A number of units of measurement were used in Estonia to measure length, mass, area, capacity, etc.
Several units were used in Estonia. These units were Russian and local units.[1]
Several units were used in Estonia to measure length. One archine (Russian) was equal to 0.7112 m.[1] [2]
1 elle (Kuunar) = 0.75 archine
1 Foute = 3/7 archine
1 faden = 3 archine.
A number of units were used in Estonia to measure mass. One pfund was equal to 430 g (0.430 kg).[1] Some other units are provided below:[1] [2]
1 quent = 1/128 pfund
1 loth = 1/32 pfund
1 liespfund = 20 pfund
1 centner = 120 pfund
1 tonne = 240 pfund
1 schiffspfund = 400 pfund.
Several units were used in Estonia to measure area.
Some of Reval units are given below:[1] [2]
1 lofstelle = 1855 m2
1 tonnland = 5462.7 m2.
Some of the Livonian units are given below:[1] [2]
1 lofstelle = 3710 m2 (accuracy is up to 3 digits)
1 tonnaland = 5194 m2.
A number of units were used to measure capacity. 1 hulmit was equal to 11.48 L.[1] [2]
One lof (Reval) was equal to 3 hulmit.[1] [2]
One lof (Livonian) was equal to 6 hulmit.[1] One tonne (Livonian) was equal to 12 hulmit.[1] [2]