Estavayer Explained

Subject Name:Estavayer
Municipality Type:municipality
Coordinates:46.8333°N 56°W
Postal Code:1470
Municipality Code:2054
Lowest M:429
Lowest:Lake Neuchâtel
Populationof:Dec 2015
Mayor:André Losey
Neighboring Municipalities:Les Montets, Cheyres, Payerne (VD), Gorgier (NE), Lully, Saint-Aubin-Sauges (NE), Sévaz, Vaumarcus (NE), Grandcour (VD), Châbles, Chavannes-le-Chêne (VD)

Estavayer (pronounced as /fr/) is a municipality of the canton of Fribourg, situated on the south shore of Lake Neuchâtel. Estavayer is located between Yverdon and Bern. It is the capital of the district of Broye. It was created on 1 January 2017 when the former municipalities of Bussy, Estavayer-le-Lac, Morens, Murist, Rueyres-les-Prés, Vernay and Vuissens merged to form Estavayer.[1]



Bussy is first mentioned in 1142 as Bussey.


Morens is first mentioned in 1216 as Morens.


Murist is first mentioned in 1228 as Muris.


Rueyres-les-Prés is first mentioned in 1288 as en Ruere.


Vernay was created on 1 January 2006 from the merger of the municipalities of Autavaux, Forel and Montbrelloz.[2]


Estavayer has an area,, of .


The new municipality has a population of .

