Desert Rock exercises explained

Desert Rock was the code name of a series of exercises conducted by the US military in conjunction with atmospheric nuclear tests. They were carried out at the Nevada Proving Grounds between 1951 and 1957.

Their purpose was to train troops and gain knowledge of military maneuvers and operations on the nuclear battlefield. They included observer programs, tactical maneuvers, and damage effects tests.

Camp Desert Rock was established in 1951, 1.5sp=usNaNsp=us south of Camp Mercury. The site was used to billet troops and stage equipment. The camp was discontinued as an Army installation in 1964.


ExerciseNuclear Test SeriesDateTotal DoD ParticipantsTactical Maneuver Personnel
Desert Rock I, II, III[1] Operation Buster–Jangle22 Oct. - 22 Nov. 195111,0006,500
Desert Rock IV[2] Operation Tumbler–Snapper1 Apr. - 5 Jun. 195211,7007,400
Desert Rock V[3] Operation Upshot–Knothole17 Mar. - 4 Jun. 195320,100
Desert Rock VI[4] Operation Teapot18 Feb. - 15 May 195511,7008,000
Desert Rock VII, VIII[5] Operation Plumbbob24 Apr. - 7 Oct. 195714,000

Desert Rock I, II, III

Observer programs were conducted at shots Dog, Sugar, and Uncle. Tactical maneuvers were conducted after shot Dog. Damage effects tests were conducted at shots Dog, Sugar, and Uncle to determine the effects of a nuclear detonation on military equipment and field fortifications.

Desert Rock IV

Observer programs were conducted at shots Charlie, Dog, Fox, and George. Tactical maneuvers were conducted after shots Charlie, Dog, and George. Psychological tests were conducted at shots Charlie, Fox, and George to determine the troops' reactions to witnessing a nuclear detonation.

Desert Rock V

Observer programs were conducted at shots Annie, Badger, Encore, and Grable. Exercise Desert Rock V included troop orientation and training, a volunteer officer observer program, tactical troop maneuvers, operational helicopter tests, and damage effects evaluation.

Desert Rock VI

Observer programs were conducted at shots Wasp, Moth, Tesla, Turk, Bee, Ess, Apple 1, and Apple 2. Tactical maneuvers were conducted after shots Bee and Apple 2. Technical studies were conducted at shots Wasp, Moth,Tesla, Turk, Bee, Ess, Apple 1, Wasp Prime, Met, and Apple 2.

A test of an armored task force, RAZOR, was conducted at shot Apple 2 to demonstrate the capability of a reinforced tank battalion to seize an objective immediately after a nuclear detonation.

Desert Rock VII, VIII

Tactical maneuvers were conducted after shots Hood, Smoky, and Galileo. At shot Hood, the Marine Corps conducted a maneuver involving the use of a helicopter airlift and tactical air support. At shot Smoky, Army troops conducted an airlift assault, and at shot Galileo, Army troops were tested to determine their psychological reactions to witnessing a nuclear detonation.

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Operation BUSTER-JANGLE Fact Sheet
  2. Operation TUMBLER-SNAPPER Fact Sheet
  3. Operation UPSHOT-KNOTHOLE Fact Sheet
  4. Operation TEAPOT Fact Sheet
  5. Operation PLUMBBOB Fact Sheet