European Universities Tennis Championships Explained

European Universities Tennis Championships were the first organised in 2004 and have been organised annually since. They are coordinated by the European University Sports Association along with the 18 other sports on the program of the European universities championships.


Overview of European Universities Tennis Championships
scope=col Locationscope=col Nb of countriesscope=col Nb of teamsscope=col Nb of participantsscope=col colspan="3"Menscope=col colspan="3"Women
scope=row WinnerFinalist Bronze MedallistWinnerFinalist Bronze Medallist
scope=row 2004 Touques
6 14University of Rouen
Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble
University of Cologne
Russian State University of Physical Education,Sports and Tourism
Paul Verlaine University Metz
Pierre Mendès University, Grenoble
scope=row 2005 Rouen
8 17 45 University of Moscow Sad
University of Cologne
London Metropolitan University
University of Paris
University of Warsaw
University of Grenoble
scope=row 2006 Eindhoven
13 27 94 London Metropolitan University
Eindhoven University of Technology
University of Fribourg
Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics
ETH Zürich
Academy of Physical Education of Warsaw
scope=row 2007 Moscow
13 30 109Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism
Stockholm School of Economics
London Metropolitan University
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism
Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics
London Metropolitan University
scope=row 2008 Dublin
11 27 88 London Metropolitan University
Moscow State University
Stockholm School of Economics
London Metropolitan University
University of Münster
Warsaw University of Technology
scope=row 2009 Poznań
10 22 66 University of Rouen II
Warsaw School of Social Psychology
University of Rouen I
Technical University of Ostrava
Moscow University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics
University of Valencia
scope=row 2010 Coimbra
1634 122 Kozminski University, Warsow
University of Zagreb
University of Stockholm
University of Leonard de Vinci
MESI Moscow
University of Zagreb
scope=row 2011 St. Gallen
12 23 90 University of Poitiers
Moscow MESI
Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań
Moscow MESI
University School of Physical Education in Wrocław
Kozminski University
scope=row 2012 EUG, Córdoba
16 31 University of Rouen
University of Poitiers
University of Sterling
Moscow MESI
PRES Clermont University
Kozminski University
scope=row 2013 Bar
14 23 Moscow MESI
University Joseph Fourier of Grenoble
University of Sterling
Moscow MESI
University Paris Dauphine
University of Montenegro
scope=row 2014 EUG, Rotterdam
15 27 121 Istanbul Aydın University
Kozminski University
Moscow MESI
University of Bordeaux
Moscow MESI
University of Split
scope=row 2015 Wrocław
scope=row 2016 EUG, Zagreb & Rijeka
scope=row 2017 Madrid
scope=row 2018 EUG,Coimbra

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