Historic Population

The historical population is given in the following chart:[3] Colors= id:lightgrey value:gray(0.9) id:darkgrey value:gray(0.8)ImageSize = width:1100 height:900PlotArea = height:750 left:100 bottom:90 right:100Legend = columns:3 left:220 top:70 columnwidth:160AlignBars = justifyDateFormat = x.yPeriod = from:0 till:6500TimeAxis = orientation:verticalAlignBars = justifyScaleMajor = gridcolor:darkgrey increment:1000 start:0ScaleMinor = gridcolor:lightgrey increment:200 start:0Colors= id:BU value:yellowgreen legend:Bussy id:ES value:green legend:Estavayer-le-Lac id:MO value:blue legend:Morens id:MU value:red legend:Murist id:RU value:yellow legend:Rueyres-les-Prés id:VU value:orange legend:Vuissens id:AU value:coral legend:Autavaux id:FO value:powderblue legend:Forel id:MO value:purple legend:MontbrellozPlotData= color:yellowgreen width:30 mark:(line,white) align:center bar:1850 from: 0 till:237 text:"237" color:BU bar:1860 from: 0 till:257 text:"257" color:BU bar:1870 from: 0 till:256 text:"256" color:BU bar:1880 from: 0 till:249 text:"249" color:BU bar:1888 from: 0 till:261 text:"261" color:BU bar:1900 from: 0 till:280 text:"280" color:BU bar:1910 from: 0 till:273 text:"273" color:BU bar:1920 from: 0 till:301 text:"301" color:BU bar:1930 from: 0 till:281 text:"281" color:BU bar:1941 from: 0 till:304 text:"304" color:BU bar:1950 from: 0 till:316 text:"316" color:BU bar:1960 from: 0 till:272 text:"272" color:BU bar:1970 from: 0 till:224 text:"224" color:BU bar:1980 from: 0 till:228 text:"228" color:BU bar:1990 from: 0 till:229 text:"229" color:BU bar:2000 from: 0 till:245 text:"245" color:BU bar:1850 from: 237 till:1560 text:"1323" color:ES bar:1860 from: 257 till:1640 text:"1383" color:ES bar:1870 from: 256 till:1669 text:"1413" color:ES bar:1880 from: 249 till:1727 text:"1478" color:ES bar:1888 from: 261 till:1816 text:"1555" color:ES bar:1900 from: 280 till:1916 text:"1636" color:ES bar:1910 from: 273 till:2231 text:"1958" color:ES bar:1920 from: 301 till:2426 text:"2125" color:ES bar:1930 from: 281 till:2302 text:"2021" color:ES bar:1941 from: 304 till:2441 text:"2137" color:ES bar:1950 from: 316 till:2768 text:"2452" color:ES bar:1960 from: 272 till:2855 text:"2583" color:ES bar:1970 from: 224 till:3663 text:"3439" color:ES bar:1980 from: 228 till:3890 text:"3662" color:ES bar:1990 from: 229 till:4037 text:"3808" color:ES bar:2000 from: 245 till:4682 text:"4437" color:ES bar:1850 from: 1560 till:1669 text:"109" color:MO bar:1860 from: 1640 till:1764 text:"124" color:MO bar:1870 from: 1669 till:1806 text:"137" color:MO bar:1880 from: 1727 till:1907 text:"180" color:MO bar:1888 from: 1816 till:1977 text:"161" color:MO bar:1900 from: 1916 till:2064 text:"148" color:MO bar:1910 from: 2231 till:2384 text:"153" color:MO bar:1920 from: 2426 till:2616 text:"190" color:MO bar:1930 from: 2302 till:2471 text:"169" color:MO bar:1941 from: 2441 till:2606 text:"165" color:MO bar:1950 from: 2768 till:2946 text:"178" color:MO bar:1960 from: 2855 till:3013 text:"158" color:MO bar:1970 from: 3663 till:3805 text:"142" color:MO bar:1980 from: 3890 till:4012 text:"122" color:MO bar:1990 from: 4037 till:4160 text:"123" color:MO bar:2000 from: 4682 till:4805 text:"123" color:MO bar:1850 from: 1669 till:2335 text:"666" color:MU bar:1860 from: 1764 till:2460 text:"696" color:MU bar:1870 from: 1806 till:2523 text:"717" color:MU bar:1880 from: 1907 till:2638 text:"731" color:MU bar:1888 from: 1977 till:2703 text:"726" color:MU bar:1900 from: 2064 till:2742 text:"678" color:MU bar:1910 from: 2384 till:3097 text:"713" color:MU bar:1920 from: 2616 till:3292 text:"676" color:MU bar:1930 from: 2471 till:3112 text:"641" color:MU bar:1941 from: 2606 till:3261 text:"655" color:MU bar:1950 from: 2946 till:3551 text:"605" color:MU bar:1960 from: 3013 till:3516 text:"503" color:MU bar:1970 from: 3805 till:4230 text:"425" color:MU bar:1980 from: 4012 till:4387 text:"375" color:MU bar:1990 from: 4160 till:4568 text:"408" color:MU bar:2000 from: 4805 till:5236 text:"431" color:MU bar:1850 from: 2335 till:2504 text:"169" color:RU bar:1860 from: 2460 till:2672 text:"212" color:RU bar:1870 from: 2523 till:2715 text:"192" color:RU bar:1880 from: 2638 till:2816 text:"178" color:RU bar:1888 from: 2703 till:2908 text:"205" color:RU bar:1900 from: 2742 till:2957 text:"215" color:RU bar:1910 from: 3097 till:3309 text:"212" color:RU bar:1920 from: 3292 till:3501 text:"209" color:RU bar:1930 from: 3112 till:3325 text:"213" color:RU bar:1941 from: 3261 till:3438 text:"177" color:RU bar:1950 from: 3551 till:3739 text:"188" color:RU bar:1960 from: 3516 till:3708 text:"192" color:RU bar:1970 from: 4230 till:4409 text:"179" color:RU bar:1980 from: 4387 till:4577 text:"190" color:RU bar:1990 from: 4568 till:4784 text:"216" color:RU bar:2000 from: 5236 till:5471 text:"235" color:RU bar:1850 from: 2504 till:2788 text:"284" color:VU bar:1860 from: 2672 till:2903 text:"231" color:VU bar:1870 from: 2715 till:2958 text:"243" color:VU bar:1880 from: 2816 till:3078 text:"262" color:VU bar:1888 from: 2908 till:3159 text:"251" color:VU bar:1900 from: 2957 till:3204 text:"247" color:VU bar:1910 from: 3309 till:3583 text:"274" color:VU bar:1920 from: 3501 till:3793 text:"292" color:VU bar:1930 from: 3325 till:3577 text:"252" color:VU bar:1941 from: 3438 till:3722 text:"284" color:VU bar:1950 from: 3739 till:4015 text:"276" color:VU bar:1960 from: 3708 till:3925 text:"217" color:VU bar:1970 from: 4409 till:4574 text:"165" color:VU bar:1980 from: 4577 till:4719 text:"142" color:VU bar:1990 from: 4784 till:4941 text:"157" color:VU bar:2000 from: 5471 till:5642 text:"171" color:VU bar:1850 from: 2788 till:2908 text:"120" color:AU bar:1860 from: 2903 till:3032 text:"129" color:AU bar:1870 from: 2958 till:3102 text:"144" color:AU bar:1880 from: 3078 till:3223 text:"145" color:AU bar:1888 from: 3159 till:3317 text:"158" color:AU bar:1900 from: 3204 till:3343 text:"139" color:AU bar:1910 from: 3583 till:3722 text:"139" color:AU bar:1920 from: 3793 till:3940 text:"147" color:AU bar:1930 from: 3577 till:3720 text:"143" color:AU bar:1941 from: 3722 till:3878 text:"156" color:AU bar:1950 from: 4015 till:4151 text:"136" color:AU bar:1960 from: 3925 till:4083 text:"158" color:AU bar:1970 from: 4574 till:4727 text:"153" color:AU bar:1980 from: 4719 till:4844 text:"125" color:AU bar:1990 from: 4941 till:5071 text:"130" color:AU bar:2000 from: 5642 till:5843 text:"201" color:AU bar:1850 from: 2908 till:3063 text:"155" color:FO bar:1860 from: 3032 till:3206 text:"174" color:FO bar:1870 from: 3102 till:3277 text:"175" color:FO bar:1880 from: 3223 till:3403 text:"180" color:FO bar:1888 from: 3317 till:3508 text:"191" color:FO bar:1900 from: 3343 till:3526 text:"183" color:FO bar:1910 from: 3722 till:3901 text:"179" color:FO bar:1920 from: 3940 till:4133 text:"193" color:FO bar:1930 from: 3720 till:3919 text:"199" color:FO bar:1941 from: 3878 till:4070 text:"192" color:FO bar:1950 from: 4151 till:4371 text:"220" color:FO bar:1960 from: 4083 till:4306 text:"223" color:FO bar:1970 from: 4727 till:4941 text:"214" color:FO bar:1980 from: 4844 till:5039 text:"195" color:FO bar:1990 from: 5071 till:5365 text:"294" color:FO bar:2000 from: 5843 till:6182 text:"339" color:FO bar:1850 from: 3063 till:3230 text:"167" color:MO bar:1860 from: 3206 till:3364 text:"158" color:MO bar:1870 from: 3277 till:3432 text:"155" color:MO bar:1880 from: 3403 till:3564 text:"161" color:MO bar:1888 from: 3508 till:3691 text:"183" color:MO bar:1900 from: 3526 till:3687 text:"161" color:MO bar:1910 from: 3901 till:4092 text:"191" color:MO bar:1920 from: 4133 till:4324 text:"191" color:MO bar:1930 from: 3919 till:4083 text:"164" color:MO bar:1941 from: 4070 till:4253 text:"183" color:MO bar:1950 from: 4371 till:4552 text:"181" color:MO bar:1960 from: 4306 till:4466 text:"160" color:MO bar:1970 from: 4941 till:5095 text:"154" color:MO bar:1980 from: 5039 till:5216 text:"177" color:MO bar:1990 from: 5365 till:5569 text:"204" color:MO bar:2000 from: 6182 till:6450 text:"268" color:MO

