European Universities Basketball Championships Explained

The European Universities Basketball Championships were the first championships, along with the European Universities Volleyball Championships, to be included on the EUSA Sports Program. Organised annually since 2001, the European Universities Basketball Championships are coordinated by the European University Sports Association, along with the 18 other sports on the program of the European Universities Championships.


Overview of European Universities Basketball Championships
scope=col Locationscope=col Nb of countriesscope=col Nb of teamsscope=col Nb of participantsscope=col colspan="3"Menscope=col colspan="3"Women
scope=row WinnerFinalist Bronze MedalistWinnerFinalist Bronze Medalist
scope=row 2001 Aveiro
6 8 University of Maribor
Technical University of Lisbon
University of Oxford
University of Novi Sad
Lille University
Aveiro University
scope=row 2002 Koper
12 22 University of Athens
University of Primorska I
University of Maribor
University of Novi Sad
University of Ljubljana
Zaporizhzhia Institute of State and Municipal
scope=row 2003 Novi Sad
13 19 University of Belgrade
University of Zagreb
University of Athens
University of Novi Sad
Zaporizhzhia Institute of State and Municipal
University of Athens
scope=row 2004 Mulhouse
19 11 University of Ljubljana
Frederick Institute of Technology
Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse
University of Ljubljana
State Vocational School of Higher Education Gorzów Wielkopolski
University of Cologne
scope=row 2005 Gorzów Wielkopolski
12 20 Bahçeşehir University
University of Niš
Technical University of Częstochowa
University of Ljubljana
State Vocational School of Higher Education Gorzów Wielkopolski
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
scope=row 2006 Guimaraes
13 28 389 University of Vytatutas Magnus
University of Ljubljana
University of Šiauliai
State Vocational School of Higher Education Gorzów Wielkopolski
University of Córdoba
University of Ljubljana
scope=row 2007 Geneva
15 24 320Vytautas Magnus University
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
University of Kragujevac
State Vocational School of Higher Education Gorzów Wielkopolski
University of Ljubljana
University of Amsterdam
scope=row 2008 Novi Sad
16 31 417 Vytautas Magnus University
University of Belgrade
Frederick University
Russian State Agricultural University
Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań
University of Belgrade
scope=row 2009 Heraklion
16 27 371 University of Ljubljana
Engecon Cherepovets
Bahçeşehir University
Russian State Agricultural University
University of Amsterdam
Cologne University
scope=row 2010 Poznań
1527 386 Vytautas Magnus University
University of Pushkin
University of Bologna
University of Belgrade
Istanbul University
Russian State Agricultural University
scope=row 2011 Córdoba
12 30 406 Vytautas Magnus University
Leningrad State University
Fatih University
Russian State Agricultural University
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
University of Mainz
scope=row EUG Córdoba
15 28 371 Vytautas Magnus University
University of Split
Poznań University of Technology
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
University of Belgrade
Lithuanian Academia of Physical Education
scope=row 2013 Split
14 28 University of Split
University of Fatih
University of Belgrade
University of Belgrade
University of Bochum
University of Split
scope=row EUG, Rotterdam
14 24 333 Mykolas Romeris University
Fatih University
University of Nis
University of Strasbourg
University of Geneva
University of Bochum
scope=row 2015 Koper
scope=row EUG, Zagreb & Rijeka
scope=row 2017 Miskolc

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