estate without the representation of a broker or agent. This is where the homeowner sells directly to a new homeowner. Homeowners may still employ the services of marketing, online listing companies, but can also market their own property.
Typically, they represent themselves with the help of a lawyer or solicitor throughout the sale. As in most areas, there are detailed legal requirements pertaining to sellers and disclosures they must make.[1] [2]
Some options available to the FSBO seller include:
For Sale By Owner (FSBO) refers to the process of selling a home without using a real estate agent. Historically, FSBO transactions accounted for a larger share of the U.S. real estate market, peaking at 20% in 1987[5] . However, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), FSBO transactions made up only 7% of all home sales in 2023, marking a continued decline[6] . This trend is attributed to the increasing complexity of real estate transactions and the advantages offered by professional agents, such as wider market exposure and negotiation expertise.
Despite the decline, FSBO remains popular in specific circumstances. Approximately 57% of FSBO sellers personally know their buyer, often selling to friends, family, or neighbors. FSBO homes are also more common in rural areas, where they account for 14% of sales, compared to just 3% in urban regions. While FSBO homes typically sell faster—67% close within two weeks—they tend to sell for less, with a median sale price of $310,000 compared to $405,000 for agent-assisted homes in 2023.
The role of flat-fee Multiple Listing Services (MLS) has blurred the lines between FSBO and traditional agent-assisted sales. Flat-fee MLS services, which allow homeowners to list their properties on the MLS without hiring a full-service agent, now account for 10% of all real estate transactions. This has led some critics to suggest that the true share of FSBO sales may be higher than reported by the NAR. Popular platforms for FSBO listings include Zillow,, Facebook Marketplace, and OfferMarket.
Separate reports from the Canadian Real Estate Association and CTV Consumer Reports state that between 20% and 25% of homes in Canada are not sold through brokers each year (as of 2004).[7] MSN Money suggested in 2009 that 30% of homes are sold without using a real estate agent.[8] In that same year, more than half of the homes sold in Quebec were sold without an agent.[9]
In the UK, the average commission rate is significantly lower than in Canada or the US, meaning that FSBO is less common.[10] By law, all sales of property must be supervised and handled by an independent solicitor, who acts as a mediator and holds the buyer's money until the purchase is complete.[11]
In Australia, FSBO is still relatively niche market. As of 2014, privately sold houses in Canberra spent about 34 days on the market, according to RP Data – the second shortest period in the country. Canberra houses sold by private treaty spent the same time on the market as those in Melbourne; a week longer than Sydney, where houses are on the market for an average of 27 days. Privately sold units in Canberra spend an average of 54 days on the market, third only to Sydney (23 days) and Melbourne (37 days) when compared with other capital cities.[12]