Heritage sites of national significance

The De Rivaz Chapel, the Sacré-Coeur Chapel, the Chenaux Castle, the Collegiate church of Saint-Laurent, the Convent of the Dominican nuns, the town fortifications, the House de la Dîme and the House des Sires d’Estavayer in Estavayer-le-Lac, the Church of Saint-Maurice in Bussy, the Saint-Pierre Church and the La Molière tower in Murist listed as Swiss heritage site of national significance. The entire town of Estavayer-le-Lac and the villages of Bussy and Vuissens are part of the Inventory of Swiss Heritage Sites. From the 2012 merger of Font into Estavayer-le-Lac, the Gallo-Roman villa at La Vuardaz and the entire Font area (shared between Châbles and Font) were added.[4]


The municipality has a railway station,, on the Fribourg–Yverdon line. It has regular service to and .

Notes and References

  1. Historisiertes Gemeindeverzeichnis der Schweiz
  2. Amtliches Gemeindeverzeichnis der Schweiz
  3. Swiss Federal Statistical Office STAT-TAB Bevölkerungsentwicklung nach institutionellen Gliederungen, 1850-2000
  4. Web site: Kantonsliste A-Objekte . 2009 . KGS Inventar . Federal Office of Civil Protection . German . 25 April 2011 . dead . . 28 June 2010 .